The start and end

The End Of An Ending



The little little boy jumped out the car and waddle his way as fast as he can go to the door while dragging his parents with his small hands.Once he reached infront of the big brown door he combed his hair with his hands making it straight not leaving a strand going the other way or sticking out.He dusts his pants for any dirt that could have stuck on and pats his cheeks for warmth.


“Omma.Do I look okey? Will hyung like it?”The boy tugged his mothers sleeve and gave a pose with his chin up high.


“Aigoo its your second time meeting him but you love him dearly…Sehun-ah you look fantastic.Your hyung will like it”His mom giggled at his son jumping around with a red scarf around his neck.


“Omma lets go inside~~Ppali~”Sehun tugged his mothers sleeve again while pouting.His mother gave a small sigh as he looked to his husband taping his fingers on the Ipad.


“Honey, don’t you think its time to put your work aside and ring the bell?Our son here cant wait any longer.”


Sehun’s mother nudged his father making him snap out of his working mode and kept his IPad.His gave an apologetic smile and raise his hand to press the bell button.


After a few seconds the door was swung open and a pair of hands enveloped them.


“Baekyeol, Chanyeol.Finnaly you’re here. Ouh and our little Sehun’s here too.You had grown so much.Yah~ its been a long time sin-”


“Tao, Don’t let them just stand there in the cold, invite them inside.”A tall man with sharp features cuts in.


“Hihi mian Kris~Come in lets talk inside.”


The house was fully decorated from the stairs to the living room with red and green Christmas ornaments.Sehun gaped at the huge christmas tree in the middle of the living room.His little body was enveloped in warmth and the smell of freshly backed cookies. As they were being led by the couple led by  to the living room Chanyeol whispered to Tao.


“Tao you look brighter than the last time I saw you..Did Kris do something?”Chanyeol winked at the panda.Tao’s face turned red and he whispered an answer to Chanyeol which let to a set of ‘OMO’s and giggles between the mothers.While the mothers talk to each other Baekyeon and Kris had a warm father to father talk.


Sehun feeling left out quietly he walks to the around the house trying to find his hyung.


“Hyung~Luhan Hyung~”Scratching his not-so-itchy-head he opens the doors one by one only to be find no one.With a sigh he walks around the kitchen for the third time when he suddenly heard a footsteps nearing him.


SEHUN-NIE~~~~”A boy with big doe eyes came crashing to him.He was knocked to the red fluffy carpet.He groan in pain from the impact.The attacker wraped his hands around Sehun’s neck.


“Luhan hyung~~I cant b-breath” Instantly Luhan pulled back his hands and gave an appolic smile.Luhan pulled Sehun up.


“Hyung I missed you~”Sehun hugged the older.


“I missed you too.But Sehun, did you grew taller? That’s not fair, I’m your hyung and I’m shorter.”Luhan pouts and crosses his hands to his chest.


“But because I’m taller than hyung I can protect you from danger.”Sehun made a ‘V’ sign and grins brightly.Luhan, feeling touched from the sudden innocent confession  covered his blushing face with his bangs.He took Sehun’s hand.


“Sorry were you trying to find me just now? I was playing in the snow~Wanna come?”




Sehun cant help but watched how Luhan’s face lit up as he told him about the snow.Once they were outside they started to scream while runing around the snow filled garden and throw snowballs at each other.


After awhile of running around the two boys energy was drained and they laid on the snow hand in hand.


“Hyung promise *huff* m-me we’ll *puff* be together forever~”Sehun panted out the words.


“I promise”They giggled at each other as they stared to the stars above.



-9 years later-


Sehun ran down the stairs and opens the fridge.He poured the milk in a glass while looking at the clock.


“Aren’t you gonna eat breakfast?”Chanyeol asks his son from the living room.




“Hey don’t forget we are going out for dinner!”


OKEY!”Chanyeol heard the muffled answer from his son followed by the sound of the door closing in a not so gentle way.


Sehun ran a couple steps before he throws his skateboard infront of him and skate down the hill at top speed to his school a couple blocks away.He blindly smoothes out his hair and shirt while trying to not crash into anything before arriving to school.


“. I over slept again….”Sehun mutters a string of curses to himself as he skates to the gate with a big ‘S.M HIGH SCHOOL OF ARTS’ written in front of the gate. He fastens his pace.


‘If I go fast enough I bet I could just pass the gate without them seeing me.’He grins at his evil plan.


But then he saw a person walking to the middle of the gate, standing his ground there and stares right into his eyes from afar.


“YAH! MOVE IT!”He spat from afar.


Shockingly the person just stands his ground and folds his hand challenging him.Sehun smirks as he tucks his hand in and bends over adding more speed as he zero in on the person.Only someone insane would like to crash onto him with this speed.What made him amused is that the person started to laugh at him as he gets closer and closer the person’s face became more and more familiar.


How could he forget that face.That messy hair,doe eyes,white skin.button nose and HUGE black glasses.That face which screams ‘NERD’ and is the most hideous face was infact his mortal enemy.His brain starts to shout ‘Ram into him’ ’Ram into him’.


‘Yeah,That would make him stay in the hospital for a good six weeks…But then again it would be cruel’He started to rethink the plan when the distance reached about 5 metres.Luhan who saw the mixture of confused,anger and panicked on the younger’s face went on with his plan.


YAH OH SEHUN!!!” He shouted as loud as he can.


Sehun who was stil contemplating on ‘ this plan stop to avoid any accident’ or just ‘ram into the deer’ suddenly lost control of his skatebored and came to a complete halt making him flung to the ground infront of him.Face planting in the process.


“UARGH….What the HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!” He spat to Luhan.


“Nothing's wrong...I'm just trying to stop stupid students like you..”He smirked back.


“…”Sehun staggers up wiping his face with a hand clearly not amused.

Luhan take a good look at Sehun's face bit his lips.


“…*PFT*…Let me see.Foul language,untidy clothes and your late.Detention afterschool….If you survive…”He answered in a most monotone way while pushing down his laugh.Luhan walks back into the school ground with a victory smirk.


Sehun raised his eyebrows from Luhan's action before.He brought his hands up to his nose.


His eyes grew large as he wiped his nose only to discover the source of Luhan secret laughter.His nose was bleeding not from one but both making it twice the embarrassment.


He pinched his nose and ran straight to the nurses office.







The door smashed into the door stopper making all the eyes fall on him.The teacher glared at him that was nothing compared to Sehun’s deadly aura surrounding him.The class started whispering as they saw him limping to his table.


‘Yah did he got into a fight?’


‘Maybe he got beaten up by a gang’


‘..Or he saved a person from a gang’


'He must have won a fight'



The whispers fuelled his anger even more.He can’t accept the fact that the bruises on his body was in fact made because of Luhan not a from an epic gang fight or fight that he won.With a twitching eyebrow he continues through the buzzing whispers to his seat.


“And what in the world happened to the school’s no.1 ullzzang?Got hit by a truck on your way here?”Kai greeted  as Sehun slide his on the chair next to him.He eyed the rolled up gauze stuck in his friends nose.


“Please Do Not talk in class”The teacher barked to the duo.Netherless they continued the laud conversation.


“That frekin’ thing did it.”


“Who? The cute one.He looks harmless..”Kai laughed.


IT is not cute..And I swear to got I’m going to kill it someday.”He grits his teeth and glares to the whole class making them quiet.Including the teacher who shrunk back to the board.


“We got about one more month before we graduate so chill..Your going to takeover your dad's company and I’m going take mine.Make lots of money and play with hot girls.”Sehun’s anger died down from Kai’s plan.


With that the day passes by with him sleeping and flirting around.


“Yah didn’t you say you have detention?”Kai slung his hand.


“And you think I’m going to follow its commands? That thing wont notice with all the ‘student council’ work it has to do till midnight..”He quote with his hands.


They left the school gate with a hearty laugh.



The couple walk hand in hand while Sehun trails behind them into the classy restaurant.His eyes scans high and low through the see of high-classes customers in business suits and finally falls on a man whom he assume is his dads friend standing up with his wife to greet his father.


He carved a fake smile and bows to the couple.The couple wore black and white suits which strangely match.


“You had grown so much since I last saw you…”The man which he recalls as Kris gave a light tap on the shoulder.


Sehun was dumbfounded.


’Do I know you?’ He tought.



The dinner starts of with a long chat which he was forced to act interested all the way and continued through out the dinner.The time went on to agonizing slow for Sehun and soon he was taping his fingers on his phone.


“Tao is your son here yet?If his busy we can meet up some other time.”Chanyeol smiled to Tao.


Finally I can go home’Sehun pushed his phone into his pocket and rolled his eyes.


“Ouh okey I’ll call him to not co-”


I’M HERE…..Sorry I’m late something came up.”A voice interrupts.All three eyes fell on to the panting visitor.


“Ah Luhan you finally came.”Kris smiled at his son.Sehun on the other hand suddenly gave full attention to the guests.


“W-WHAT?! Luhan?”He gaped.


He made a double take. His mortal enemy Luhan, has gone to a complete 360 make over in a few hours.Sehun scanned Luhan’s newly dyed blonde hair and styled not messy like before.And he was wearing a white ‘V’ neck shirt showing his collarbone with a black vest hugging his tiny waist.And to complete Sehun’s eye expedition he scanned Luhan’s skinny legs that were beautifully wrapped by the black skinny jeans completing the make over.


“Good you still remember him.I heard your not on good terms anymore..But that bond can be rebuild after your wedding"Kris pats their shoulders.


"This is the start of our journey as a couple and the end as a enemies."Baekyeol adds smilling to the boys.


Sehun was snapped out of his trans and stares at the adults in front of him.The same was for Luhan as he stopped bowing and gapped in horor.


“WHAT  WEDDING?”They shouted.


"Yours...BOTH of you"




That was the first chappie i'll see if t you guys like it~

Tell me if you want a second chapter.Pyoung~


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