Chapter 1


On the middle of night, Kyuhyun who is sleeping peacefully slowly awake when he feels someone is tugging his blanket. He open his eyes and found Ryeowook's puffy and teary eyes. Shocked by that, he immediately woke up. Worry filled in himself. 


"Ryeowook ah, what's wrong~? Why are you crying?"


Hearing those soothing words made the other crying even more. He didn't know why either. But the ost importantly, he is really scared right now. Scared that he Might lose the other. In a flash, he is already in Kyuhyun’s embrace. He felt Kyuhyun’s drawing a circle on his back while whispering some comfort words. Ryeowook tightened his hold on Kyuhyun’s shirt each second while crying. He really didn’t want to lose the other so badly. 

After almost 30 minutes, finally Ryeowook calmed down. He stopped crying but still in Kyuhyun’s embrace. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he broke the hug.
“I… I’m… so…sorry… really..,” he said between his hiccups.
Suddenly, he felt Kyuhyun put both of his hands between his cheeks. 
“Look at me…,”he said softly and gently.
Ryewook hesitates at first but still followed the other after a while. Kyuhyun look into the other’s eyes. They showed sadness and fear. Carefully, Kyuhyun wipe the tears that falling again. He kissed the other’s crown after that, hoping that Ryeowook will feel loved and relaxed with that. 
“It’s OK… I’m here, right?”
Kyuhyun warmly said, reassure the other. 
“Come on. Let’s sleep OK. It’s late already.”
And with that, they lied together on the bed, with Ryeowook in his arms. Ryeowook kept looking at him like a lost child. Kyuhyun didn’t say anything, just let him like that. Sometimes he will kiss the other’s crown and tighten his embrace. His heart and mind feels desperate to know the reason why he is crying but he tried to hold it on. It can be saved for tomorrow. Right now is to make him calm down and rest a little. Kyuhyun look at him again and found him already sleeping soundly, with his tiny hand on his waist. Carefully, he took the hand and squeeze it. He kissed the other’s crown for nth time that time. 
“What’s on your mind Ryeowook ah? Don’t keep it in yourself~ I’m here right? Always…”
He said sadly to the other. Sooner, he fell asleep while hugging Ryeowook.    
P/S: I'm sorry
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Chapter 3: Reading this again after few years and I'm still squealing at how cute and fluffy this story is!!
Chapter 3: Oh My Goodness!!!
This is literally fluffy perfection....Im
pretty sure Im a puddle of squeals right now.... XD
Chapter 3: ,its.sweet...sweet as sugar!^___^
Aqilah011012 #4
Chapter 3: Author-nim, that`s sooooooo cute and sweet. I almost die from the cuteness!! Great work!
Chapter 3: Awwww~~that's so sweet~~>.<
Kura-chan #6
Chapter 3: Tranquil story!
Evil Kyu turns to angel and sweet like a candy.
No need to surprise, poor Ryeo is crying now.
Love your story
superannesnow #7
Chapter 3: this is so sweet ;DD
wookie really love kyu which make him afraid to lose him