



"So do you want to meet up tomorrow and discuss our project more?" you asked Suho walked you down the hall towards your next class.

"Yeah I don't think I'm doing anything," he smiled.

"Okay, I'll text you the time and place," you nodded as the two of you approached the door to your world history class.

"Sounds good," Suho replied as the two of you entered the classroom.

You each went to your seats that were on opposite sides of the classroom. 

Suho sighed as he sat down at his desk and gazed dreamily across the room at you as you talked to a couple of girls you sat next to. He couldn't help a small smile from appearing on his face when he saw you laugh at something one of the girls said.

"I swear, my dad doesn’t even look at my mom like that."

Suho snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to the side to see Kris trying to hold in his laughter.

"Shut up," Suho muttered.

"Man, you are so whipped," Kris shook his head and leaned back in his seat.

"I am not," Suho rolled his eyes, "And plus, I can't be 'whipped'. We're not even together."

"Could have fooled me," Kris chuckled.

Suho puffed out his cheeks and he played with the cover of his textbook.

"So are you going to tell her?" Kris asked.

"I want to," Suho confessed, "But I don't know how. Do you think you could help me?"

"Me?" Kris raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself, "Why would you want my help?"

"Because girls like you," Suho said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"They like you too," Kris pointed out, "But you probably didn't notice that because you've only been looking at ______ for the past two years."

Suho scoffed but didn't deny what Kris had said, "So are you going to help me or what?"

"Okay, students quiet down," the teacher, Mr. Park, walked into the room.

"Sure, why not?" Kris shrugged as he pulled out a pencil from his bag, "This could be fun."

Suho smiled at him appreciatively and snuck a quick glance at you before directing his attention to the front of the room.


"Okay, that's it for today, guys."

A chorus of sighs was heard throughout the classroom when Mr. Park wrapped up his lecture for the day.

"Be sure to read chapter three by Monday. Have a good weekend, class dismissed," he announced.

Suho turned to Kris as all of the other students quickly packed their bags and exited the classroom.

"Hey guys," Mr. Park walked up to Suho and Kris who were the only ones left in the room, "I have to run to the teacher work room, do you guys mind watching the room till I get back?"

"No problem," Suho nodded.

"Thanks," the older man replied before quickly exiting the room like the rest of the students.

"Okay," Suho turned towards Kris, "So how are you going to help me ask ______ out?"

Kris leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes in thought.

"Well, you don't want to overdo it, but you still want to make your confession meaningful," he mumbled.

"Yeah, I mean I could just tell her how I feel," Suho reasoned, "But I wouldn't know what to say."

"Okay, practice on me," Kris said, standing up from his chair.

Suho looked up at Kris in shock, "What?"

"Practice on me," Kris pulled him up by the arm, "Come on, if you can figure out what you're going to say now, you won't embarrass yourself when you do the real thing."

"Umm, okay," Suho agreed reluctantly.

He took a deep breath and tried to imagine that Kris was you, which was very difficult seeing as he looked the total opposite. You were shorter than him with long hair that flowed down your back while Kris towered over Suho and had short, cleanly cut hair.

Suho shook his head a little and decided to just get on with it. He'd rather embarrass himself in front of his best friend than you anyways.

"______-ah," he started.

"Yes, Suho?" Kris said in a high voice and batted his eyelashes.

"Stop that!" Suho snapped and whacked Kris's arm as he laughed.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," Kris controlled his laughter and put on a blank face, "Go on."

Suho sighed and started over, "Well, we've known each other for a while now…"

"And…?"Kris asked, helping him along.

"And I don't really know how to say this, but I really like you and would you like to go out with me sometime?" Suho asked, unsure of how that sounded.

Kris was about to give Suho some feedback on his confession when a crashing sound interrupted him.

Both boys turned towards the front of the classroom to see you quickly picking up a cup of pencils you knocked over on Mr. Park's desk.

"I'm so sorry!" you apologized, slightly panicked, "I left my water bottle and I didn't mean to interrupt!"

 "_____," Suho started.

You ignored him and ran over to your desk, grabbing the bottle off of the floor before quickly making your way back to the door.

"I'm so sorry again!" your cheeks were flushed red and you scurried out of the classroom.

The two boys stood in a shocked silence.

Kris suddenly bursted out into laughter, "She thinks that you just asked me out!"

"Oh no, this is not good," Suho muttered as he ran towards the door.

"Hey where are you going?" Kris called after him.

Suho ignored his friend and ran into the hallway. He sighed in relief when he saw you briskly walking away from the classroom.

"______!" he called out.

You looked over your shoulder and your eyes widened when you saw Suho running up to you.

"Suho! I'm so sorry!" you apologized for the thousandth time.

"No you don't understand," Suho tried to explain.

"I didn't mean to interrupt!" you continued, "I hope I didn't ruin anything."

"_______!" Suho grabbed you by the shoulders, making you look into his eyes, "I wasn't asking Kris out."

"Huh?" you tilted your head to the side, totally confused.

Suho let out a short laugh, "I wasn't asking Kris out, he was just helping me practice."

"So, I didn't walk in on anything?" you tilted your head to the side cutely.

Suho released your shoulders from his grasp and nodded his head.

"Oh," you mumbled, "But what was he helping you practice?"

"Ummm, a confession," Suho admitted, scratching the back of his head.

"Really?" your eyes lit up, "For who?"

 "You," he said softly.

Your eyes widened a bit, his answer catching you off guard, "Me? Really?"

Suho nodded his head. He bit his lip and looked at your through his bangs, worried about what you're reaction would be.

"Well that's a relief!" you sighed with a laugh, "I thought the boy I liked had a crush on someone else!"

Now it was Suho's turn to be confused.

"So, you're saying that … you like me?" Suho asked.

You nodded your head slowly, "I thought I was making it pretty obvious when I asked you to be my partner for the science project."

"Well in that case," Suho took a deep breath, "Would you, um, like to go out on a date with me sometime?"

"Okay!" you giggled and took a few steps towards him, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist.

Suho laughed lightly as he wrapped his arms around your and rested his chin on the top of your head.

"I was so worried," you sighed after pulling a little away to look up at him, "I thought you were confessing to Kris and that I had no chance at all with you!"

Suho shook his head and lightly poked the center of your forehead, "Silly."

"Not exactly how we planned it but I guess it works."

The two of you looked away from each other to see Kris slowly walking down the hall with his hands in his pockets.

"It does," Suho shrugged.

"But I'm watching you, mister," you pointed at Kris playfully, "I'm not letting you get too close to my man."

Kris raised his hands up in surrender, "He's all yours."

The three of you laughed before you looked up at Suho.

"I'm going to go get a book from my locker, meet me there okay?"

Suho nodded and you made a 'I'm watching you' signal to Kris before laughing and walking down the hall.

"Congrats man," Kris patted Suho on the back.

"Thanks," Suho laughed, "But if either one of us needs to practice a confession again, let's not use each other. Deal?"


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Frances21 #1
Chapter 1: Wow! Cuteeeee :)
Chapter 1: bahaha i totally saw it coming how kris initially responded during the practice. good job!
PRinCe_SiWOn #3
Chapter 1: cool and cute~ =D
Chapter 1: wahaha.. literally laughed at how Kris first responded during their practice.. haha.. nice one!.. cute.. ;)
Chapter 1: lol it's so cute and funny at the same time
Farys_Sya #6
Chapter 1: its funny lol!
Midnightstarr #7
Chapter 1: Hahhaa that was so cute!
LoveInspirit #8
Chapter 1: That was so funny. I was trying to stop myself from laughing out loud.
glennysabelle #9
Chapter 1: LOL wow this is so cute and funny!
Chapter 1: So funny xD