
On Your Marks~


As the marathon went on, everyone seemed to break off into their own speeds and before long the three of you were by yourselves. Most of the other members were with their own pack of fangirls trying to complete the marathon, but it was a miracle you’d found yourself completely alone with these studs! While the three of you walked, EunHyuk and Donghae seemed to joke amongst eachother for the most part, goofing off and generally enjoying themselves. You were just glad they weren’t rushing you to run the whole way or threatening to leave you in the dust. Of course they were athletic and could give the others a run for their money if it was just Super Junior competing, however it wasn’t just the guys. It was all sorts of people. Yourself included.


Every now and then, Donghae or Eunhyuk would drag you into their jokes and conversation, but for the most part it seemed that the guys were able to entertain eachother. Smiling a little to yourself, it almost like you’d been dragged into one of those variety shows you loved to watch and got to play camera-woman or something. As if you and Donghae had the same idea at the same time though, he turned towards you, linking arms with you, and then smiled towards you.


“You know, we’ve been doing all the talking this whole time. I’d like to know more about you you-ah” Of course he’d add an affectionate honorific to the end of your name. Donghae was too much of a charmer like that! Blushing a little, you avoid looking up at his handsome face in case he were to see your blush. Eunhyuk was quick to notice the blush though and with a laugh he moved to poke your cheeks which cause you to stop walking like you’d been all this time.


“Ah stop iiiit!” You complain playfully and hide you cheeks with your hands. “Yah, babo! Don’t scare her like that!” Donghae said, swatting his friend’s hand away. This merely called for Eunhyuk to frown back at Donghae and say, “Scare her? I wasn’t scaring her! You’re scaring her!” which caused you to laugh a little. Donghae then returned with sticking his tongue out for a second before saying “Yah, are you crazy? You’re the scary one, not me!”


This carried on for some time before you quickly pulled away from the both of them and started tow walk backwards so you could get a good look at the both of them. “You two, fight nicely!” you say with a bit of laughter to your voice. “And neither of you are scary! So stop that…” it felt like you were scolding children or something! Two very handsome, talented children. The two then turned to eachother and whispered amongst themselves for a few seconds before Donghae then turned to you with a playful smirk on his face and then asked, “Well, if we’re not scary then what are we?” This caused your eyes to widen and your heartbeat to jump a little. “Ehh?” you ask, confused a little for a second. “What do you mean what are you?” you ask, only for Eunhyuk to laugh and ask, “how would you describe us then, if not scary?”


Gulping a little, you turn away from them so you’re no longer walking backwards but rather walking forward and think about the most politically correct way to describe them. Godly or joygasmic wouldn’t be the right words to speak to them even though those words were the first ones to pop into your mind. So after a moment’s of thought, both of their eyes fixated on you, you finally come up with the perfect word to describe them. Ones that had been used for ages that you would never honestly imagine yourself being able to tell them to their faces.


“Perfect…” you said, avoiding looking at either of them after saying that. Out of the corner of your eye though, you could see EunHyuk nudge Donghae a little who laughed and then they both wrapped their arms around you at once. Dang they reminded you almost like the Weasley twins. So perfect and so mischievous at the same time. With both their arms around you now, you look at the both of them as they grin at your response. Puffing your cheeks out a little you say, “Well….that’s what I’ve read anyways…” they then laugh again and you attempt to wiggle out from under their arms but are unable to. Not that you were really trying that hard.


“Yah, stop laughing okay?!” you say and then poke both of them in the ribs causing them both to flinch and then inevitably stop laughing. 

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Chapter 1: I feel like u wrote this for me! My dream has come true! Made my life xD
leeheart #2
Chapter 3: The character name!!! Hehe same with mine!!!
mauge92 #3
Chapter 9: Well, at least ur finishing the fic, its sad bc it was awesome but i respect your desition
mauge92 #4
Chapter 8: I love romantic triangles xDDDD, the monkey is getting gealous xDDD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 8: I love romantic triangles xDDDD, the monkey is getting gealous xDDD
mauge92 #6
Chapter 7: this is so sweet, i love, wow, im in love, how cute and romantic
mauge92 #7
Chapter 6: this story is so cool, please keep writing, i love this babos xDDD
jenidragon #8
Chapter 6: good chapter! update soon~
jenidragon #9
I really like this!! Keep it up! :D