



“Hey, do you want to have lunch together today?”

“I’m sorry, jagi, I can’t. We’re meeting with our stylists today during lunch.”

“Okay, next time.”

“I’m so sorry, I promise we’ll have lunch next time. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”



“Are you free tonight? I won a couple of movie ticket vouchers at our office party today!”

“I’m sorry I don’t think that I can make it. We’re in the middle of learning new choreography right now.”

“Oh, are you sure? I mean we could go after your rehearsals, I don’t mind waiting.”

“I don’t know about that, rehearsal is probably going to end really late and I wouldn’t want you staying up.”

“Oh, okay. That’s fine.”

“But we’ll go next time! You can choose the movie too.”


“I promise. I need to go okay, I’ll talk to you later?”

“Yeah, love you.”

“I love you too.”



“Hey, are you busy? Do you want to come over? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Ahh jagi, we just got back to the dorm and I’m really tired from training today.”

“Oh … okay.”

“I’m sorry, I really want to see you too. But I know I’ll probably just end up falling asleep when I get to your apartment.”

“It’s okay, I understand. Get some rest.”

“Thanks, jagi, you’re the best. I love you.”

“Love yo-”




The caller that you have reached cannot come to the phone at the moment. If you would like to leave a message-“


You sighed and threw you phone to the side before throwing yourself onto your bed.

It had been days, weeks even, since you’ve seen your boyfriend, Daehyun. You knew that he was an idol and that he was very busy. But you couldn’t help but feel a little neglected.

You couldn’t blame him though. The boys were about to make a comeback and you could tell the last time you visited them at the studio that they were beyond stressed.

You knew it sounded needy, but you wanted a bit of attention. You wanted Daehyun to wrap you in his arms and sing softly into your ear like he always would.

But he was never there anymore. And you couldn’t help but think that he was slipping further and further away from you.


Daehyun gripped the bouquet of flowers tightly in his hand as he stood in front of the door to your apartment.

He hadn’t been able to see you for the past few weeks since he and the rest of members were preparing for what might have their biggest comeback yet. He didn’t mean to neglect him, but between leaning the new choreography, vocal training and meeting with countless different people, all he could think about was eating and sleeping. There just weren’t enough hours in the day.

He nervously his lips as he smoothed the front of his shirt and flipped his newly dyed brown hair out of his eyes.

He raised a fist and lightly tapped on the door five times, a knock that only he did. He took a step back and waited for you to come to the door.

He furrowed his eyebrows when you didn’t come to answer the door. He knocked again and waited, listening for any signs of you rushing to the door.

“Maybe she’s in the bathroom,” he mumbled to himself as he bent down to grab the spare key that you kept in the planter next to the door.

Daehyun quickly unlocked the door and placed the key back in its hiding place before entering your apartment.

He slowly walked into the living after removing his shoes and looked around.

It was quiet, way too quiet.

You would always have music playing when you were home.

“______,” he called as he poked his head into the kitchen and your bedroom.

He pouted a little when he found both empty.

“She’s not working today, it’s Saturday,” he mumbled as he checked the bathroom and found it empty as well.

“Did she go to the store?” he asked himself as he walked back into the living room.

He sighed as sat down on the couch, placing the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table and pulling out his phone.

“Hey, I’m at your apartment, where are you?” he quickly typed into his phone before pressing the send button.

He leaned back against the couch and waited.

He checked his phone ever few minutes, but found his empty home screen every time.

“I’m going crazy,” he mumbled as he dialed your number and raised his phone to his ear.

“Pick up, pick up, pick up,” he paced around your living room.

He froze when he heard the faint sound of one of his group’s title songs. For a second, he thought he was just going crazy, but when he followed the sound into your bedroom, he saw you phone sitting on your desk.

“This girl,” he muttered as he picked up your phone.

He walked back into the living room and threw himself onto the couch, resting his elbows on his knees and folding his hands as he went back to waiting for you to return.

An hour passed, and then another, and a few more.

It was already past midnight when Daehyun heard the front door open and he snapped his head towards the door.

You stumbled into your apartment and kicked off your shoes before dragging your feet into the living room.

“Daehyun,” you stood up straight when you saw your distraught boyfriend sitting on the couch, “What are you doing here?”

“Where have you been?!” he demanded, standing up from the couch, “Do you have any idea what time it is?!”

You glanced at the clock and were shocked by how late it was, “I was at work. We have this huge client coming in a few days and-"

“I was trying to call!” he exclaimed, cutting you off, "Do you have any idea how worried I was?!"

“Why do you care?” you asked with narrow eyes, anger suddenly bubbling within you.

Daehyun knitted his eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Why do you suddenly care?" you repeated your question, "I have been staying this late at the office for the past week and you've never called me before. What makes this time different? Because now you're the one that's by the phone, waiting for a call, worried that something bad might have happened? Is that it?"

Daehyun stared at you with wide eyes, not knowing what to say.

"Well, newsflash, Daehyun!" you continued when he didn't answer, "I've been feeling like that for the past month! Do you know how many nights I have stayed up worrying about you, about your health? I didn't know if you were eating right or getting enough sleep because you wouldn't answer any of my calls!"

You were breathing heavily by the end of you little rant. You dropped your eyes from the boy standing in front of you to the floor. You closed your eyes for a few second as you tried to calm your breathing and keep your tears from flowing out of your eyes.

"I'm sorry," Daehyun whispered brokenly, knowing that all of your pain and heartache was his fault, "I didn't mean to neglect you, it's just that-"

"I know, Daehyun," you silenced him, "You're an idol and you're busy. I know that schedules always come first no matter what. But, I just," you bit your lip and let out a sigh, "I just need attention sometimes too. I only can handle so much."

 Daehyun gently grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into his embrace. You immediately wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his chest, your body instantly relaxing from his warmth that you longed for all those nights of being alone.

"I'm so sorry, jagi," he apologized again as he rocked the both of you from side to side.

"It's okay," you said, your voice muffled by his shirt, "You're here now."

Daehyun let out a sigh and the back of your head with one hand as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

You lifted your head and rested your chin in his chest so you could look up at him.

"I have a day off in a couple of days," he said softly, "Why don't we use those movie tickets you won? How does that sound?"

A small smile stretched its way across your lips, "That sounds great."

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Chapter 1: Daehyun~ he's so sweet~ XD
flabbycow #2
Chapter 1: Aww Daehyun is such a sweet guy
MrsGDragon #3
Chapter 1: Awwwww so sweet and cute x)