


You peeked between a couple of bushes that lined the back fence of your school. You woke late due to your faulty alarm clock and missed your bus, forcing you to use your flight powers to get to your school which was about three miles away from your house.  You groaned when you glanced down at your watch and saw that class had already started about ten minutes ago.

Seeing that there were no groundskeepers around and your vice principal wasn't making his normal rounds, you launched yourself into the air and flew over the twenty foot high fence, quietly landing on the other side behind a tree.

You quickly looked around the tree trunk you were hiding behind before sighing to yourself, relieved that you weren't caught. You in a deep breath before running out from behind the tree trunk and sprinting into the building.


"Ah, Ms. ______, it's so nice of you to join us," your teacher said with a hint of sarcasm when you tried to enter the room as inconspicuously as possible.

You dipped your head and gave her an apology as you skittered to your seat at the back of the class.

You threw your bag on the ground and pulled out your notebook as she continued her lecture.

"You have a leaf in your hair," you heard a whisper come from your side.

You looked up from your notes and turned your head to the side to see Kris, a boy that lived a few houses down from you, looking back at you as he leaned his cheek against his palm.

You blinked at him in confusion.

You tensed and flinched a little when he reached a hand out towards your head.

He gently pulled a leaf that was stuck between a few locks of your hair. He held it between his pointer and middle finger and showed you with a smirk before flicking it to the floor.

"Oh," you mouthed with a blank expression still on your face, "Thanks."

Kris tried to suppress his smile as he watched you turn back to your notebook and continue to scribble down notes.

He had always been curious about you, even since the both of you were little kids. You weren't particularly close friends, but you knew each other well enough to hold a decent conversation. But there was just something about you that intrigued him. You didn't have many friends and didn't say much in class.

You were a mystery, one that he intended on solving.


You let out another huff as you hid behind the same bushes that lined the back fence of your school once again.

It was a week later and you were late because you overslept again.

"I really need to get a new alarm clock," you muttered to yourself before kicking off into the air and landing silently on the other side of the fence.

You dusted yourself off and straightened out your hair, this time making sure that there were no leaves caught between the long strands.

You snapped your head up when you heard a crunching sound of a leaf and froze when you saw Kris appear from behind a tree.

You stared at him with wide eyes and your mouth slightly agape. You were sure that no one was around, all the students were supposed to be in class. You internally started to rack your brains, trying to think of an explanation to how you just jumped over the twenty foot fence that was behind you.

Kris didn't say anything as he leaned against the trunk of the tree he was hiding behind and crossed his arms over his chest. He couldn't help but let a smile appear on his lips, the panicked expression on your face was just too adorable.

"You saw that didn't you?" you asked quietly as you stared at the grass.

"You don't need to explain anything if you don’t want to," he said, not really answering your question.

Your heart started to beat in your chest when you looked up at the boy standing in front of you. You could tell that he was being sincere by small smile on his lips and the way that he looked at you like you were normal, not a freak of nature. Maybe it was time that you finally told someone about your secret.

You let out a soft sigh and your shoulders sagged a bit, "I can fly," you mumbled.

You winced a little when you realized how ridiculous you sounded.

"Excuse me?" Kris kicked off from the tree and leaned closer to you, "Could you say that again? I couldn't understand you."

You closed you eyes and in a deep breath before raising you head and looking him straight in the eye, "I can fly."

Kris stared at you for a few seconds before he broke out into a fit of laughter.

"That was a good joke," he said between laughs, "I almost believed you for a second there."

"I wasn't joking," you pouted with your eyebrows knitted together.

Kris continued to laugh and clutch his stomach, "You can't be serious."

He suddenly went silent when you pushed yourself into the air and hovered a few inches over the ground. Now that you were at the same eye level as him, you seemed a little more intimidating.

"I am serious," you said, looking into his shocked eyes.

Kris dipped his head down to look at your feet and swept one of his own under them, thinking that there was something there holding you up.

"How are you doing that?" he asked in awe.

You shrugged your shoulders, "I don’t really know."

"That's so cool," he whispered as he tried to wrap his head around what was going on.

"Really?" you asked, taken a little aback by his calm reaction. You honestly expected him to run away and call the police or animal control on you.

"Yeah," he smiled, "You can fly! That's amazing!"

You felt your cheeks start to heat up a bit, "Not really," you replied bashfully.

"It is," he insisted, "You have a gift."

You dipped your head towards the ground, trying to hide your smile.

"But you can't tell anyone," you told him sternly as you pointed a finger at his face, "Not anyone, you hear me?"

"I wasn't planning to," he said, with his hands raised.

You held out your pinky to him, "Promise?"

Kris let out a melodious laugh before hooking his own pinky finger with yours.


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didzzz #1
Chapter 1: This is just sooo cute!
Chapter 1: omg so cute!
Chapter 1: awww I really like this one! very cute~
Chapter 1: I see what you did there ;)
ShawolMBLFT #5
Chapter 1: Lol how cute and adorable~~~
fantasydesire #6
Chapter 1: auwww.. that was sweet.. funny when he met the person with a gift that was supposedly his.. lol..
aki-tori #7
Chapter 1: super cute! also, jut wanted to let you know the story was pasted twice. part way down it repeats...?
but really great job!