

This is just a stupid drabble, I've warned you




Youngjae had never knew, that the decision to tell his vocal instructor about his worries would turned things upside down like this. Two years ago, he had told him that he was afraid because he had to handle all the vocals part in B.A.P. He had to do those high-pitched scream that he hate the most and it gave him stress. And that’s when Daehyun come along and steal everything.

He’s Daehyun’s bestfriend then, now, and forever.

However, a part –a big part— of him was still regretting his own stupid whining two years ago.

It would be simple to tell that he’s jelous of Daehyun. However it wouldn’t be that simple when Daehyun is his bestfriend. And he’s the one to choose it to be like that. His conciousness just wouldn’t let him be the selfish Yoo Youngjae who hated on Daehyun just as how he wished it to be.

It will be easy if it’s just a simple rivalry. But no, it’s a bit more complicated on Youngjae’s case. He’s jelaous , extremely jealous. He’s pissed of, extremely pissed off. He’s sad, extremely sad. And he felt down, so much that it hurts.

But Jung Daehyun would never felt that way, he’s his bestfriend anyway.

No, it was not something as far and as simple as love. He isn’t falling for his bestfriend like how fanfics usually describe things. That’s pure imagination.

However, being bestfriends didn’t ease up the problem.

No, it’s not easy to be the closest to the bright Jung Daehyun, yet always being overshadowed by the same creature. He knew Daehyun inside out. It’s easy to hate on him because a lot of his personal flaws, it’s easy. But just as how bestfriends were, you wouldn’t just hate on your friend because of that. It’s morally unforgivable.  


Because you’re bestfriends, you can’t hate them just because you wanted to.

Because you’re bestfriends, you can’t show that you’re jealous even if you’re feeling like it could burst out any moment.

Because you’re bestfriends, you can’t be sad because you had to be happy for every praise that they receive.

Because you’re’re bestfriends.


Because Youngjae was trapped in that prison named friendship.

And because he was too afraid to actually break it.

He was a coward who always listen to his stupid coinsciense. Then, now, and forever,


A prison and a home.

A pain and a pleasure.

A hateful and precious person.

He and Jung Daehyun.





This is just stupid :-/

Don't know why I write this after I have a talk with my bestfriend about B.A.P


Stupid me writing something stupid when I should've updated my ongoing fic.........


Still....enjoooy! ^^

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Chapter 1: youngjae-ah :(
Chapter 1: eonni ~ daebak !
Chapter 1: poor jaejae.. to b honest.. they both have a wonderful voices.. and i like both of them.. if i have to choose which voices i like the most, i dont think i could.. becoz they both are my fav.. ;(
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