I heart you

Heartfelt Gift

Daehyun could hear his fans screaming his name from far away. He turned around to wave at them but his manager quickly led him towards the entrance of the building where he and other members of B.A.P would be recording their new songs. While nearing the glass door, a fan suddenly stumbled towards the ground right in front of Daehyun, causing him to flinch. The fan had fallen with her face hitting the ground and Daehyun could see how painful it was so he immediately bent down and helped her up.

“You should be careful,” he said to her when she had gotten to her feet.

“Thank you,” she thanked him shyly, bowing her head repeatedly. She stared at him and smiled gratefully. There was a cut on her chin.

Daehyun took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his black coat and handed it to her .When she took it, the other fans groaned and some cursed at the unfortunate girl. Before he could say more, Yongguk came to his side and dragged him away, straight into the building.

“What were you doing back there?” Yongguk asked when they were inside.

“I was just helping this girl. She fell on the ground and hurt herself,” Daehyun explained.

“Well, it was nice of you but you shouldn’t do that again. You’re upsetting the other fans. What if they bash the girl?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” Daehyun smiled weakly.

Then both of them went into the studio to join the others.

The recording was long and it took them several recordings for one song. It was hard and awfully tiring but everyone had smiles on their faces when they were done recording. They had been given holidays for the next three days so they were free to do anything they wanted. On their way back home, everyone was already asleep in the van except for Daehyun. He was still worried about the fan whom he helped earlier. He was afraid that the other fans would harass her, just like what Yongguk said to him. He let out a light sigh and closed his eyes. He shouldn’t have been so nice to her. Why would he offer her the handkerchief? He could’ve helped her up and went straight into the building.

When they had arrived at their dorm, he went to his room and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

The next morning, he woke up to the sound of TV. Someone was playing a video game at the living room. It was loud and irritating so Daehyun shuffled lazily towards the living room to find Yongguk and Zelo laughing around as they fought with each other in the game. Daehyun snorted and went into the kitchen to have his breakfast. To his surprise, there wasn’t a single dish on the table. The table was clean, spotless. He rushed to the refrigerator and opened it. There were only mineral bottles in it.

“Where’s my cheese cake?!” he shrieked in horror. “Yaa, who ate it?”

“We don’t know,” both Yongguk and Zelo shook their heads.

“My favorite cake…” Daehyun pouted. Then he grabbed his wallet and headed to the front door.

“Hyung, where are you going?” Zelo asked curiously.

“I’m going to buy myself a cheese cake,” Daehyun responded gloomily.

Without another word, he left, not realizing that the leader and the maknae were laughing their heads off when they succeeded in lying to him.


When Daehyun was outside the dorm, he walked down the street and was heading for the nearest bakery when he spotted a girl leaning against a pole. The girl saw him and quickly avoided his gaze. Curious, he approached her and looked at her up close.

“You’re the one who fell down yesterday,” he said to her.

“Y-you remember?” the girl blinked and stared at him with surprise.

“Yeah, there’s that scar on your chin,” he pointed out and the girl quickly covered it with her red scarf. “Oh, sorry.”

“No, it’s okay,” she smiled. Then she handed him a paper bag. “Please take this. It’s a sign of appreciation.”

“Thanks,” he chuckled.

“Uh, I used to be a big fan of Zelo but after you helped me, I think I’ve changed my mind. Now I’m your fan.” She stated; her eyes on the ground. She was blushing. “My sister likes you very much. I told her about you helping me and she was so happy and wished that she could meet you too.”

“I’m really flattered,” Daehyun smiled, fiddling with the paper bag. “I won’t tell Zelo about that.”

The girl laughed and then frowned when she remembered about her sister.

“It’s too bad that my sister’s sick. She’s in the hospital. If she was healthier, she could’ve come with me to meet you here.”

“Oh, I wish her for a speedy recovery. Tell her to be strong.”

“I will,” she bowed and started walking away, waving at him happily.

He waved back and went into the dorm when he realized that the weather was getting colder. As soon as he stepped into the dorm, he slapped himself in the forehead and sighed loudly.

“Man, I forgot my cheese cake.”


“Wow, I have so many girls asking me out for a date on Valentine’s Day!” Himchan laughed loudly, facing the laptop while sitting on the couch.

“Aish, this guy is so full of himself.” Yongguk mumbled and used a pillow to cover his face so he could sleep.

“Yaa, Daehyun, look! There’s one message for you. Only one!” Himchan laughed again, his laughter echoed throughout the dorm.

“What did the fan say?” Daehyun shoved the older guy off the couch and read the message that his fan had sent him.

Happy Valentine’s Day my beloved Jung Daehyun~ Please be my valentine.

Daehyun chuckled to himself as he replied the message.

I’ll be your valentine if you give me dozens of cheese cakes.

“That’s so lame. All you can think about is food.” Himchan shook his head incredulously. “You should treat your fans with great care, tell them you love them.”

“That’s being cliché,” Daehyun scoffed. Then he got off the couch and went to the front door.

“Yaa, where are you going?” Himchan raised his eyebrows.

“Cheese cake.”

“Yaa,yaa, don’t go. It’s too dangerous. Our fans might be out there and pounce on you when you’re out of the building.”

“There’s no one out there.” Daehyun stated. “I’ve checked. Our fans thought that we’ll be at the studio recording our songs.”

“Fine,” Himchan sighed, his arms crossed. “Just don’t forget to cover your face.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Daehyun nodded repeatedly and stepped out of the dorm.

While walking towards the bakery, Daehyun stared up at the azure sky and smiled happily to himself. It was a lovely weather. He could see valentine decorations in every shop around him. There were heart-shaped balloons and banners with love quotes. A few couples were walking down the street, their hands intertwined. It made Daehyun feel a little sad. He wished he had a special someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with him.

He shook the thoughts away and continued walking when he saw the same girl leaning against the pole. It was the girl from yesterday. She was back.

“Hey,” he greeted her when she saw him.

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” she beamed delightfully. Then she handed him a pink box and giggled shyly. “Please accept my gift.”

“Thanks a lot,” Daehyun smiled politely as he received the gift.

“I heard you love cheese cake very much so I went to a bakery to buy it for you,” she grinned. “Too bad though because the cakes were too expensive. You see, I came from a poor family so I don’t have enough cash to buy one for you. I’m really sorry. My sister wanted to give you the same thing too but you know she’s too sick. She’s really desperate to give you a valentine gift and so do I. So we came up with a special gift!”

“I wonder what it is…” Daehyun laughed as he held the box in one hand and used the other to open the lid.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll love it,” the girl giggled.

When Daehyun opened the box, he looked inside and froze. He’d never seen something like this before. It was his first time receiving extraordinary gift and he swore that he’d never be able to forget it. Ever.

Inside the box, there was a bloody heart. And it was still beating.

 The stench was awful and there was blood smeared all over the walls of the box.

“Please accept my sister’s heart. She really loves you, Daehyun oppa.” 





A/N: Keke, how was the gift? Memorable enough? Sorry for traumatizing our Daehyun. keke

Well, if you guys prefer a more decent  Valentine story then you can read Ponytail

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day for any of you guys who celebrate it~


Here's my last gift:


  (this pic is not mine)

I hope that I can write more horror fics. I don't even know whether I can tag this fic as horror. keke

I should really stop writing fics with crazy people. But it's addicting XD



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_Aecha #1
I really like this fic >.<
Chapter 1: this so creepy yet heartbreaking (or rather heart-pulling out of the body? whut) because her sister must be dead by now. how are you going to meet daehyun if you're dead? should've sent her tooth instead~
Chapter 1: OH MY LAWDIE
Chapter 1: unnie i am starting to believe that you are a psycopath
/slapped to mars
the fic was so creepy i'm gonna die ; n ;
the ending was totally unexpected /shudders
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAHA. Oh my god. The ending was so unexpected. Oh my god. Daehyun: (scarred for life)
Chapter 1: *sniff* I was expecting Cheesecake OTL nyeh I won't be able to sleep til late today haha~ Daehyunnie, this is why you should be careful of strangers
Chapter 1: I wasnt expecting that..... Now how am i going to sleep ;;;;
Nice story! !! ;;;
Chapter 1: gahahahahah funny! I heart Jung Daehyun very much too~ ^,^
Chapter 1: That....exculated quickly.