He's Back

Athletes And Luv
The rest of the day Aiden skipped, Minho found him laying on the rooftop. 

"Teachers mad at you, he thinks you ditched class." Minho props against the fence. 

"I did ditch." Aiden sighs. 

"What happened?" Minho asked curious.

Aiden sits up, tears threatening. Minho seemed shocked and backs away a little.

"I was rejected!" He jumps onto Minho, hugging him tightly. Minh struggled to pry off Aiden. 

"Let me go! Let's talk about it!" Minho uses his brute strength to flip Aiden onto the ground.

"Ow...." Aiden didn't get up, he had no motivation to get up. "Suzy doesn't like me."

"And?" Minho asks, kneeling down.

"What do you mean by and? I liked her." He pouts and gets up. "Get me the almighty Key. I'd rather talk to him about girls than with you."

Minho scoffs. "Key went home early."

"Why?" Aiden asked

"He's going out with Sulli and Krystal because their on break." Minho scowled. "He skipped practice for girls."

"That's why she asked me..." Aiden's thoughts revolve back to Krystal. 

"Who asked you?" Minho sits impatiently.

"Ah Krystal asked me to go somewhere with her this Friday." Aiden mumbles and Minho leans in closer. 

"Speak clearly." Minho ordered. 

"Hanging out with Krystal Friday." Aiden enunciated his words with clear precision. 

"Oh cool." Minho nods. "She a rebound for Suzy?"

Aiden smacks Minho. "No."

"You sure? You're turning red..." Minho laughed. 

Aiden scowls, kicks Minho and heads to practice. 

"Wait up!" Minho trails behind him. "Race me today!"

"I just recovered... But sure." Aiden smirks. "Loser has to throw a bucket of worms on Key."

"Key will kill m- the loser." Minho says, fearful. 

"Chicken." Aiden shrugs his head. 

"Fine!" Minho charges into the locker room, changing. 

Aiden casually changes and jogs outside. He stretches slowly, ensuring that his leg is fully healed. Minho soon appears beside him, with determination riddled on his face. 

Losing would mean facing a diva Key who turns into a ferocious animal, or in other terms, one angry cat. Aiden was sure he wasn't going to lose as he was enjoying Minho's determination fade with fear, then his resolve came back, then scared again. This process kept repeating. 

"You ready?" Minho crouches down. Aiden nods. "3. 2. 1!"

The two dash off from one side of the track. Minho seems comfortable running and is able to keep a steady pace beside Aiden. Aiden is panting, he's been out for nearly a month. But gritting his teeth, Aiden charges forward, momentarily surprising Minho. As they reach the last stretch, Aiden manages to take first, a millionth of a second later, Minho arrived. 

Minho fell to the ground. "Nooooo!!!"

Aiden smiled and patted his back. "I'll make sure the worms are dead, it won't be as bad."

"I was so close too!!" Minho yells into the sky. "Why!??!!?!?!"

Aiden deepens his voice. "Because you are not the chosen one!"

Minho sighs. "When?"

"If he shows up at all today." Aiden smooths out his hair. "If no show, do it tomorrow."

Minho gets up, dusting off his pants. "If I don't make it, tell my sister that I was the one who wet the bed."

"That's natural bro." Aiden assures. 

"Not when you're in the sixth grade.." Aiden stares at him, he was joking, right? When he didn't pop out and say it was a joke, Aiden laughed at him. "Shut up!"

"Hey kiddies!" Key yells at them from the bleachers, Krystal and Sulli were with him. 

Minho blushes when he sees Sulli and Aiden chuckles. The two boys walk to them. 

"So the amazing Aiden is back?" Sulli says holding a camera. 

Aiden cracks a smile. "He is."

Sulli jumps happily, and Minho smiles at her. "Yay!"

Key clears his throat. "I'm injured."

"You? Since when.." Minho asks. He was perfectly fine this morning. 

"Since these girls stole my heart." Key makes a large heart, using his arms. Aiden grunts in disgust. 

"Ahfhf warn me beforehand before you drop a booming lie!" Minho plugs his ears. "Lies are my allergy."

"They did." Key fakes a . "My heart is taken hostage."

"Heh." Aiden laughs. "You mean it's Jon-"

"Ajdubkahhhh!!!!" Key spurts out gibberish. "These girls love me!"

Krystal raises an eyebrow and Aiden smiles. "He's weird today."

"Yeah he is." She replies with a faint smile. 

"Incoming!" A voice yells and Aiden turns, his assistant coach comes charging towards Key. Key's eyes widen and he prepares to run. He managed to get onto the track and run for his dear life. But coach caught up. 

"Kim Kibum! GO CHANGE!" The assistant coach yells and Key runs into the locker room. 

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Zerozz #1
Chapter 62: Good story author-nim
Update more XD
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 62: Read it over and over again, thank you
Oh no!! Please continue ~~
Chapter 62: Give us more babyyyy!:))
Chapter 62: continues !
bizzle030194 #6
Chapter 62: i cracked at the 'mister fishy has a wife and a mistress'
D901125 #7
Chapter 62: Soojin is considerate,hahahaha.krys dont't tease llama,you might call 911 for fainting due to massive nose bleed.
Chapter 62: Honestly, i laughed at the mistress part
qwan91 #9
Chapter 62: haha a beautiful family and yay to another kryber baby \(0o0)/.
bizzle030194 #10
Chapter 61: wiiihh. this story is back! yey! (hope so) :P