First Time for Everything

First Time for Everything

All was seemingly quiet in the EXO dorm. The typical loud voices were toned and and drawled out. Kai in particular liked the new silence.

It's a good thing they're the quiet drunks.

A few of the members had gathered around and decided to play a game of I Never. Taemin, who was visiting his best friend was dragged in as well.

"Let's see..." D.O. thought out loud.

"I've never, had a girlfriend on Valentine's Day." At this, everyone, except for a lightly blushing Kai and SeHun downed a shot.

"Your turn Taemin." Suho slurred out, slightly tipsy from the alcohol. Taemin frowned, deeply in thought.
"I've never...had a girl give me chocolate." Taemin finished with a smug smile, confident that everyone would have to take a drink.
That ought to even things up a bit. 
Everyone downed another shot except one.
"Kai, you didn't take a shot." Baekhyun said, thinking that his friend was too wasted to realize. Kai colored a bit before answering.
"I know hyung. It's because I didn't have to."
"You're joking right?!"
"You mean to tell that you've never had a girl give you chocolate before?!"
"Why?! It's not like you're hideous."
"You're normal too!! Even Chanyeol's been given chocolate before!!" 
Kai's blush increased as his friend's rantings continued.
Do they have to make it worse?!
Taemin, noticing his friend's distress, turned to the peanut gallery.
"I think that's enough for today. We can't afford to have hangovers tomorrow." Nodding in agreement, the men slowly walked towards their rooms.

"This is hopeless!!!" Crystal sighed to herself as she heard her friend rave about the room.

"You're just over thinking it. Just pick something to give him and be done with it."
"I'm over thinking it?! You're the one who decided to knit SeHun a scarf when you overheard one comment from him about it. Do you even know how to knit?!" Crystal colored a bit before responding.
"That's what online directions are for. Besides, at least I know what I'm getting my boyfriend!" Mariah deflated a bit remembering her dilemma. 
"What am I going to do?! What do you give someone who can get anything?!" Before Crystal could answer, her phone went off.
"Noona, is Riah there?!"
"I need to talk to her."
"Then why couldn't you call her?"
"I think her phone's dead because I got sent  to voicemail." Frowning, Crystal handed her phone to Mariah.
"Riah noona, are you still having trouble with Kai's present?"
"Yes, why?"

"I think I know what you can do."

"Really?!" Mariah's eyes brightened in delight.

"Yeah!! Kai said just now that a girl's never given him chocolate before!!"

"What?! How is that even possible?!"

"Don't question why, just be glad you have an idea now."

"That's true. Thank you so much SeHun!! I owe you."

"Don't mention it, I'll talk to you later. Bye!"

"Wait, don't you want to talk to-"


Mariah stared at the phone in confusion.

"Mariah, please tell me that you're on hold and that he did not hang up without talking to me." Crystal said in a montone voice.

"Umm, do you want me to say what you want to hear or do you want me to tell you the truth?" Before Crystal could answer the phone rang again. Mariah answered quickly.


"Please tell me Crystal didn't notice that I hung up without talking to her." Mariah turned to her friend.

"Tell SeHun that since he can have a conversation with my best friend on my phone without a thought about me

then he won't mind me going to bed." Without another word, Crystal stood up and stormed to her room.

"SeHun, I think you may need to overload on the aegyo."

"Riah, as much as I love hanging out with you, why did you ask for my help again?" Mariah continued to organize what she needed.

"Because, I wanted your company. And I needed someone to read me the recipe."

"And why did you ask me to bring Ace?"

"Moral support. And I just wanted to hold him." Kris shook his head while trying to hide a laugh. 

"Oppa, could you hand me the apron?"

"Sure." Mariah put on the apron with a determined look on her face. 

This will be the best chocolate he's ever tasted!!!

Kris looked on as Mariah proceded to make the chocolate, smiling softly to himself.

I hope you appreciate this Kai. This girl's a keeper.

Kai opened the door and smiled as he saw Mariah beam at him.

"I thought you were busy with your study group?"

"Nope, I said that so you wouldn't suspect anything." Mariah answered with a shy smile. Kai smiled as well as he led her in the dorm.

"You have perfect timing, the others are all gone." Mariah smile grew.

"I know. I asked Kris oppa and SeHun to make sure they were all gone." Kai started at his girlfriend in shock before grinning.

"I should've known. I had a feeling those two were too happy when they herded everyone out." Mariah laughed as she sat down on the couch.

"Oppa, close your eyes. I have a surpise for you." Kai eagerly sat down and closed his eyes. Mariah giggled at the childish look on his face as she took out the gift from her bag. 

"Open!!" She exclaimed, holding out the gift to him. Kai grinned as he accepted it.

"I thought we agreed no presents."

"We said we wouldn't buy anything for each other. Technically, this is homemade." Mariah replied. Kai shook his head in exasperation as he opened the gift. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the contents.

"You made me chocolate." He said in a quiet voice which made Mariah worried. 

"Yeah, do you not like it?" Kai shook his head quickly.

"No! I love it, it's just that...I've never had a girl give me chocolate before." Kai blushed as he whipered the last part of the sentence. Mariah smiled as she leaned to kiss him on the cheek.

"Well, there's a first time for everything."

The following morning, Mariah stirred lightly in her sleep as she turned in bed. She was vaguely aware of an arm sneaking its way around her waist and pulling her towards a warm mass. She wasn't fully awake to recognize what was near her, but felt a familiar sense of wamth and security and proceded to bury her face in it. A small laugh roused her and she gazed at the source of warmth hazily. Once she realised that she wasn't cuddling a pillow, a blush started to form on her face. Her gaze locked with Kai's, the man giving her a sweet smile.

"Morning sleepyhead" Kai whispered. 

Stifling a yawn Mariah blinked a few times as she slowly woke up.

"W-What are you doing?" She mumbled snuggling back into the elders chest.

"You looked comfortable, I couldn't resist the urge to invade your bed" Kai smiled shyly as he started to the younger's hair. "Your bed is comfier than mine."

"It's the same bed." Mariah whined closing her eyes again.

"I'm sure it is, but mine doesn't have you in it." Mariah buried her face deeper into Kai's chest so he couldn't see her blush.

"Don't say things like that!!"

"Why not? Don't you like it?"

"Yes, I mean no...I mean, it's just embarrassing!!" Kai chuckled as he kissed the top of her head.

"My Mariah's so cute~" Mariah's blush increased tenfold as she lightly smacked his chest. 

"I hope you're hungry. I made you breakfast." Pulling away from Kai and putting herself in a sitting position, Mariah blinked at the tray of food next to her bed. 

"No one's ever made me breakfast in bed before." She said in a quiet voice. Kai chuckled again as he leaned to kiss her. Pulling back slightly, he replied, his lips brushing hers.

"Well, there's a first time for everything."

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!! :D


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-xttran #1
Chapter 1: Arghhh, so adorable of them :]★
minniscule #2
Chapter 1: Aww, these two are the sweetest. <3
cathyokrane #3
Chapter 1: woah ~ that was sweet