| Chapter 8 |

Ordinary Day [Temporary Hiatus]


To: Giant Puppy
Sent: 11:23

We're meeting at Chung-Sahn 
park, right?


I quickly sent the text as I looked around for my purse. I was running late, since I had woken up later than usual. I blamed the re-runs of I Love Italy, but who can resist those abs of Kim Kibum's?! I had finished taking a bath not too long ago, and my hair was still somewhat wet. 


From: Giant Puppy
Received: 11:23

You're going to be late, 
aren't you? <(-.-<)!


I chuckled. This boy knows me way too well, doesn't he? 


To: Giant Puppy
Sent: 11:31

I'm not! I swear! 
I'll be there soon, 


promise~ (^_^;;;)


I was finally ready, and hurriedly left the apartment. As I boarded the bus and sat, my phone buzzed inside my navy blue loose purse. I took it out, and unlocked it. 


From: Giant Puppy
Received: 11:37

You woke up late, didn't you? 
Is this the best you can do?


I laughed, an actual emoticon? is he that bored?


To: Giant Puppy
Sent: 11:58

How did you know that?!


From: Giant Puppy
Received: 12:04

There were I luv Lee Taeri 
re-runs last night, I saw it


I arrived to the stop that dropped me off the nearest to the park. As I stepped on the pavement, I notice that my white snickers stuck to something on the floor. As I stepped to the side and help up my feet, I noticed a chewing gum. Ewww.


To: Giant Puppy
Sent: 12:11

Oppa~ Don't be mad~

I'm here already, where
are you?


I giggled. Well, let's hope the oppa-bomb is effective against him, if not, oh well. I strutted towards the park. I looked around, and found a bench. I sat down. I dusted my jeans, noticing they had a bit of dirt on them, and fixed my sleeveless printed shirt. It was a mildly hot day, as hot as it could get here in Seoul. 


From: Giant Puppy
Received: 12:19

So u call me oppa when 
I catch you cheating on
me with Kim Kibum, huh?

Life is so cruel

Meet me at the small 
fountain near the 


I got up and my feet took me to the desired destination. I saw from afar a tall person, red hair frizzing up everywhere, and an unmistakable smile. Chanyeol was wearing some khaki shorts, a white tee with a printed english expression, and a light blue cardigan. I frowned, a cardigan with this weather? I shrugged, guessing it was the boy's fashion sense, and waved over when he noticed me. Before I could say anything, he interrupted me. 

"So you call me oppa only when you see it convenient, huh?" he asked, and a smirk slowly came up his face, which made him look surprisingly handsome, "For your punishment, you have to call me oppa from now on. Always." 

My heart sped up a bit, "Always?" I asked, pretending to be alarmed. I was a bit, actually, if we ever happened to cross my friends they would never let me hear the end of it. 

He laughed, "Oh, come on, it's not a bad punishment, is it?" he grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards the busy street, "Let's go, I want to see your reaction to the place!" 

I felt like at any moment my heart would give out. Holy macaronni, since when did this skinship monster turn into a couple-skinship monster? I could only hope my face wasn't as red as I felt it and nodded meekly. He smiled widely and off we went. 

I couldn't concentrate on anything other than his hands on mine and not to bump into anyone. Suddenly, Chanyeol halted and I bumped into his back. 

"Here!" he said, and pointed to a bright, pink sign that said Amore-Macchiato, and screamed 'couple cafe'. Inside, you could see pink wooden chairs and tables, and the walls were decorated with light blue, purple and pink hearts and stars. I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering if he thought of me as a typical romantic teenage girl. 


"No, it's oppa, Junghee." 

I shook my head, "Oppa, this looks like rainbows and unicorns had an unanimate love baby. What the heck?" 

He grinned, "Oh, come on, you're a girl. Don't girls love this?" he gestured to the cafe, then grimaced, "although there's too much pink for my taste." 

I laughed and pulled his hand, realizing he hadn't let go, "Let's go somewhere less.. couple-y, alright?" 

Chanyeol nodded and we headed towards a nearby pizzeria. We ordered one pizza that we would share, and I started to pick through the mushrooms, seriously, this would be so much better without the mushrooms. Chanyeol looked at me with pursed lips. 


"Why are you taking off those mushrooms? They're delicious!" I grimaced, and he laughed, pushing his pizza plate towards me, "Here, put the mushrooms on my slices." 

I did as he told me. 


"So, am I forgiven?" asked Chanyeol after munching on his third slice. I finished my bite, and gulped. 

"Yeah, I wasn't really mad, you know? Just a bit worried, you suddenly disappeared," I said and grabbed my second slice. Geesh, these pizzas are way too thick, I thought. 

"Hmmm.." said Chanyeol, and he looked towards the window. His ever-present smile diminished a bit, and I wondered why. 

"So, where are we going after this?" I asked, since Chanyeol always chose the destination. I didn't complain much, since I didn't know many good hang-out spots or beautiful parks like Chanyeol did. 

"I thought we could walk around Myeongdong, since we haven't gone there together," he said, taking a sip from his iced tea, "Unless you want to go somewhere else,"

I shook my head, "Nah, let's go there. Did you need to buy anything in particular, though?" 

"Hmm.. Now that I think about it," his eyes suddenly sparkled, "Yeah! You're going to help me, alright?" 

I nodded, chuckling at his apparent eagerness. We got up and left the pizzeria and the busy street in search of a bus that would take us to Myeongdong. I could've sworn I felt a pair of eyes on me, but when I turned around all I saw was high school girls, a couple of business men and a group of ajhummas. 


When we arrived to Myeongdong, it was as crowded as you would expect it to be during the summer. Chanyeol grabbed my hand and led me towards a store, I assumed. He stopped in front of another cutesy couples-accesory store, and I raised my eyebrows. He stopped me right in the entrance and signalled me to stop, "Wait right here, okay? I'll be out soon." 

He entered the store and left me alone. I looked at through the window, and the store consisted of many couple clothes, accesories, key-chains... You name it, they had it in couple version. I wondered if Chanyeol was buying something for someone he liked. I puffed my cheeks, why didn't he ask for my help, then? I thought he wanted me to help him pick out something.

Suddenly, someone bumped into me. The heck? Did they do it on purpose?

"Sorry," I apologize either way, and look up. What? Himchan?

"No, I'm sorry, I-- Oh, Junghee!" he said cheerily, although I could see right through him. I gritted my teeth, but managed a fake smile. 

"Hello, Himchan-ssi," I bowed politely and he laughed, shaking his head. 

"I told you, no need to be so formal with me. Just call me oppa," he winked, "What are you doing here all by yourself? A pretty girl like you shouldn't wander the streets alone, you know?" 

I was tempted to scoff, but kept my cool. His player ways will never change, I mentally shook my head. "I came with a friend, he's in the store," I pointed with my thumb to my back, where the store was. 

He raised one eyebrow, probably not believing me, "Well, you could come with me, I'm on my way to see Youngjae and Daehyun," 

Do I want to see the three biggest players of school? When I finally got rid of them? Let me think,  uhh, nope. I thought grimly. 

Instead, I shook my head, "I'm sorry Himchan-ssi, I--" 

He tsk'ed, and suddenly hooked my arm on his, "Now, now, you should call me oppa. Come on, you'll have a good time with us, and Youngjae's said he's missed you," he started dragging me towards the busy street, and I looked back helplessly to the store. I didn't know whether I should shout and cause a scene or not, when suddenly I was pulled away from Himchan. 

"Excuse me," said Chanyeol, his deep voice frighteningly cold, "But where do you think you're taking my girl?" 

Now, taking into account that Chanyeol was way taller than Himchan and his cardigan made him look way bulkier than he really was, I wasn't surprised when Himchan stuttered an awkward excuse and quickly left our sight. I sighed, and looked at Chanyeol who had possesively wrapped his left arm over my shoulders. 

"Thanks oppa.. Whew. That was close," I smiled, and suddenly his glared turned towards me. I was surprised, and a small 'Wae?' left my mouth before I could fully process it. 

"Why the heck would you go with a ert like that, Junggie? Seriously?" 

I shook my head, "I hate the dude. He dragged me to meet with his other two side-kicks, I didn't wanna go!" 

Chanyeol just fumed, "Well, scream or do something ! Don't just let him do as he pleases!" 

He pulled me in the opposite direction that Himchan had gone, and we arrived to a small ice cream shop. I could sense that Chanyeol was still mad, so I nudged him towards the place. We entered and I bough a triple chocolate ice cream, and we sat on a table. 

"Here, eat." I offered, taking a spoon and trying to feed it to him. Come on, big pup, forgive me already. 

He pouted then opened his mouth and took the treat. "Who is that dude anyway?" 


I could see he wouldn't drop the subject, so I decided to just tell him the whole story. 

"Well, he was a senior when I was a junior. Biggest player of the school, along with Daehyun and Youngjae that were in my class. Apparently, Himchan -- that's his name -- decided that he wanted to 'hook up' with me and Nana. He invited us to a party and tried to get us to sleep with him," I shuddered at the memory, "but our friend Nam came in and beat the guy to a pulp. I think he held a grudge against me since Nam is one of my good friends." 

He nodded, as if processing it all. "I know it, he looked like a b*st*rd," he said between spoonfuls of ice cream, "I want to meet this Nam guy." 

I shook my head, "I said he protected us, what do you want with him?" 

He raised his palms, "Hey, if he's a good guy, I want to meet him. I just want to thank him!" 

I looked at him weirdly, and he offered me the a spoon with chocolate goodness. 

"Come on, you can't expect me to finish this all by myself, right?" he asked, and nudged the spoon closer. I hesitantly opened my mouth and it immediately watered. Damn, this is good

I took another spoon that laid on the pile of napkins, when I noticed Chanyeol smirking at me. 


He continued smirking, and my heart skipped a beat, so I stuffed more ice cream into my mouth. 

"You know, that totally was an indirect kiss," Chanyeol said, and smirked triumphantly at me. 

What?! I spluttered, and almost chocked on the cold treat.


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It's been three years, I can't believe it.. I'm thinking on getting back to the story, so I might be updating semi-regularly from now on. Maybe.


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I am enjoying this very much!!!!
BlackJack786 #2
Chapter 7: FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ya i really enjoyed your fanfac btw!!!!! udate soon!!!!