Chapter 8

EXOTIC LOVE : The Missing Piece

"Are you out of your mind?.. You made me so nervous! I almost faint a while ago!.. You jerk.." I screamed.

"Hahahahaha.." kyung still laughing while holding his stomach.

Wh-what!?? and he still got the nerve??.. how could you do this to me Kyung..?? 

how could you?...

"I h-hate y-you.."I backed off. I looked keenly at him.

"Haha.. ha ha... ha.."He stopped.

My knees are shaking.. they're trembling..

Now what?.. oh please not now.. please.. No..

"..It's your fa-fault....huhu.."

Oh there it is huf... I cried. My tears,slowly strolled down my cheeks. 

What's this?.. I ca-cant move.. 

"Me? it's you.. you made me worry too.." He stared at me.

No. not with those eyes again!!...

"No, its your fault, huhuhu.." I looked away.

I cant handle this anymore..

".. What?! "He shouted.

"huhuhuh... it's your fault.. huhu.."Now, I really tumbled down. I sat near the shelf.

i continued crying.. Sh*t, stop this.. please... Stop it Tae!!

"Hey.. no crying.. wait.. ssshhs.."He leaned over and hugged me.

Sh*t, not right now.. please no.. AArgggHh!! >.<

"No.. "I pushed him away. No.. You cant do this to me.. No.. not now, that Im weak..

Why.. why is this happening to me..? ..

"NO, wait come here.." He pushed moreover and hugged me tightly..

my heart starts pounding so fast..  very fast..

No. I need to let go of this..

"No.... huhuh.."I didnt noticed my hand begins to wrap his body and I sob into his polo.

huhu.. why..? I dont understand.. Do i really lov-

"shhssshhh... stop crying now.. shsshhsh.."He tapped my back.


"Whew!, Im done!"done fixing myself. That was a lot of drama.

"Well, you're okay now.."I told him, still wiping my wet cheeks..

"im sorry. I was such a crybaby.."

"No, its okay,, i understand.."He said while looking at me. What's wrong with him?!

"understand?.. understand..? how come i didnt saw you a while ago?"Here we go again.. here comes my monster side..

Well, its really your fault! hmpf! I almost die waiting for you..

what?.. erase,erase!

"huh, i was just.. busy.."He turned around and look at the books near us. He took one and pulled it.

"busy.. wow.."I said sarcastically..

He looked at me. The book, on his side. He stared.

Stop that!..

"are.. are you angry with me..?" Wait what?! I fake coughed. why would I? I dont like you at all..

But you cried.. N

o, that was just part of the test..


what test.. wait, let's not talk about that..

"of course! wouldnt I?" HUh?.. You love him..?What love.? nooo..! just like..

uh, like..? okay.. 


"really, and.. why is that..?"He asked wondering..

"uh, huh.. i was just worried! Dont give any meaning.." 

You jerk!, I dont like you.. promise..

"haha.. you said it.." 

what th-? is he joking..?? Damn. He must have read my mind.,. are you a mind-reader?

"what?!.."I screamed.

"Nothing.."he smiled.

Sh*t those killer smiles again!!....

"I'd better be going now.."He turned around and waves his hands

"And where do you suppose to go?.. and leave me alone in here..??"I shouted even louder.

Please turn..please...dont leave..

"Haha.. my next class.."He faced me.

pfffftttttttttt!!.... he really turned! now i can say, you really read minds!!

wait, what? next class.. oh, i suppose im the bad influence here... uh,oh..

"Oh, o-okay.."I head down.

"Dont worry, I'll be back.."He smiled.. he's coming my way..

wait, coming..? gosh, he's coming my way! my knees are trembling again..

Sh**tttt.. No.. this cant be.. 

You feeler!, I didnt say that!

"hey, I didnt say i-"I was about to reason out but his face came closer to mine..

Oh my gosh, is this it?.. oh no.. 

It was very fast,. but light.

He kissed me.... on. my... temple.

I turned red.. NO..!!!! Im breaking my wall!! no...

He kissed me on my temple... temple, not lips.. 

hey, i never said that..!!

"Of course...."He faced me. and smiled again..

"huh- you old munk! why did you do that??!!"

"bye!"he ran to the backdoor.

at nthe backdoor. huh?.. what a nice joke..

Sh***TT.. he got me.! I'll try my luck next time.. sh*t he got my first kiss!

"Jerk!!!!.. hmpf!"i marched to the 15th shelf.


"Oh, Taeyeon! there you are!.."My heart suddenly leaped when I heard Suho from the back.

oh, i forgot! 

"uh, yes.."I smiled at him .. widely.

good thing I put make up a while ago.

"I've been looking around for you...I didnt saw you on the table so I think you're searching for some books.."

oh my gosh!.. im so sorry..

"Oh, Im so sorry!!.. really.. im so sorry.." now, what have I done?..

it's all because of that Kyungsoo! hmpf! I'll sue that jerk!..

"I thought you would be take so long.. I looked at the line and it's quite long so I sneaked out.. gosh, Im really sorry.."

I look at the books..

"No, its okay.. so have you seen your book..?"

oh it worked!, haha.. im so evil..

"..Oh,. I haven't.. can you help me..?"

I acted like worrying.. 

"Oh, Sure.!." Suho smiles. 

He has dimples! Why didnt I tought of that??..

So cute..

oh, i almost forgot, this guy is a hottie. i think Im blushing..

"Thanks.." Sh*t.. flirt!!

I smiled at him..


i still cant sleep. My mind is bothering me. Is it Suho or Kyung? Suho didnt tell yet his intentions,.. but it's so obvious.. I think I like him too. He's cute. Every girl's dream..tall, dark, handsome.. but the other side tells me to wait for Kyung.. wait?.. no, give chance.. that jerk doesnt have a chance in me. He's rich, yes. but still a jerk.. 

He even said, he'll marry me.. duh? Who cares..? but.. he's the only person in the world who makes me weak, makes my knees tremble and shake, makes me vulnerable.. and dont forget.. he likes to annoy me and make me cry.. huff, whatever.. Im still confused.. I hope I just have an older sister, or a nanny.. nanny? Im already old! LOL XD.

wait,, a sister.?.. hmm.. wait.. but it  was 10 years ago.. no, it cant be..


"huh,.?"Tae heard some noise downstairs, her room was just near the stairs so she could hear everything.

".. No, you cant do that!.. Taeyeon will never accept her!.."her mom.Haemin

"Of course, she also needs to know!"Youngtae


".. No! you cant do that!.. She'll get jealous.."

"We can, Tiffany will never be a problem, besides she is old enough..."Youngtae still on the window.

"Our daughter will never understand.!!.." her mom shouted. 

"NO, I've made up my mind.."her father faced her mom and looked keenly.

"You cant do this to me.. Im your wife!.."She screamed.

"Taeyeon wi-"

"NO.. or else, we'll leave this house.."Haemin.

"What!?.."Youngtae couldnt believe what he just heard.. is this some sort of joke?

"You decide, let your daughter stay in this house, Taeyeon and me fly to Canada.."Haemin still hands crossed. 

..huh..???.Tae covered . what..? i dont understand... Tae just remained silent and went on with the noise.

"This is insane!!,,.."Youngtae shouted, he walked to the kitchen.

"This is not insane... You are"her mother's voice thrilled as she follwed Youngtae to the kitchen.. it's gone. 

but she can still hear their voices, they must've learned im listening, or..

I dont understand..


"could it be.. I have a sister? or.."

. . .  and idea pops out.

oh no.. could it be.. ??.. could it be.. no.. dad will never do this to our family.. no.. he cant.. She was shocked at what she realized..

" my father has.. a  -"


[phone rings]..


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Chapter 20: Wow amazing
chen12 #3
Oh.. I hope they're okay. :'(
Chapter 17: I hope Taeyeon and Tiffany will meet faster ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 15: What's happening? Who's that girl?
I hope kyungtae will be fine♥♡
exo-snsd #6
Chapter 13: Ubdate soon pls
Chapter 13: poor Taeyeon~
Chapter 11: Taeyeon,please choose Kyungsoo!
Chapter 11: . the one Kyungsoo wrote was so sweet kyargh ❤️
. oh... who did Taeyeon choose..? XDDDD
Chapter 9: Please update soon author-nim!!