
The Yongseo Collection
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Tiny drizzle started to pour but they did not mind. He watched as she took three more steps towards him. She’s a little leaner now, he told himself while appreciating her shy smile.

“Sorry, I kept you waiting.”

She spoke in an almost whisper tone.

He wondered what he really meant by that.

“It’s okay, I just arrived, too.” He sensed her nervousness for she has been swaying slowly without her noticing it.

Her old familiar way.

They agreed to meet at the old chapel where they…

“I–” They said together.

“You go first,” she said with her voice caught between a laughter and a song.

I’ve changed…” he seriously started.

“So do I…”

He gave her a confused smile.

“I’m not the same naive girl that you knew…”

A little curve formed on her lips, the same one she gave him when she bravely declared her feelings for him way back in their younger days.

“There were so many things that changed, but one thing never did…”

She really changed. She used to be very straightforward but now–

“My heartbeat’s still the same.”

Yonghwa sighed deeply and gave her the sweetest smile he could ever give. Seohyun forced herself not to laugh but reached out for his hand. He took hers and gaze it a gentle squeeze.

Minutes later, as drops of rain wet the land, they walked out of the chapel with their fingers intertwined with a promise– the ve

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Chapter 9: i hope tat happen ...
Chapter 8: yong choding .... confusing hyunnie
Chapter 7: change for the better ... love it
Chapter 6: u charm me with ya words n story, authornim ... tq
Chapter 5: hehehe ... wat a dance ...
Chapter 4: kaka ... yong can nvr outwit hyun the health freak .... kaka ... love hyun take so much care of yong
Chapter 3: aaaarrrrrthhhhhh .... sweet ... where she shud be ... <3
Chapter 2: yong had been so well taken care by hyun tat he in a mess when hyun not in ...:)
Chapter 1: beauty is in the eye of the beholder ... beautiful mess ... <3
Chapter 10: Every single chapter is different yet it reflects ups and downs in a relationship. Yongseo forever!