Chapter I

of beautiful things.


Chapter I:


*One Month Prior*

"So, would you sign here, here, and here for me please. After that, you are good to go!" Mr. Lee Soo Man, the founder of S.M. Entertainment, happily exclaims, taking a sip from his coffee.

Hangeng nods with a huge smile on his face, and signs where he was told. "Thank you,  Lee Soo Man-nim," he slides the papers towards the older man and stands up. "I really appreciate it."  

"No, thank you for coming back to us. Super Junior hasn't really been the same since you left, and the fans will be so happy when they see you on stage again. "

The Chinaman smiles again, and shakes  Mr. Soo Man's hand. "When do I move into their dorm again, or has their address changed..?"

"I just remembered." The elder  takes out a sticky note and quickly jots something down, and hands it to Hangeng. "Their address has changed. Also, since they are on a tour at the moment, you'll come in a month. You'll recieve a phone call when Super Junior have made it back and have settled in."

"Oh, I understand. Thank you, Soo Man-nim." Hangeng bows in a 90° angle, and turns around on his heel to walk out of the room. From the look on his face, he had seemed happy, but on the inside, was a whole different ball game.

After hearing the words "Super Junior", the name of Heechul immediatly popped up in his head.  He stops in his tracks and facepalms, the thought seeping into his head, into his brain.

Immediatly he thought, "Does he hate me?"

Hangeng hopes that Heechul doesn't hate him, but he had no choice.

He lets out a long and heavy sigh, and begins walking again, expecting the worst to happen in a month.

*One Month later*

Hangeng was impatiently sitting in the waiting room of Seoul-Incheon International Airport, waiting to be picked up. He has been sitting for almost 5 hours. 5 long, boring, ungodly hours., despite being there since one thirty in the morning. After a while, seeing other people getting picked up by their families was getting on his last hanging nerve. The happiness was killing him, and all he wanted was a good, peacefull sleep.

Another hour went by, and Hangeng was still there, but was sprawled across the bench, fast asleep. Waiting for someone to come was what, like an hour ago? Hangeng was about tired of waiting in the first place. He had been in the same clothes for almost 10 hours, plus another 6. That's 16 hours with no shower, no food, no friends, and it was just pure hell.

"HANGENG! ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" A voice shouts from the entrance of the airport. Some people stopped and looked to where the annoying voice was coming from, wile others just shrugged and went their way. It was too early for any noise like that.

The echo of the voice goes in and out of Hangeng's head, and he remains in a deep sleep. He rolls over, and covers his face with his coat, a cold draft suddenly coming in.

"HANKYUNG!!" The voice screams again, and this time, it was closer and more annoying.

Hangeng mumbles a colorful strand of words before rolling over again and looking at where the source of annoyance is coming from.

"Hey, hyung~" The voice says again, before poking the living daylights out of the Chinaman's shoulder. "It's me, Eunhyuk!"

Hangeng rubs the Sandman's dust out of his eyes, so that he could see clearly. Once his vision returns, he smiles in joy. "Hyukkie-ah! How are you?!" Hangeng jumps up and hugs Eunhyuk like he was just a plush toy, slinging him around carelessly.

"I'm doing good~ We could have been here earlier, but Donghae was hungry. So we stopped to get him something to eat." Eunhyuk laughs, and smiles, with his gums showing. "How have you been?"

"You two haven't changed a bit. I'm doing well, thank you. I was just catching up on some Z's while I was here. I had to sit next to a teenager with music so loud that I almost went deaf. So I couldn't get any sleep with that playing."

"I feel you. Hurry, because Hae wants to see bad." Eunhyuk gathers up some of Hangeng's luggage, and rolls them out of the airport, into the parking lot. Hangeng follows behind, a wide smile on his face.

At least one good thing has happened today, right?

"Hey, Hae!" Hangeng yells, throwing his luggage into the trunk of the van that they traveled in. 

"Shhh!" Dongae interrupts him, and looks down at the bundle of white blankets that he was holding. "Your going to wake her up!"

"Wake who up?" Hangeng asks, slamming the door to the van. 

Eunhyuk laughs, with a nervous look on his face. "O-our daughter.." 

The Chinese man stares at Hyukjae with a confused look on his face. "Wait...what?" He raises a brow, trying the best he could to comprehend when the other has just said. "Did you say baby?"

"Yes, Hangeng, baby. Donghae recently had a little girl. Her name is Eunhae. Want to see her?" Eunhyuk takes the baby out of Donghae's grip, and pats her back gently.

Hangeng closes his mouth before a fly could enter it. " old is she?"

Eunhyuk hands over the small baby into his grip, and helps him support her. "She's only two weeks old...she's like, the best thing that's ever happened to us."

"Aw, she's cute~ She looks like Donghae the most. She has his nose, and your lips. She's lucky that she has two of the best people in the world to be her parents." Hangeng begins to make funny faces in the baby's face, even though that she was sound asleep.

"Thanks. That means alot." Donghae smiles and takes his daughter, and straps her into the carseat. "Let's get going. The others want to see you. Kyuhyun wont stop blowing up my phone saying how much he wants to see you right about now. Same with Sungmin and Heechul."

That name again, ing Kim Heechul.

" is Heechul anyway?" Hangeng fiddles with his fingers, staring at the ground.

"He's doing fine. He's been depressed ever since you had left. He hasn't been on a date since then." Eunhyuk shrugs, getting into the van.

Hangeng closes his eyes, letting a sigh come from his lips. "He probrably hates me.."

"No, he doesn't. He owns all of your solo albums, and listens to them before he goes to sleep every night. He even cries for you sometimes."

"O-Oh..he does..? I didn't know that he missed me that much....I thought that he would have moved on." Hangeng gets into the vehicle, and shuts the door behind him. "Like...find someone else."

"He refused to. We tried to tell him, but he just ignored us all. We sets him up on dates, and they were short-lived because he missed you badly. And then he had to serve his military service, which made even harder for him."

"I remember I saw an article about that..but I never had the time to sent a message to him to say that I loved him..and he might hate me for that."

"Just expect whatever he throws at you., that's the best thing to do right about now." Donghae replied before he rested his head against the window, and slowly falls asleep.

Hangeng lets out yet another sigh, and pus his face in his hands.

What was he going to do?

The car ride had taken a bit longer than expected, since Eunhae decides that she's hungry for the 4th time after they had stopped at a light. Meaning that they would have to pull over and get delayed in the trip once more. Regarding the pooped up diapers, constant crying, and attention-grabbing, everything had went smooth.

"Are we there yet?" Donghae mumbles from the backseat, holding a pacifier up to Eunhae's mouth. "The baby is getting restless, and that means more crying.."

"Donghae...were almost there. Just about another five to ten minutes, arasso?"

"Ugh.." Donghae moans, hitting his head against the glass of the window. "Arasso.."

"I like it when you moan like that, Hae-ah." Eunhyuk his lips, eyes still on the road. He adjusts his mirror up that he could see the back seat. "Please oh please do it again." Eunhyuk says with complete sarcasm, but stops when he sees the serious look on his lover's face.

"Shut the hell up, Lee Hyukjae..."

"Wow...this house is big.." Hangeng says as he sticks his head out of the window to get a better view of  where he was. Not really a better view, because it was still a little dak outside.

"Yeah, I know. We had it build from the ground up. I was our 7th year anniversarry gift from Lee Soo Man. We've only lived here for a couple of months, and we are still getting used to it."

"Ah, I see." Hangeng nods before stepping out of the car before it could get to a complete stop, but he didn't care. The sight that he was looking at was just..gorgeous. "How big is it?"

"It has...16 rooms, 7 bathrooms, 3 kitchens, and I'll let the rest be a surprise.." Eunhyuk opens the trunk and hauls out Hangeng's suitcases. "It was named the best  house of Soth Korea twice."

"You could tell. And really...I want to check it out." Hangeng begins to jump in the air like a little child at the sight of an ice cream cone.

"Hold on a bit. It's not like it's going to burn down or anything. You have more than enough time to explore." Donghae yawns as he unbuckles Eunhae out of the car seat, and holds her in his arms. He sings Oppa, Oppa, making her smile, even though she was asleep.

"Donghae-ah, that is the most cutest thing I have ever seen...your such a good parent. Same with Eunhyuk."

"Eunhyuk...he's a bad father. When she cries at night, I always have to  go get her. I don't why he got me pregnant in the first place, if he won't even play his part." Donghae shoots a glare towards Eunhyuk, who just sat there casually as if nothing has happened, whistling.

"No! I do help you!"

"No you don't, so shut the hell up."

"Yes ma'am."

Hangeng laughs at the quick arguement of the two, before shaking his head. He grabs two of his suitcases and rolls them up to the front door. As he is raises his hand to knock, he hears a loud commotion from behind. And the door slings open, and Kyuhyun is standing there

"HYUNG!" The maknae of Super Junior yells as he technically pounces on Hangeng, making them both tumble to the ground. "Oh my god I missed you so much!" Kyuhyun cuddles against Hangeng, making the older man laugh.

Sungmin comes up, and feels Kyuhyun off of him. "Sorry, Hyung, he was standing by the door waiting for you the whole time. He wouldn't budge."

"It's fine. And I missed you too Kyu, you and your evil actions." Hangeng ruffles his hair, making the younger man smile, almost tearing his cheeks apart.

"Hey, Hangeng." Leeteuk pushes Sungmin and Kyuhyun out of his way, so that he could at  least hug him. "How are you?"

Hangeng happily returns the hug, and makes his way into the house. "I'm doing well, and you?"

"I'm doing quite well myself, thanks." Leeteuk then picks up a little toddler, who was nibbling on a piece of pancake. She waves in Hangeng's direction, and reaches out to him.

"Teukie-hyung, who is this?" Hangeng plays with the little girl's fingers, which were sticky with maple syrup."She's cute!"

"This is me and Kangin's daughter, Sunny. Say hi, jagiya!"

"Hi!" The little girl squeals out, her shorts boucing lively as she waved. "I this manys!" She hold up one finger, while on het thumb.

"Aww..." Hangeng grabs her from Leeteuk's grip, and gives her a piggy back ride. She was sqeuasling louder than she was before, but Hannie didn't care. He liked that noise. It was...soothing. 

"Come on in and get situated! All of us have alot to catch up on." Leeteuk smiles as he leads Hangeng into the living room, and hands him a bottle of water. "I'll go get Heechul." 

Hangeng nods and sits down, Sunny crawling up in his lap. "Who you is?" She asks, tilting her head to the side cutely. Hangeng couldn't do anything else but "awe" again.

"I"m Hangeng. Or, you can call me Hannie. Who you is?"

"I Sunny." the littel claps her hands before sliding off of him, and runs away, tipping over a few times in the process. She climbs up and stands on the counter, and has her eyes glued to the stairs. "Hi Auntie Heechul!"

The chinese quickly turns around, seeing Heechul carefully walking down the stairs. He stands up, and walks to the bottom of the staircase. "You haven't changed a bit, Heechul-ah." He takes Heechuls hands, and kisses it after he came down the last step.

"You haven't changed much yourself, haven't you?"  Heechul smirks, hugging Hangeng. To him, it had felt the same as the one they had 3 years ago, at Hangeng's last concert before leaving. "I've missed you."

"I know. Eunhyuk told me how you refused to date other people, and how you would go to sleep listening to my solo albums, and cry everytime you had thought about me. I know it all, my love"

"Ugh, Eunhyuk and his big mouth! That was personal.." Heechul takes off the towel that was wrapped around his head, slinging his shoulder-length hair around. "I wish that I could punch him at times, since he's a pain in the now."

"He's not a pain, he's just..being a loving and caring brother. "

Heechul shakes his head and grabs Hangeng by the shirt collar, tears suddelny forming in the corners of his eyes. "Hangeng...please don't leave me like that again. I was lonely...and I felt lost..and, and.." Heechul buries his head in the towel, sliding down on the floor.

The other members are strting to creep off into other places, to leave the two alone. They needed it, since they had alot to catch up on after 3 long years. Hangeng looks around the large room, and then back at Heechul.

"Look, Heechul. I'll never leave you again, I promise, okay? I'll always be here for you, arasso? Never. You already went through too much, and that stops today." Hangeng holds Heechul by his cheeks, and forcefully presses his lips to his. 

It's been three yeras since a kiss like that too. Their last kiss goodbye.

Heechul was tensed up at first during the kiss, and then started to loosten up as they got farther into it. It reminded them of the first time when they had three years ago,  when they were both s still. And now, the feeling that Heechul had made  him feel like one all over again.


Heechul pulls back from the kiss, and looks behind Hangeng. Standing behind him was a small little girl, who was only dressed in a Pink shirt and a  pull-up, and was holding a stuffed dragon in her hands.  "Oh  no.."

"What's  wrong, Hee-ah" Hangeng turns around, and see the child standing there, rubbing her eyes. "Who is this?"

"Hangeng...oh god how do I put this..This is your...d-daughter.." Heechul gets up and grabs the little girl, and walks towards the stairs.

"I have...a daughter..?" Hangeng starts to feel light headed, and begins to rub his temples. "W-What...?"

"Well you see.."

"UMMA!" Another child runs down the stairs, and looks like an exact replica of  the first girl. "I'm hungry!"

"You have twin daughters..." Heechul smiles, trying to lift he moment. "Happy Birthday..?"

Hangeng falls over, out cold, onto the white tiled floor.

Author's Note;

Sorry if this chapter makes no sense or my english is bad. I will edit it later, to correct anything that is wrong ^^' Please Read and Subscribe. :)












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nadianuramirah #1
Chapter 1: hahhaha...its so funny when he says happy birthday to hankyung...
and hankyung faint after hearing that...
sweet lovely story..update soon kay...
~lot of love dear~
Chapter 1: hahaha oh god update please
myotterprince #3
loveheenim #4
good ideas, i like mpreg and keep writing ;)