The Promise

Valentine's Day...TaoRi(not TaoRis) Style :)

                                                                Valentine's Day 2013

                                                                     ~Tao & Miri~


  “OPPA!!!” Miri screamed as she ran up behind Tao with a grin plastered all over her face.


  “Hi Miri-ah....” He says awkwardly holding something behind his back as he smiles.


  “Happy Valentine's Day oppa saranghae!” She yelled as she handed his some chocolates while blushing like and idiot.


  “Thank you Miri-ah....ummm I got something for you as you go.” he said handing her a giant panda that made her squeal and jump him.


  “THANK YOU,THANK YOU,THANK YOU!!!” She yelled while bouncing up and down with her,most likely,new pillow.


 After they exchanged their gifts they went for a walk in the part where Tao bought Miri some chocolate ice cream and took her to the Lotte Amusement Park where she rode the giant pirate ship as well as the really scary roller coaster...which she sadly dragged him on.


  “Oppa that was the best roller coaster ride ever.” she said after getting of the roller coaster for the third time.


  “Umm...Miri-ah...were you dropped on your head as a baby?” he asked still shaking from the ride.


  “Not that I know of why?” she asked turning her head to the side while holding the panda that Tao gave her.


  “No reason.....just checking...” he said slowly.


  “Oppa...i'm hungry...can we go eat somewhere?” Miri asked while rubbing her belly...really flat belly....even though she eats a lot.


  “Neh.....where do you wanna go?” he asked as he looked around the amusement park taking in all the scary rides not to bring her near.


  “Chocolate factory?” she asked like a 5-year-old child.


  “That's not about we go to...Nolboo(supposedly a famous restaurant in Seoul)?” he asked.


  “OOOO YES!!!” she yelled getting all excited.


  “Ok....lets go then.” he said taking her hand and putting her into the rental car he got for them and drove to the restaurant.


  “OMG...i want this...and this.....ohhh...and this...and...i must have this...” Miri said as she starred at her menu.


  “Take your time my mini panda I don't want you blowing up.” he said smiling into his menu at her childish behavior.


 After ordering their food they talked about what they would do in the future....and...dear lord when Tao mentioned children...lets just say...a waiter was called because something was flipped over....


 Tao..asked her how she would feel about getting married and having children when they got older...Miri's hand came in contact with a glass bottle holding water in it...she freaked out while...Tao tried...tried to calm her down....she jumped about 10 feet in the air when she heard it shatter.


 After getting their food,eating and leaving....after Tao left a $20 tip because Miri scared them....they left happy and full...and guess where she wanted to go to afterwards....back to the amusement nearly 11:00 at night she wanted to ride the ferris wheel with Tao before he took her home to her god forsaken twin brother.


 Climbing into the ferris wheel Miri took the seat on the inside and put the panda on her lap and let Tao move in beside her. Laughing at his scared expression she held his hand and he lightly squeezed to let her known he liked her comfort.


 After the wheel went around three times Miri waited till it got to the top at the fourth spin,which is when she turned to smile at Tao...who was starring at her with a smile on his face. She smiled and leaned on his shoulder,while he laid his head on hers. On the fifth turn she sat back up and smiled at him again because this was the last time it would go around...she was really surprised to find that the grip on her hand had lessened and their hand were now intertwined. Smiling she leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips laughing when he jumped from shock. When he pulled her back in for another one she didn't complain either. At the top of a ferris wheel on Valentine's Day kissing the love of your life seems like a nice way to live don't you think? After the day was done he brought her home where her twin was anxiously awaiting her arrival. After about 10 minutes of Myon yelling at Tao for bringing her home so late he went inside to give the two a moment alone.


  “Oppa....i had a lot of fun today. Thank you for going on the ferris wheel with me I really liked it.” Miri said smiling as she blushed lightly at the memory.


  “I had fun today to Miri-ah. You still have to keep that promise from inside the restaurant though even if the day is over.” he said smiling at her blush.


  “I know oppa. I will.” she said getting on her tiptoes and kissing him,to which he gladly complied to and kissed back making it twice as hard and pouring all his love for her in it.


 After saying goodbye Miri went inside and took a shower,then laid down on her bed getting a flashback of the promise she made to him last night.




  “ never answered my question...” Tao said looking away.


  “What question oppa?” Miri said looking confused.


  “I asked you about being married and having children with me in the future when we're older.” Tao said glowing red with a really bright blush.


  “Oh...that...of coarse I will oppa...i love you...and I won't ever let you leave me.” she said answering honestly while starring at her hands.


  “Will you promise me...that no matter what'll stay by my side?” he asked holding out his pinkie hoping she would say yes.


  “Of coarse oppa” she said locking her pinkie with his and smiling.


  “I love you Kyu Mi Ri” he said honestly smiling at the blush that slowly went across Miri's face after he said her full name.


  “I love you to Huang Zitao.” she said while their pinkies were still locked together.




 Miri smiled at the flashback then fell asleep dreaming of her love,their baby panda's and their future life.




…...........THERE WAS SO MUCH CHEESINESS IN THIS THERE BETTER BE FRIES INVOLVED LATER XDXDXD......This is TaoRi's one shot for Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!! Hope you like it made my brain hurt from all the cuteness XD



                                                                                                                                 THE END!!!!!!!  

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