

“Hyung, you’re the best dancer of the group!”

Daesung whispered that to Seunghyun one day, a shining compliment amongst the others, who had cringed and curled their fingers after he had presented his famous ‘Bingu’ dance to them. Seungri had curtly laughed at Daesung’s comment, which caused Seunghyun to look at him with that stare he did to everyone else that annoyed him.

He turned back to Daesung, the grin on his face slowly rising. “Oh, Dae… You think so?” he asked gleefully, blinking his eyes twice.

Daesung nodded back, his grin apparent too. “Oh, I know so.” He responded, smiling. Then, he took hold of Seunghyun’s hand. He then turned to the others. “Seunghyun and I are going to have a day all to ourselves!” He cooed, watching the other’s expressions stay the same, grumpy and unmoving. They didn’t care very much, it seemed. Daesung shrugged it off. Ever since him and Seunghyun had came out to the members 3 years ago together, they didn’t seem bothered by it, but the same night, Seunghyun had walked into the kitchen, seeing Jiyong talking angrily to Youngbae. They’d accepted them by now, but didn’t treat it as anything different, which was what they both liked.

Tugging at Seunghyun’s hand, Daesung walked him to their bedroom, shutting the door. Immediately after, Daesung had let out a deep breath, and wrapped his arms around Seunghyun. “Wow, isn’t it great that we’re sharing a room now!” He exclaimed into Seunghyun’s ear, who covered Daesung’s hands with his own in excitement.

“I guess it’s a blessing for the others, then.” Seunghyun replied, chuckling softly as he remembered that time when Jiyong had wanted to ask him something, and searched his room, and almost every place in the house, before grimacing and opening the door to Daesung and Youngbae’s room, finding two lumps in Daesung’s bed instead of one.

Daesung giggled lightly, the same memory returning to him aswell. “Well, it was about time! I can’t wait to spend forever with you!” He bounced onto the two single beds that had been pushed together, melting in the mattress’s softness. It was one of those ‘memory foam’ ones that had caught Daesung’s eye while browsing online for new ones after his old mattress had broken.

Seunghyun grinned and stalked towards him, before jumping in the air and landing on top of him. Daesung yelped as his body was pressed into the mattress. “Hey, that hurts hyung!” Daesung’s voiced was muffled, but it was still heard by Seunghyun, who laughed, rolling off him, swiveling so they were facing each other, and bringing Daesung closer to him, so their noses touches and their lips were a few centimeters apart and their bodies were touching…

“I like it when you call me hyung,” Seunghyun grinned and moved his head forwards, capturing Daesung’s lips with his, running a hand up and down Daesung’s back slowly. Smirking into the kiss, Daesung then bit on Seunghyun’s lip, causing the elder to somewhat purr in his throat. “If it gets this kind of response, I’ll address you like it more often…” Daesung murmured, sliding a leg in between Seunghyun’s.

A knock on the door interrupted them. Seunghyun sighed and turned his head. “What?”

“Eh-… Just wanted to remind you that we’ve got a meeting tomorrow, and also Dara Unnie’s on the TV. So, yeah…” The voice trailed off, and they both heard footsteps running away. Daesung smirked and   then sat up, yawning like he’d just risen from a deep sleep.

“Let’s go watch Dara Unnie on TV!” Daesung hummed, grabbing onto Seunghyun’s hands.

Seunghyun raised an eyebrow in confusion. “But you said-…”

“Let’s go!” Daesung squeezed his hand and pulled Seunghyun up, who in return grumbled and fell puppet to Daesung’s intentions. Daesung loved to , and most of the time Seunghyun just went along with it, knowing that Daesung would eventually be doing the exact opposite. However, sometimes, Daesung got so completely absorbed in what he was doing, that he’d forget where they had left off. Seunghyun didn’t actually know if Daesung actually forgot, but it meant that Seunghyun would have to initiate. Which, as fun as it was, Seunghyun preferred Daesung like that. Teasing and flirty, with the occasional “Hyung!”. Seunghyun smiled to the fact he was the only one who had ever seen Daesung behaving like this, and vice versa.

Daesung dragged him to the sofa, sitting down and pulling Seunghyun onto his lap. Seunghyun could hear him humming a soft tune, and Seunghyun playfully rocked his body along with it, except, he knew that Daesung’s not so obvious bulge was underneath him, and it was rising by the second. Daesung tried to subtly push him forwards, but that resulted in Seunghyun grinding further, releasing a suppressed moan from the blond’s mouth.

“If you’re going to , please don’t do it here.” Jiyong curtly spoke.

Daesung laughed. “We won’t, hyung.” He smiled and pushed Seunghyun off, laughing and almost skipping out the kitchen to get a drink.


“Thank you VIP’s, and GOODNIGHT!!!” The 5 yelled together to the screaming audience.

Seunghyun’s arm was laid casually around Daesung’s waist, whose smile was so big it threatened to split his face in half. He laughed into the mic, and then all five bowed to the audience. They’d finished their encore, and now they were going to have a break for a month or two, which Seunghyun was really anticipating. He’d be spending every second of it with Daesung, and, he’d bought a couple ring for the both of them to wear forever. Because, they were going to last forever.

About an hour later, the 5 were sitting in the dressing room, and compared to what they were wearing on stage, they seemed underdressed. Seungri was sitting in the corner, huffing, Jiyong with his arm around him, and Youngbae was in deep conversation with Daesung.

Not knowing what to do, Seunghyun yawned and just as he was about to submit himself to the sofa, a knock on the door was heard and the manager’s head popped through. “Let’s go!”

The others groaned, seeming to comfy to move. Seunghyun smiled emotionlessly and walked over to Daesung’s side. “Daeee, let’s goo!” He cooed to the younger, who smiled and stood up, running a hand in Seunghyun’s hair.

“Okay, hyung!”

The manager suddenly cleared his throat. "Ah, the roads are slippery and we don't want an accident, so remember to be careful."

Seunghyun rolled his eyes. "Nothing's going to happen."

The manager sighed. "You never know. Now come on, I haven't got all day."

Daesung smiled and walked over to the manager. "I'm ready!" He cooed, smiling. The manager smiled back and rubbed Daesung's hair. Seunghyun smiled at the scene and jumped onto Daesung's back. Daesung - who barely caught him, held onto his legs.

Seunghyun used his position as a chance to lean into Daesung's ear and whisper to him. "When we get back, I want to give you something! And then maybe.."

Daesung figured out what Seunghyun's sentence would finish with, so he gave his leg a playful slap. "Hyung..."

They laughed and walked out.


The manager was right - the roads were extremely slippery, and Daesung and Seunghyun were sitting in the back, using their fear as an excuse to hold hands tightly. "I'm scared.." Seunghyun heard Daesung whisper. Smiling, he squeezed Daesung's hand tighter than he did. "There's no reason to be scared, Dae!"

Daesung didn't buy those words, though. Seunghyun knew he wouldn't, however, and decided to cheer up the other instead. "Hey, Dae.." He tried to think of a conversation starter that would distract him from the rain, and the thunder, and the occasional jerks of the car. Daesung however looked at him. "Yes, hyung?" He then remembered there was something he'd wanted to bring up with Seunghyun, and now was probably the perfect time. "Oh, hyung! I have a question!" He watched Seunghyun nod, and then spoke up again. "I was just wondering, uh-... If you'd like to-..."


He never finished that sentence.


Seunghyun choked back his avalanche of tears threatening to spill. But Seunghyun never cried. Yet here he was, staring at the cold, grey, lifeless slab of rock – blurry due to the liquid clouded in his eyes. He gripped the small bouquet in this right hand, the left hand scrunched up in a fist of... was it agony? Hope? Not even Seunghyun himself knew. He inhaled a sharp breath, heart constricting.

Out of all the people in the entire world, it had to be Daesung. His smiling angel, his light, his hope, his heart... Was buried three feet beneath him. He bent down, placing the flowers next to the grave with as much care as he could manage.

He then read the writing engraved on the slab of rock. “In memory of Kang Daesung. We’ll miss you loads, Dae.” Seunghyun remembered when he, Jiyong, Seungri, Taeyang and some of Daesung’s family had sat down to discuss what to write on the grave. It had been Seunghyun who had suggested that. And now his words were staring him back in the face. Somehow, it seemed to almost mock him. But Seunghyun never cried. Instead, he was bent on the spot, arm outstretched, fingers grazing the name of his true love on the grave.

Daesung wasn’t going to come back. And Seunghyun felt it was his entire fault. He’d briefly considered joining Daesung after the accident, but had then shaken his head to that idea, knowing he’d be hurting the next closest thing to him – his friends, and his family. And they were already going through enough pain. Instead, he’d vowed to himself to visit Daesung whenever he could as often as he could. Seunghyun was the possessive type, and he’d always be possessive of his Dae, even though he had no way of communication with him. He thought he was crazy, but... That’s what being in love was, right? And he didn’t give up easily.

But whenever Seunghyun thought about Daesung, his heart would sink, then shatter like it had jumped in front of a train, his mind would go numb and he’d hear a loud, droning sound in his ears. His body would feel cold, even if it was the hottest day, and his eyes... His eyes would cloud over.

But Seunghyun never cried.

A hand was placed on his shoulder and he jerked up, head spinning; only to see Seungri, staring at the grave; eye-bags heavier than usual, his eyes red and shining, tears falling down his cheeks like a waterfall, body trembling, and breath coming in and out in short gasps. Seungri was very rarely like this, and Seunghyun’s throat constricted even more when he looked – and thought about the maknae’s state. Turning back, he exhaled deeply.

He remembered that before the accident, Daesung had fought with Seungri. Or, it was probably more like Seungri fought with Daesung. And Seunghyun could tell that Seungri regretted every damned word he’d ever said. They all did.

Seunghyun looked down, at the raised lump in the ground. It killed him to think his sweet, kind-hearted angel was underneath that soil. He was so close, but so far away.

What hurt Seunghyun the most, was that he’d never hear Daesung’s voice personally ever again. Never again, would he dance his stupid, crazy ‘Bingu’ dance, and have Daesung praise him, whispering into his ear “Hyung, you’re the best dancer in the group!”, never again would he hear the giggle underlining his words, and then turn around, acting as if it was a genuine compliment. Never again would he hear those random compliments Daesung threw at him. Never again, when he cried alone, would he suddenly smell Daesung’s flowery scent, and muscular arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and a chaste kiss placed on his temple. Not that he ever cried, it was just that one time. Never again would he be able to see Daesung’s Cheshire smile, or ruffle his hands through his soft, silky hair.

And never, ever again, would he hear “I love you”.

His legs buckled and collapsed, giving up on him. He landed on his knees, his left hand on the ground, his right arm still touching the grey slab of rock. His face was smeared unreadable emotions to the others that could only be described as pain to him. His eyes and his self-controlling ability seemed to give up on him. Seunghyun never cried. No, he never cried, but right now, he was sobbing mercilessly, heavy teardrops avalanching from his eyes; taking his soul, his heart, his hope with him, and landing on the soil paved on the ground. Seunghyun’s body rattled, and his heart felt like it had been smashed to a million pieces, then ripped out. However, his sobs were deathly silent. Seunghyun hadn’t cried for a long time. It was hard. Crying was supposed to get rid of the pain, wasn’t it?

Why was he feeling even worse than before?

He felt weak, helpless, devastated... Every single negative emotion he could possibly ever think of. He slowly straightened, and put a hand in his pocket feeling two small objects come into contact with his fingers, and he pulled them out slowly. He held them in front of them.

The couple rings.

His breath shook and his heart plummeted possibly even further to the ground. His eyes swelled with fresh tears and they fell down. Seunghyun didn’t even care he was crying anymore, or that he never cried, because he couldn’t think, and he couldn’t move.

He drew in a short gasp of air. Adam’s apple bobbing, he slowly placed one of the rings on the soil next to the grave. “Here-… This is f-for you…” His voice was shaky and almost impossible to understand, but he managed to get out the words before shutting down completely.

Youngbae saw Seunghyun almost collapse after placing the ring by Daesung’s grave and rushed  over, grabbing him by his shoulder’s and trying to pull him back up. Seunghyun screamed, shouted and kicked in protest, but Youngbae just sighed and tried to help Seunghyun more. Everyone was hurting, so Youngbae could only vaguely guess what Seunghyun was feeling.

Holding Seunghyun against his chest, it took a few minutes and eventually Seunghyun’s screams and yells turned into small, heartbreaking sobs. “Sh… It’s okay…” Youngbae whispered soothingly, rubbing a comforting hand on Seunghyun’s back.

Seunghyun sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s going to be hard…” He mumbled, not knowing who to. He looked again at Daesung’s grave. Daesung wouldn’t want to see Seunghyun cry.  So, Seunghyun smiled. “I’ll miss you, Dae.” He whispered, raising out a cautious hand to place on the grave.

Youngbae smiled softly. “C’mon hyung, let’s go and get some more flowers.”

Seunghyun nodded and stood up slowly, supported by Youngbae and Seungri.

And somewhere above them, a ray of sunshine lit brighter, and the clouds seemed to clear a tiny bit, as though they had been watched by a certain angel. 

AN: It's here. I wrote this for 2 days at 5-6am so lmfao that's probably why it's a little sketchy. gomen m(__)m will update and fix/extend a few things when I come home ^^

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lion_city_girl #1
Chapter 1: I cried....
Chapter 1: ____, that was so sad.

But it was excellent. You write angst very well, my friend ^_^
KangGwisoon #3
Chapter 1: i don't know what to say no more /jiyong's soft voice/

;A; I'm crying and whining and crying and sobbing and crying and /dies/
skipbeat308 #4
Chapter 1: Dae don't die ;;;;(((((
ayumuhide #5
Chapter 1: ............................but why
Chapter 1: OMG such wonderful yet heartbreaking </////////3
Chapter 1: Oh dear God I can't stop crying ! D':
SlaveOfLunacy #8
Chapter 1: oh myyyyyyyyy I couldn't stop crying T____T
Chapter 1: Beautifully written. You caught my emotions with this T___________T
Chapter 1: ;___;
This is sad...And beautiful but..SO SAD! TT___TT Poor SeungHyun, poor Dae ;_; aaaah ;///; omg I love this, but its so sad sad sad x,DDD