The invitation

Know Your Heart

“Lisa!” Turning to see who it was that had called my name I was a bit surprised to see Lee Yoan coming out of her office in what appeared to be a hurry to get to me. “I am pleased to inform you that I have found your match.” I had rarely ever seen her this exited, and it took me a while to realize that she was talking about horses.

“Oh that is perfect!” I replied jumping up and down, catching some of her excitement. I could hardly contain my excitement as Lee Yoan led me to barn number two which was located at the edge of the western forest, what would this horse look like? Would we get along? I know it sounds silly to ask if I would get along with a horse. But the truth is that it is a very real thing, and if you do not get along the horse will do everything to make your life miserable.

“Here she is,” Lee Yoan said as she brought me to a stop in front of one of the spacious boxes. Anxiously I peered inside to and it was not until I exhaled at her beauty that I realized that I had been holding my breath. There standing before me was a pretty little mare, only a little bigger than Sonny was, but her configuration was sleek with powerful haunches that I knew would just glide over the ground with perfect ease. Her coat colour was a shiny chestnut, and while she had no facial markings she had four perfect white socks.

“This is Truly, although we call her Trudy here in the stables. I know that she is not very big, but she is good and hardworking, with a gentle disposition.” As the mare came carefully towards her stall door in curiosity of the new comers I knew that she spoke the truth. “I will leave you two to get to know each other, clean her up and do some ground work with her, but only ground work, do I make myself clear!” Lee Yoan said in her usual no nonsense tone.

“Yes mam!”

I waited until she had gone before approaching the stall door. “Hey beautiful, are we going to be friends?” I asked her as I let her smell my hand, which she did and after taking a few seconds to make up her mind about me she nodded her head and bumped it against my shoulder in affirmation. It was a gesture which made me giggle slightly.

It was as I groomed her on the stall corridor that I could faintly hear my phone go off in my pocket, Trudy, however was not amused and at hearing the gadget began to fuss tossing her head and tugging at the chains.

“Woah easy girl.” I said as I put a soothing hand on her shoulder “I can see that we are going to need to do some work with that, huh?” looking down at my phone I was surprised to see that the message was from Mir.

From Mir:

Anyo pretty girl

How is everything going, training hard?

It was a message which brought a smile to my face to say the least.


From Lisa:


Everything is going good, just got assigned my horse today, she was not happy when you texted though. Might have to get you to help me work that out of her :p

The message was bold I knew that and as I pressed send I had to hold my breath in anticipation. Luckily he did not leave me hanging.

From Mir:

What your trainer?

Oh the boy was teasing me, I just knew it.

From Lisa:

Haha no the horse she was offended that you were taking up her one on one time with me.


From Mir:

What but I want one on one time too!

From Lisa:

Easy there I have plenty of time for both of you. How is work going?

I could feel the girly girl flare up in me at his text.

From Mir:

We just started filming a new reality show called the Art of Seduction, where we have to invite our role models to come to our fan meating which is nerve wrecking to say the least L.

From Lisa:

Aw poor baby, hope everything works out though.

From Mir:

Lisa do you want to grab a drink together later tonight when I am done filming?

And there it was the first official invitation, I was so thrilled I immediately replied.

From Lisa:

I would love to J.

From Mir:

Great I will pick you up at 8.What is your address?

It was at that moment when Trudy decided that she had been patient enough and bumped her head against my shoulder hard almost making me drop the phone, so giving her a glare I quickly replied to Mir and told him that my horse was being snotty and that I had to run and work with her, but would be anxiously waiting for him at 8.

I spent the rest of the day working with horseman ship with Trudy, Joining up with her and exercising her stops and trots all from the ground. It was tedious work, but when done correctly it strengthened the bond between horse and rider meaning big benefits for later on.

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Chapter 6: Awww, this chapter was so lovely and funny <3 Peaceful at the same time.
Chapter 5: Awww, Trudy is so precious! :3 Maybe a little jealous? Haha xD
Ohhh, Lisa and Mir are going out~ I wonder what adventures awaits them :3

And yey! You've got a poster ^^ it looks pretty :D
Your request is ready to pick up! ^^
Chapter 4: I love how the story feels fresh because of equitation ^^ I enjoy reading those parts more than the building romance between Lisa and Mir, maybe because I learn something on the way. The girls seem like a fun group to be around :D I'm curious how the plot develops ^^
Chapter 3: The story looks good, I want to keep on reading. However, sometimes the sentences can be too long (I have this problem tooㅠㅠ). Perhaps consider cutting one sentence into two or more? Other than that I'm looking forward to the updates! Also, s/o from nl, lol