3 Things


There are three things that Luhan loves: Manchester United, MCM, and how Sara adds “-chan” in the end of her sentence.


There are three things that Luhan likes: potato chips, Sehun, and Astronomy.


There are three things that Luhan has always been denial about: him—being afraid of ghosts, the impact of Sara’s smile to his heartbeats, and how his feelings towards the young girl.




There are three things about Sara that Luhan knows: she loves strawberry, she loves green tea, and she loves Luhan.



hey guys! 

This drabble was created by my friend Frankeystain. i only added some small details and edited some things. 

have a good read! 


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Chapter 2: I really like your way of writing, because you're picturing Luhan and the others as normal people, who cares about their fans and talks freely when walking on the red carpet. Even the moment when they were making photos. *flash*. And it's cute that Luhan is attached to her and sees the sticker everywhere... What will be their relationship like, I wonder? :)
sounds cute :D