
how look standards for love? for being couple?

well sometimes when we meet people we find out that even when something is strange two people copletly not match to each other but they love each other and are together happy

older girl then boy, or much more older men and girl, fat girl and skin boy or fat boy and skin girl, ugly and beautiful, even high and low

the truth is we don't know what kind of standards love chosen and make people couples that is why no matter what complex we have someday, somehow we finally find love....the true one .....maybe she is closer then we think



this girl Shim Mi Young half french half Korean have a 18 years old, she is almost ordinary girl, slim, smile, friendly even that he can't find boyfriend even when she find someone she is qiueckly hurt why?

well she is to a girl she have 180cm and she have really big complex on this point, she almost everytime fall in love in shorter then her boys who always rejected her, that is why she is alone but she still try to find love

she is kind, like help people have many friends, sometimes she is even kind of naive like a little child


Jonghyun 18 years old, one of friend Mi Young, well long time ago he was rejected of a higher girl that is why he don't like higher girls then him, but MiYoung is his friend then he try tolerate her, they are like brother and sister becouse they even live in neighborhood he is impulsive sometimes he do something and later start to think what he do, he is little player but he only flirt with shorter girls then he


rest their friends:

18 years old

Key 18 years old

Amber 17 years old

Hana Amber older stepsister 18 years old

what happend when do their school went new students

Anna Lee 17 years old

Minho 18 years old

maybe this time love find right way?


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