The Story Part III

Le Mémoire

| Listen to : Begin Again (piano+cello cover) by The Piano Guys |


After they ate lunch together, laughing and joking and reminiscing about their past. It was as if they just went time loop to when they were dating. Simple but romantic. Anna waved goodbye to her husband before going inside and cleaned the dishes and continue reading her novel.


It was 6 in the evening, and Anna fell asleep on the couch. Hot Coco remained untouched has turned cold. An knit scarf covering her shoulders to warm her body.

Tao just got back home. He got out of his car, locked it up before jogged off to the front door. Every time he faced the front door of his house, his heart would always beat faster, knowing his loving wife is at home. And again it beat today. He shakingly unlocked the door. He opened the door, took off his shoes before softly calling out for his wife, "Anna~ I'm home~". There was no reply so he called out again, slightly loud, but still no response so he went to find her. After closing the door behind him, he went search.

Moments later, he found a lady, asleep, novel's still opened and cold coco on the table in the living room. He unknowingly smiled. He quitely waltz his way towards her, making sure not to wake her up. He crouched down to her level. As always, you are beautiful, angel. Everytime I see you, I kept falling in love with you, he thought as he caressed her cheek. He put strands of hair behind her ear. He got up, slowly lay her head on the pillow and put her legs on the couch. He covered he lower body with his jacket. He kissed her forehead before heading to the kitchen and cooked dinner for two - for him & her.

After 30 minutes still cooking for dinner, Anna stirred awake from the smell of an delicious aroma of food. She slowly sat up. She noticed something fell off and found it was her husband's jacket. She brought the jacket closer to her face and smelled his scent. Oh how much she loved his scent. It was sweet yet it was simple. She stretched her arms up and legs out before getting up and stroding off to the kitchen.

As she was by the door frame she saw the loving husband of hers seriously cooking and couldn't help but smile. She quietly waltz to him and slowly back hug him, arms hugging his waist. Tao just relaxly continue cooking but this time couldn't help smiling. He love the way his wife shows her affection towards him. He loved every way she is.

After 5 more minutes of stirring, he grabbed the cooking spoon, took some of the spicy tofu soup with scallop and took a sip of taste before nodding in approval and turned to his loving wife and asked, "want to take a sip yeobo?"

"uhn." Anna replied cutely.

"Aigoo~"exclaimed Tao as he couldn't help but pinch her cheek, kiss her nose.

"Say aahh~" cooed Tao. Anna chuckled at his behaviour, slightly slapping his arm as she took a sip before giving him wide smile and two thumbs up. Tao chuckled before shutting the gas off.

"Yeobo, go bath first. I'll handle the rest." Anna instructed as she handles the rest. 


Tao went upstairs and quickly bathe when suddenly he thought of an idea. After he bathed, he quickly jog his way downstairs and found Anna nowhere to be seen. He checked the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, his study room but nothing. He heard the guest room shower running so he thought she must be showering now. He quickly placed the food on the living room table, putting the platings carefully making it look lovely, put 2 wine glass next to Alexander Valley Cabernet wine. He put candles everywhere, making it look romantic. When everything is placed perfectly, he now only have to wait for his loving wife.

When she got out of the guest room, which is directly in front of the living room, she gasped at what she saw. Candles were lit entirely in the living as dinner is served at the centre of the the living room table with a wine.

[looked something similar to this]

Tao gestured his hand like a gentleman and asked, "Shall we go have our dinner now, lady Anna?" Anna's eyes slightly watered. She was touched by Tao's romantic surprised. Tao chuckled before guiding her to her seat. The whole time during their romantic dinner date, they laughed, they smiled. And also, they reminisced one unforgettable event - the day they got married.

| Flashback : |

Listen to : A Thousand Years (piano/cello cover) by ThePianoGuys

After months of preparations for the wedding, it was the day. The day they vowed for eternal love for one another. The day they were finally him/hers. It was the day they will never forget.

"Okay Anna sweetie. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. You shouldn't panic on a day like this, okay my lovely daughter?" Anna's mother exclaimed as Anna just chuckled at her frantic mother along with her friends.

"Oh mother. Said the person who's panicking herself. Look at you mom. Just relax. Sit down and drink some water." Anna smiled.

"I know dear. I know.. It's just.." As her mother's eyes starts to well up along with Anna and her friends.

"Don't cry mom." her voice cracked.

" It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." She got up from her seat and hugged her mom tightly. Soon it became a big hug ball. The knocked on the door killed the moment but nevertheless they were happy.

"Good luck out there old chap."exclaimed one of her friends

"Don't you dare cry in front of the whole audience!" warned the other.

"Why? you going to cry yourself?" retorted by another as the room was burst into laughter. There was a knock on the door again. This time, it was time. Time to let go. She wore :

As she walked down the path, Tao's smile grew wider. His gazed never leaving her. As she nears the end of her path, it was time to bid her father goodbye and took the hand of her to-be-soon-husband. Finally, it was time to recite their vows :

"In the name of God, I, Huang ZiTao, take you, Anna Park, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. That is my solemn vow." As Tao put the ring on her right ring finger.

"In the name of God, I, Anna Park, take you, Huang ZiTao, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. That is my solemn vow." As Anna put the ring on his right ring finger.

The priest now pronounced,"I here by pronounced you now, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Tao wrapped an arm around her waist as Anna's hands were on his chest, clutching and another of his hand on her cheeks as he caressed it before holding her neck and leaned in for a passionate kiss. The whole audience went wild and clapped. They broke their kiss as they gasped for air, their foreheads touching. Tao smiled and chuckled before swiftly carried her bridal style and strode his way to the exist. The crowd went extremely wild and cheering for Tao's bold act. When he was almost to the door, you both looked at each other before Tao leaned near to your ear and whispered :

"Finally, I caught you, my angel from above."

| End of flahback |




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New chapter!!! Just a little update. Hope you like it. :)


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kay229 #1
Chapter 5: cant wait 4 next chapter!!!! update soon!!! ^.^
Chapter 6: asdfghjkl; I can't wait to see Tao confessing to Anna. : 3
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~!
Chapter 4: New reader here! asdfghjkl; I love how you didn't fully delve into the entire memory of them getting together; rather, you have bits of pieces of it as they progress in their life as parents. ^__^
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~!
ailisu #4
Chapter 4: aww!! this is so cute ^___^ <33
and tao is so romantic hehe~~
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