Going Public

Going Public
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A/N - By far the longest oneshot I have ever written. Thats why it took so long to update...hehe..though I guess a few days isnt all that long huh... I got this story after reading up a little on the Eunhyuk and IU scandal and some of the fans reactions to it all. Personally as much as i love Eunhyuk I dont think I have any right to decide who he dates and who is worthy of him. As long as he is loved its all cool with me! ahh well...enough of that....off to the story...here goes.




Eunhyuk sighed, maybe for the umpteenth time that day. He didn’t know what he was going to do. He was currently locked up in his dressing room while his boyfriends best friend Heechul, who was just as evil and obnoxious but adorably lovable as his boyfriend, stood guard outside. Heechul had ignored all the desperate pleas, empty threats and even bribes that Eunhyuk offered, telling him each time in a sing song voice that “It’s not going to wooork~~~!”


Eunhyuk clutched onto the grey and black stylish jacket he was wearing, twisting the fabric in his hands, apprehensive about what the consequences of the day ahead would bring.


Flash back to last night

Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk lay in bed after a hot session of love making. They refused to call it when it wasn’t just to find that release, well it was, but it was also so much more. It was reaffirming the love they felt for each other with every touch, every kiss, every moan of the others name. It was reassuring the other that though they were in a situation where they could not show their relationship openly, there was undeniable attraction. It was a need to have the other, not a want. It was a primal, deeply engraved feeling that pulled them together. Eunhyuk was snuggling close to Kyuhyun, rubbing his head softly on his chest, hearing the soothing heartbeat of the love of his life like a lullaby when Kyuhyun dropped the bomb.


“Let’s go public.”


Eunhyuk whipped his head around, looking at Kyuhyun in the eye, the shock and surprise so evident on his face that even a blind person would have sensed it. “Wh-What???!!!! Are you crazy?!”


Kyuhyun leaned down slightly, placing a light kiss on his boyfriend’s lips, “No I’m not crazy. But I’m tired of hiding. Let’s hold a press conference tomorrow and tell everyone Hyukkie.”


“Oh my God you are crazy. Don’t you remember your last scandal with that model? She got so many anti-fans that she had to go under hiding or something…maybe in the witness protection program or something. I don’t know. She got death threats Kyu. DEATH THREATS!!! And that rumor wasn’t even true.”


“But you are different. The fans already like you so much. It will be fine.”


“No it won’t. You’re fans will kill me, chop me up and throw me into the Pacific Ocean and then catch the fish that eat me and kill them too!!!!” Kyuhyun laughed at his boyfriends’ exaggeration. “It won’t be like that. Don’t you want everyone to know that I am dating you? Am I not worthy enough?”


Eunhyuk pouted up at Kyuhyun, “You know it’s not like that. It’s me who’s not worthy of you. And you’re fans know it too. I…I just don’t want anything bad to happen…especially now that we finally made a name for ourselves. You are such a famous singer; everyone wants to be with you…they won’t like me as the one next to you”


“You’re not the only one who will suffer from the backlash of fans you know. I will too. But I am willing to go through anything. I just want everyone to know that Lee Hyukjae, the unquestionably beautiful Eunhyuk is mine. I love you…so much…and I want the whole world to know just who you belong to.” Eunhyuk blushed at the possessive words of his boyfriend, biting his swollen lower lip as he smiled up shyly.


“But the agency may not like-”


“I’ve already talked to the agency. The president and your manager said that it was ok.”


“They only said that it was okay because President Changmin is your best friend and my manager listens to everything the president says…Wait WHAT?!!! You talked to them ALREADY??!!”


Kyuhyun chuckled at his slow beauty, whose mouth hung open, eyes as wide as saucers as he stared up at him. He put a finger under the chin and pushed it up, effectively closing Eunhyuk’s mouth while biting his own cheeks to prevent himself from laughing at the comical sight. His boyfriend was just too adorable.


Kyuhyun was a singer and Eunhyuk was a new model and singer that had just entered the KPop world. Though he was new, his popularity was something to be reckoned with. It had just been eight months since his debut but he had left behind many top veteran stars in his dust as he climbed the hierarchy of the Korean Stardom. It was scary just how famous he had become.


Kyuhyun had met him during one a joint concert six months ago, where they were both performing along with many other singers and dancers and he had immediately fallen in love with the wide eyed innocent beauty. It had taken him a month to woo him, which was a new record for him, not for being fast but to have someone actually try and resist his charms. Usually he would try once and if the other party did not show interest then he would never try again. This was, of course, rare because everyone fell for Kyuhyun from the get go, everyone except the beautiful Eunhyuk.


It had taken his hundreds of bouquets, several expensive gifts which were promptly returned to him, many stalker like tendencies like showing up at his schedules since no one knew where Eunhyuk lived and finally, after getting Eunhyuk’s phone number from Changmin, his best friend, who also happened to be the young and very talented president of Eunhyuk’s agency, he had called Eunhyuk again and again, reduced to begging and finally FINALLY the beauty had agreed, not without hesitation though.


It had been the happiest day of his life, Kyuhyun had thought but he was proven wrong. Every day with Eunhyuk since then had been progressively happier. His heart over flowed with love and the arrogant and obnoxious Kyuhyun, the king of the singing world was turned into a whining, childish, starved-for-Eunhyuk and a totally whipped brat.


It had amazed his friends at how far Kyuhyun was gone. It was like Eunhyuk had cast a spell on him. He would start smiling to himself, which was rare from the man who was known for his evil smirks and indifferent glares. He would check his phone over and over again, waiting for Eunhyuk to call him or text him, while texting him insistently throughout the day. He left his hobby of gaming and would spend every single minute of his time waiting outside Eunhyuk’s apartment even though he had seen Eunhyuk type in the pass code, thinking that he shouldn’t enter without the owner’s permission. He didn’t want Eunhyuk angry and then breaking up with him. This happened until Eunhyuk found a feverish Kyuhyun waiting outside and had forbidden him from coming over, well not until he knew for sure that Eunhyuk schedule had finished.


In the second month of dating, they had finally kissed. It may seem slow to some but Kyuhyun waited until Eunhyuk was comfortable with him and the wait was well worth it. That first kiss was WOW. It made his toes curl and goose bumps appear on his skin as electric shocks ran up and down in spin in a beautiful symphony. His heart was sent racing as though he had just ran a marathon and he was breathless from just the touch of those lips. It was a slice of heaven. That’s how he would describe it.


In the fifth month, Eunhyuk had finally let him continue and they made love for the first time. He had seen how much Kyuhyun was trying to control himself and he had fallen in love with him for that and had decided to give him his first time and if the kiss was a slice of heaven, the love making the as if the beautiful angel had given him the deeds to heaven and beyond. It lit up the fire that was already burning inside him into a blazing inferno. He was hooked. He was addicted and there was no way back now. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Eunhyuk. For a month he had wanted to go public. Actually he wanted to do that since the first time he met him but he knew that Eunhyuk wouldn’t be happy with that at all but at least now, he could persuade him to think otherwise.


He desperately wanted the whole world to know that Eunhyuk was taken. He wanted to stake his claim. He hated how everyone tried to pair him up with the other celebrities he worked with. He wanted to have his name next to Eunhyuks every time there were a couple scandals concerning Eunhyuk in the papers.


He may be possessive, obsessive, call him whatever you what…he is just a man in love.


Kyuhyun leaned down and placed a kiss on Eunhyuk’s pouty lips and another on his nose before staring into Eunhyuk’s eyes, “Do it for me?” Eunhyuk sighed and dropped his head back into Kyuhyun chest. Kyuhyun heard another sigh and a cute little voice follows as Eunhyuk whines, “You’re lucky I love you.” and Kyuhyun smiled and triumph. “I know right. I wonder why you put up with me.”


“That’s a question I am asking myself. I may just be an angel like you say I am because otherwise I would have kicked your by now.” Kyuhyun laughed out loud and pulled Eunhyuk into a tight hug, loving how much in love he was. Whipped was not a word enough to describe how much had fallen.


“So going public?”


“…I guess we are.”




“Nooooo!!!! I don’t wannaaaaaaa!!! Don’t make me! pleeeeese!!!!” Eunhyuk begged and whined as he hugged the door while Heechul tried to drag him out. “Yes you wanna and you’re gonna!” Heechul panted from his efforts to pry Eunhyuk away from the door. Letting go he stepped back and placed his hands on his hips while glaring at the whining boy who was now giving him a kicked puppy look. He almost melted, almost. If it weren’t for his best friend Kyuhyun, Heechul would definitely have given in to those big teary eyes which had just been added with a pout.


‘God!! No wonder Kyuhyun is so whipped!’ Heechul thought to himself. He took a deep breath and shook his head to get his thoughts straight and smirked.


“Eunhyuk get that y of yours to the conference room before I do something to it!” Eunhyuk yelped and clamped his hands over his buttocks and turned around, facing Heechul. “Well the front isn’t that bad either I guess.”


Eunhyuk gasped at the erted man in front of him. ‘Are all of Kyuhyun’s friends like this?’ “Yah!!! Heechul!!”


Not giving Eunhyuk another chance to grab onto something else, Heechul grabbed Eunhyuks wrist and dragged him to the conference room where the reporters were waiting. There was an excited buzz coming from the room and Heechul knew the reason why. Just earlier that morning Kyuhyun had released sensational news from his own agency. News of his and Eunhyuk’s relationship and now the reporters were here to get Eunhyuks side. This would be the breaking news of the year. The best singer in the business, who might have had many scandals drawn up but never admitted to be in a relationship had just announced himself to be in love with the hottest new model and singer, not to mention iest dancer that KPop world might have ever seen.


Eunhyuk suddenly found himself shoved into a room with flashing blinding lights and a million different voices shouting questions at him. He literally shook in his seat.


“Eunhyuk shi!! Eunhyuk shi!! Is it true that you are dating Cho Kyuhyun?” “Y-Yes.”

“Are you I love with him?” Another reporter shouted and Eunhyuk blushed and looked down shyly, not knowing what to say. He glanced at Heechul who nodded and Eunhyuk swallowed the lump in his throat before saying “Yes” again, though this time almost whispering.

“When did you two start dating?”

“Who asked whom out first?”

“Where did you two meet?”

“Are you going to get married?”

“Aren’t you worried about the fans?”

“This is not a publicity stunt is it?”

“Have you been introduced to his family?”


That small yes had encouraged the mountain of questions and soon Eunhyuk found himself been pulled back out of the room by Heechul in his stunned state. He walked down the hall to his dressing room again, this time his mind numb. He wasn’t even aware of how he got there until Heechul handed him a bottle of water and told him to have a seat. He looked up at Heechul, tears swelling in his eyes as he thought of how Kyuhyun’s fans would hate him and he saw Heechul smiling softly down at him. “Don’t worry. They all love you,

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Thia is so goood. I love how you make the conclusion to make the fans accepted kyuhyuk. This is so heartwarming. Keep on writing kyuhyuk please. I love your stories
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 1: I just love this..so much..
Chapter 1: adorable kyuhyuk. I love ❤ em. thanks for share this.
Sepanta-ruby #4
They're cute^^ TnX for sharing:)
SafiraParama #5
Chapter 1: I love it~~ really^^
mingkisses #6
Chapter 1: All i think while reading this is sungmin and his wife and how the react to them ..
Congrats ;)