
Chaos and Mischief

Thanks for all those who read the previous chapter! Hearts for you <3 <3 <3


Anyway, here's the next one. I hope you give it love like how you gave the previous one. 


    It was an unusual night. The moon was full, with a bit of yellow shade on it, casting an eerie glow on the hostel of Big Bang.  To make it worse, rain is pelting the building, with claps of thunder and bursts of lightning every now and then. What’s unusual is how powerful the moon is; its light is able to penetrate the storm through Taeyang’s bedroom, casting shadows. If you were a scaredycat, the room will probably make you insane and seek the covers of the bedroom next to yours.  But Taeyang is brave, or rather, logical. He knows that he shouldn’t let his imagination take over him. But it doesn’t hide the fact that he felt that somebody is watching him, the moon being the spotlight that hovers on all of his movements.

    Coming to a conclusion that nothing’s wrong, he drifted off to sleep. While sleeping, there’s a point where you don’t know if you’re dreaming, or still awake; a point where your head is like drifting in clouds, making your senses untrustworthy. Taeyang was at that point. Just outside his window, he thought he heard a distant laugh. He knows the laugh is distant, but it sounded so near. Before pondering over it, he fell asleep.


    In the fury of the storm, two figures were restless in their beds. Both have beads of sweat on their foreheads, throwing the covers and changing positions, tossing and turning in their sleep. After another lightning slice through the sky, both figures jumped up to a sitting position at the same time. Both gasping, catching their breaths like the air in the world is not enough for them. Although the rain is very noisy, the beating of their hearts seems louder. They thought the whole building could hear it throbbing fast.

     The moon casted enough light to look around, but not enough to illuminate the whole room. They’ve been sleeping in their rooms for a long time that they know when something is out of place. Instincts tell them that everything is alright. In the clutches of darkness, they know everything is fine, nothing seems out of order. But they still didn’t feel relieved. Both tried hard to remember what happened in their sleep.


    The unconscious mind controls a person’s dream. Everyone has his own dream. Some vaguely remembers them, some doesn’t dream at all. If it’s all in the mind, nobody hardly considers that two person can have the EXACT same dream as the other, at the same time. But no theories have proven that it can’t be possible, yet. So it makes sense if we shouldn’t let go of the possibility that it can happen.


       He was running. He knew he was running, but from who, or what? He tried to look back, but instinct told him not to. Whatever it was he was running away from, it was worth it not to see it. All he could do was run.

      He looked up, it was dark, but the moon is up in the sky, majestic and scary at the same time. There were no stars, it's just the moon. It gave the impression that the moon the lives of the stars. For a moment he got distracted by it, his run turning into a jog. He could hear a laugh behind him, near, but not near enough that it could touch him. 
      He dashed away, picking up speed again. He wondered when will this running end. If somebody was after him, for what reason? Is it going to kill him? Is it going to kidnap him? Or worse, will it do something so terrible that I'll be begging it to kill me?

      All those thoughts just made him run faster, and terrified. Whatever it was, he don't want to be catch by it. 

        But he was getting tired, there's a limit to how long a person can run. That limit only heighten due to adrenaline rush, but still, it's still a limit. And he was nearing that limit. His side started to be painful, like something's chewing it up from the inside, making every step a struggle. His heart was beating so fast, he thought it's going to burst. His legs are failing him now, making his run into a light jog. 

        He gave up. He needs to face whatever it was chasing him. He skidded into a halt, and turned around.



       Top couldn't sleep back again, as much as he wanted to. He tossed the covers away and stood up. He looked out his close window, he couldn't open it. He doesn't like the idea that his room would be drenched in rainwater. And he's scared of the idea that whatever was chasing him could be outside that window.

      He shook his head, ashamed of being scared by a silly dream. He turn towards the door. He was trying to open it, his hand on the doorknob. He was about to turn it, but again, he was stopped by the idea that whatever was chasing him could be on the other side. 

    He gathered enough courage, turned the handle, and opened it slowly. The door creaked, making it sound extra loud at the stillness of the night. He peered outside, his eyes adjusting to the dark area. Just like in his dream, outside his room was nothing. He walked outside, cursing himself for being such a coward.

      He went to their hostel's kitchen. He opened the fridge and got himself something to drink. He finished it in one gulp, and put the glass he used on the sink. He washed his hand, the water making a noise that competes with the rain. He turned it off, and heard something. If he hadn't turned the faucet off, he wouldn't hear it, it's a good thing he did.

      Facing the sink, he listened. Over the sound of the rain, he heard footsteps. There was something walking around the kitchen with him. He slowly grabbed the closest knife he could reach. Whatever it was, be it a burglar or a murderer, he won't let the intruder get away.

       He stood still, waiting for their intruder to be close enough to attack. He heard the footsteps closer. The intruder grabbed him on the shoulder. Top used this opportunity to surprise their intruder. He quickly turned around, pushed the intruder away, raised the knife in his hand, and stopped.

      "Hyung! What are you doing?! Are you out of your mind?!" a very frightened Seungri said. His eyes are wide open, arms shielding his face. It's okay if you hurt him, but make sure not to damage his face. That must be the reason why his first defense mechanism was to shield his face.

      Top reached forward and hit Seungri with the hilt of the knife. "Why did you scare me like that?! I thought you were a burglar."

      "From my angle, I thought you fell asleep in the sink, that's why I was trying to scare you awake," the maknae said, laughing at his hyung.

     "I'm not dumb like you," the older man said. He continued, "By the way, why are you awake?"

    "Umm...," Top heard the uncertainty in his voice. Top also saw how Seungri's eyes slide to the glass on the sink. "I'm thirsty."

     "Really?" Top got him some water from the fridge. He waited for Seungri to finish it before continuing. "Or are you scared?"

    "What? Me-e-e? Scared? Of course not! Nothing scares me," Seungri said, his voice quivering. Top could almost see his nose stretching from all his lies.

     Top closed the gap between them, hugging their maknae. "Awww, our baby is scared isn't he? Come here and let your hyung hug you. Do you want me to tuck you in your bed?" he teased. Half of him was waiting for a "yes", because he likes the idea to be sleeping with somebody tonight. 

     Seungri rolled his eyes and break Top's hug. "Am not!" he protested. "I could say the same to you. Why are you awake then?"

     "I'm thirsty," Top replied.

     "You're probably scared too."

     "Am not!"

     "I saw you walking out your doorway. You looked pretty scared to me."

    "You were already awake by that time?" Top asked.

    "Yeah. I couldn't sleep, I had a bad dream. I heard a door creaked, peered outside and saw you. I was planning on scaring you," he said, disappointed by his failed attempt.

     Top's eye widened, confused for a moment. "Your dream...were you being chased?"

   Seungri met his eyes. A confused look also played on his expression. "Well, not exactly," he said. "More like I'm chasing something or someone."

     Top was dumbfounded. He sat on a chair, very deep in thought. His dream, Seungri's dream...he scratched his head in disbelief.

   "Do you want to tell me something?" Seungri said, observing his hyung's sudden change of mood. 

    "It's just weird. I also was having a bad dream. But unlike yours, I was being chased," he saw the disbelief in Seungri's face.

    "Wow," Seungri could only utter. "I can't believe this. I don't know if I should be scared or amazed."

     "It could be just a coincidence though," Top said, trying to be radical. 


        It was 2 in the morning, and the two went back to their rooms. They both concluded that it was impossible for their dreams to be the same and connected. They laughed at how silly they were.

      Top was able to sleep first, thankful that he got to talk to Seungri. He was somehow relieved knowing that somebody was also scared like him.

      Seungri, on the other hand, was still up. He was looking outside his window, the rain stopped a few minutes ago.

       A car passed by their hostel. He felt secured, knowing that somebody is still awake at this hour.  He went back to bed. The moon was so bright, he could almost hear it humming, like how a fluorescent light hum when it is . He was staring at it as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


         He was running. He didn't know why, but he was chasing somebody. He looked in front of him. "There," he said, as he saw a figure staring up at the sky. He stared up as well.

     It was dark and not a star in sight. But he could see the moon, in its glory and majesty, ruling the night. 

     He looked back at what he was chasing at, it slowed down. He laughed, happy that he was close to who he was chasing. But the figure suddenly ran faster again. 

    "So close," he grunted. He could stop, but he really wanted to know who he was chasing. And besides, stopping in the middle of nowhere with your only companion running away from you is not a good idea. 

    He was getting tired. His side is killing him, his lower body is burning. He stopped and tried to catch his breath. Little did he know, something was also chasing him from behind. He only heard it now, he was too pre-occupied with chasing what is infront of him. 

    Before he could run again, his pursuer grabbed him. Covering his mouth and pulled him back in the darkness.


This one is way too long, sorry if it wasn't worth your time. 


Anyway, the moon got some spotlight in this story. I'm always fascinated and scared by the moon. If the moon has a gender, I know it would be female. I imagine her voice to be calm, gentle, and mocking, all at the same time. Something that ruled the night could be mysterious right? ;)


That's all. See you again. I don't know when will my story continue, I'll be waiting for ideas to hit me good first. *fingers crossed


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Chapter 2: lmaoo riri. even in that situation, face first. XD
i also think the same way; the moon would be a female, but i always imagine "her" personality to be different each night. one time gentle, one time terrifying, one time scared.
btw, in my opinion, it's better to have a "fixed" plot before publishing a chaptered story, i mean to know the start, the progress, and how to end it. or else it would be stopped halfway and readers may not be pleased (which can be found in many fanfics). just my opinion though ^^
waiting for your update on this~ ^^
MissGeeLuvsRiRi99 #2
Chapter 2: Update soon authornim :D i'm already interested on this story right now :D
tayforv #3
Chapter 2: This is interesting. Please continue soon! I'm really looking afford to know what that women did to them