I couldn't care less

Why can't you notice my feelings?


The school day went by normally but very slowly, everything was so dull. I couldn't find Tao anywhere, but I wouldn't want to meet him anyway. I was with Kris all day because all of my girl friends were running after Tao in the morning and after that I couldn't find them, so I stayed with Kris all day. The last period ended five minutes ago and I'm in a hurry to get home. I packed my bag with all my homework and started to walk out the school. There were students all over the place and you had to push through everyone to get out, at least it felt like that. I was almost home but stopped when someone grabbed my wrist. I looked back and saw Tao all teary. What the hell? 

"Why did you leave me this morning?" He said and wiped of the tears. My heart broke, why was he crying? He was the one that left me behind for the girls. 

"Um... why are you crying?" I asked and pulled away from his grip. 

"You left me and walked with Kris instead." He said and finally he had stopped tearing. 

"I'm sorry but you were with some other people at the moment so I couldn't really get to you." I said and walked away from him. I had no intention of hearing his stupid excuses. I don’t want to talk to him when I feel like I’m about to cry myself. He doesn’t understand how I feel for him, well how could he since he only sees me as a friend? And it really gets to me, that he doesn’t know, but I don’t want him to know, at least for a little longer. If I tell him and he doesn’t feel the same way, I’ll never be able to be his friend again.


 I was meters away from him now and was almost home when he yelled something. I think it was I’m sorry that he yelled but I wasn’t sure so I kept walking, I wanted him to run after me but he didn’t. Did I mean this little to him? I walked up porch of my house and opened the door. I was surprised over that mom was home.


“Hello, you’re home already?” She said from the kitchen.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“What’s wrong?” I heard her say and then I saw her head pop out from the kitchen. I giggled at her.

“Nothing, just a bit tired that’s all.” Mom nodded but I knew that she didn’t believe me.

“Oh, Tao and his parents are coming over for dinner tonight.” Mom said and my eyes widened. Oh no! What am I going to do? I nodded as a reply, cause I couldn’t make a sound at the moment. “Go and change your clothes and then you can come and help me set the table.” Mom smiled and I was walking up the stairs. He’s coming tonight? Oh God please help me! I changed quickly to a pair of black shorts and a grey knitted shirt that mom bought for me a few days ago. I ran down the stairs to meet dad in the hallway, I hugged him hello and walked to the dining room where the plates, glass and the silverware were on the table. I set the table like mom taught me when I was 10, since I’m the only child she wants me to learn as much as possible, from school to housewife stuff. I don’t know why the housewife thing is so important anyway, mom works just as much as dad, she barely has the time to be a housewife, but she tries.


Dad walked into the dining room and complimented me for setting the table so good. But couldn’t say anything else because of the door. My heart was beating faster and faster when dad was about to open the door. Tao’s parents came in first and then he walked in himself. I greeted his parents like I always did, very polite.


“Oh my, you have grown up so much. I can barely recognize you.” His mom said. I chuckled and felt a bit embarrassed; the dads walked to the living room and settled themselves in front of the television before dinner was ready. His mom went into the kitchen to help with the dinner and I was left with Tao, the silence was unbearable. How could it come to this?


“I’m really sorry, you know that right.” He finally said and looked straight into his eyes. He was lying; he liked the attention of all the girls. I shook my head and went upstairs, I felt the tears building and I couldn’t take it. I had never cried in front of him in my entire time I was with him and I wasn’t going to now. I stepped inside my bathroom and wiped away the tears before they could fall down. I walked out of my room and saw him sitting on my bed.


“What do you want?” I asked him.

“You’re jealous aren’t you?”

“Why would I be?”

“Because, you were the only girl in my life and now after summer the girls were all over me because of my looks and you don’t like it, well you don’t like the girls.”

“So? That doesn’t mean anything to me. You can do whatever you want with your girls, I couldn’t care less.”


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Chapter 6: I can't stop smiling. Gosh, too much cuteness from tao
Chapter 6: tao's so cute
He's like there crying then stop and starts being adorable again <3
taoexotics #4
Chapter 6: THIS IS AWESOME!!!, and its more awesome cuz its with my bias and you can obviously tell by my user name.
Chapter 6: Tao ;a; great. Story. Ever.
Chapter 6: Awww so cute <3
Chapter 6: Why this story has to be so freaking cute???? Good job author-nim!
Sin_me_satan #9
Chapter 6: Ahh! This is sooo good! I absolutely love this. Falling in love with your best friend <3! Great Job!^^