What is this feeling?

Why can't you notice my feelings?

Ever since second year of high school started there were fan girls all over the place screaming Tao’s name. I couldn’t even get to him, and I’m his friend. The girls didn’t let me through. This was so troublesome, fine he was a lot hotter than he was before but that didn’t mean they had to run after him, he’s still the same guy. He just got abs and stuff. But I have to admit that he was pretty good looking, I’ve never looked at him and thought that he was hot since we’ve been friends for so long. But now after summer, like wow! He’s totally transformed over summer, I wouldn’t know who he was until he said that it was him. I was happy for him to have been so lucky to get hotter, while I’m still the same. Is it possible for a guy to look better than a girl? Well in this case it’s possible.


I kind of got irritated of all the girls running after him, they’re just after him because his good looking now. Well I would too if I didn’t know him. But now I do, he’s my best friend and it’s really getting to me that we haven’t talked since school started. He had to run away and hide all the time, and I didn’t know were he was. I asked Kris but he didn’t know either. Where could he be? The bell rang and school ended, I packed up my things, said good bye to the teacher, my girl friends and Kris.


“Call me if you find him. Please.” I said to Kris before leaving school.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I know anything, I promise.” He answered. I nodded and waved him good-bye and then we walked separate ways. Why did I have to ask Kris for help? Tao lived a few houses away; I could just walk over and talk to him there. Maybe I should, it wouldn’t matter. I have the right to talk to him. I walked home in silence and passed Tao’s house when someone called my name. I looked back and saw Tao running towards me, a smile formed on my lips. Not long after Tao was standing in front of me panting, I smiled even wider, he looked so hilarious but cute at the same time.


“I looked everywhere for you. Where were you anyway?” I asked him.

“I had to hide from all the girls, I’m pretty popular now that I got hotter over summer you know.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Oh stop smirking. You could at least have called me. Because of all the girls we haven’t even been able to meet up for lunch since school started.”

“I’m sorry, but come over. I’ll make up for it.” He said and smiled at me. I nodded and he took my hand and dragged me with him to his house a few meters away. My heart started pounding hard and my face started to get hotter. What is this feeling? Why am I feeling this way?


We walked into his house and took of our shoes, I left my bag in the hall way and followed Tao inside. I’ve been here plenty of times and knew this house very well. Ever since I was little I spent my time in this house playing around with Tao. Our parents are business partners. Well my dad and his dad to be exact. Our mothers became friends and got the idea of play dates so that’s how our family got to know each other. Since then Tao and I have been inseparable, we were attached to each other at all times. Our parents thought that one day we’ll start dating each other because we liked each other so much but when we heard that we just said “No way, we’re friends.” And our parents just laughed. I didn’t know why it was so funny back then but know I do, friends envelope to something else with time. Our parents were wrong, Tao and I were never to be together, well at least none of us wants that, we made that clear when we was six. We were just kids then but words meant a lot at that time, I don’t know about now. Maybe it’s still the same?

“Are you okay?”

“What?” I snapped out of my thoughts. “Oh, sorry. I’m fine.”

“What were you thinking about?” he asked with curiosity.

“About our childhood. Were I didn’t have to share you with fan girls.” He just chuckled and looked at me.

“You’re still the same. Don’t like sharing.” He said and I just smiled. That’s true.

“Well I don’t like sharing my best friend.” I answered and took the toast, and the glass of juice he reached out to me.

“I know how you feel.” He replied and we settled us at the dinner table.

“You do? Seriously?”

“Of course I do. I saw you and Kris very close today. I thought that you might be Kris’s friend instead of mine because I’m always missing.” I smiled and took a bite of the toast he made for me.

“No, I’m close to him because my girl friends were running after you.” I said and he laughed out loud. After that we ate in silence and when we’re both were finished he took the plates to the dishwasher.


“I need your help by the way. I haven’t really been able to go to class, and I know there are homework.” He said and smiled sheepishly. I chuckled, why did he have to be this cute?

“We only have math, all our teacher are sick or something so we had substitutes, and you know how our class is with substitutes.” He just chuckled and laughed.


I looked at him closely but when I met his gaze I looked away blushing, he was so handsome. I couldn’t even keep it inside of me. My heart started to pound harder and faster, I knew that he was staring and that didn’t help it.


“What were you looking at?” he asked.

“Nothing.” I said and finally turned my face to meet him. Ah I can’t take this. Why did he have to look so good?

“You were staring at me, why?” he asked and that smile came out. That smile that made my heart beat faster than normal and that smile that made me nervous. Stop smiling you idiot.

“You wish.” I replied and chuckled. Now he was pouting. “I have to go, it’s getting late.” He nodded and followed me to the door.

“I’ll call you then.” I just nodded and waved him good-bye and walked away. My heart was beating normally now, what was going on? 

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Chapter 6: I can't stop smiling. Gosh, too much cuteness from tao
Chapter 6: tao's so cute
He's like there crying then stop and starts being adorable again <3
taoexotics #4
Chapter 6: THIS IS AWESOME!!!, and its more awesome cuz its with my bias and you can obviously tell by my user name.
Chapter 6: Tao ;a; great. Story. Ever.
Chapter 6: Awww so cute <3
Chapter 6: Why this story has to be so freaking cute???? Good job author-nim!
Sin_me_satan #9
Chapter 6: Ahh! This is sooo good! I absolutely love this. Falling in love with your best friend <3! Great Job!^^