
Give me love



“Can I kiss you?” you stand in front of him, on this busy pier, not as lame as Luhan accused you of being now.

“Do I know you?” he asks, eyes taken aback but a few hearts float out of him.

“No you don’t,” you say bravely, wanting a kiss so badly – not just any kiss but one with him. “But I would like to kiss you if I may.”

“Umm sure,” he’s seems taken aback but he leans down, easily approachable and you smell his sweet morning coffee still lingering in his breath.


You close your eyes a bit, and stand on your tippy toes, hoping love will finally find you as you press your lips onto his...


“Danggit,” you hear him say under his coffee scented breath.


With your hand still clasp to the back of his neck, disregarding his comment, you pull him in for another kiss. You move your lips soft against his, feeling the softness once again take over yours and…


The feeling never came.


Your heart didn’t race like they said it would.

Your face didn’t turn red like they said it would.

Your nerves weren’t full of happiness like they said it would.



And the few hearts were gone.


“Sorry about that,” you let go, defeated and he looks like that of a confused soul. “Sorry,” you walk away.



Your wings stretch and your settle on a large billboard sign next to the pier parking lot.

“I hate you,” you whine, shooting love arrows at random people and seeing the effect of your arrows take place.

“I hate you too,” you shoot a tall guy with short chocolate colored hair. His teeth shine large and bright as he turns to the short stranger next to him and places a kiss onto the short stranger’s lips. 


“Ugh,” you grunt shooting randomly, hoping just once one would hit you and you could fall in love.

“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice startles you and you let an arrow go randomly. “Ow,” he winces.


And you freak out wondering how he even sees you and HOW THE HELL DID HE GET UP HERE!?!?


You sit there frozen. What are you going to do if he actually sees you….


“I’m ok,” he winces again, taking a seat next to you. You watch him still not sure what he is or how he even sees you in this state but you smell that coffee scent becoming stronger and stronger.

“I’m Suho,” he pulls his bow and arrows out.

“Suho?” Your eyes widen not only at his gorgeous face but the fact that he’s a cupid as well!

“Yeah what’s yours?” he was all smiles, like that weird kiss never happened, like it didn’t bother him that you were both cupids...

“I’m uhhh….” But before you can answer you see Luhan flying your way with a lost and worried expression.

“Woman where have you been!?!” he says out of breath, wings fluttering in a hurry.

“I’ve been here, what’s wrong?” you stand up worried.

“Xiumin’s drunk! I don’t know what to do!”

“What happens when someone gets drunk?” you were still new to that term.

"They get obnxious and annoying and giggly and then sleepy?" 

“Oh gosh,” I roll my eyes. “Did you drink any?”

“No that stuff tastes gross!” Luhan winces in a disapproving manner. 

“Is he still awake? Did he throw up?” Suho asks.

“No he passed out. And i can't get him to wake up,” Luhan says quietly. 

“Take him to the hospital,” Suho says frantic.

“OMG Ok!” Luhan flies off.

“LUHAN!” I call after him but he doesn’t care…. He’s in love.

“Sorry Suho I have to go,” you follow after Luhan.





“Is he dead?” Tao pokes at Xiumin’s cheeks.

“Tao!” you slap his hands away. “He’s just sleeping.”

“Well I don’t know, don’t they look like this too when they’re dead?” Tao starts poking other places on Xiumin's body.

“Tao stop,” you grab his hand, hoping that would stop him. 

“What?” he whines unaware of what he’s doing. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong,” he looks down at you, hand still in yours.

“Guys,” Luhan enters the room and you pull your hand back.

"Hey!" you both say, innocent arms around one another so Luhan wouldn't suspect anything. "You're back soon!" 

“Oh yeah," he smiles. Thanks for staying here while I was gone, I really appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem at all, we enjoyed it,” Tao answers.

“Yeah it was fine,” You look up at Tao with his innocent smile.

“Has he awakened?”

“No they said he still has a lot of drugs? In him.”

“Don’t say drugs,” Tao rolls his eyes. “They call it medicine in the hospitals.”

“Sorry,” you whine.

“Well thanks again guys,” Luhan hugs the two of you.


As you and Tao walk away, you wonder what is going through Luhan’s mind and why beer does this to people. But you focus back on Luhan. You felt sad for him but you knew he’s feeling 1000000 times worst than you. He’s the one in love with Xiumin not you. He’s the one who feels happy for no particular reason when he sees Xiumin. He’s the one that Xiumin loves.


You wanted to know what that feeling is all about.


“You ok?” Tao says once outside of the hospital, arms stretched high above his head.

“Yeah I’m ok,” you smile up at Tao, who’s got an even larger smile on his face. “What are you thinking of?” your smile grows larger due to his.

“This is probably bad timing but,” he brings his arms back down, “you want to go get some cupcakes?”

“Oh gosh,” you wrap your arm in his. “You and your sweets!” you immediately drag him towards the cupcake shop where you both went the first week you moved to town.


There were always hearts flowing out of this bakery and you used to hate it. But the more you and Tao would come here, the more you were happy for them. You saw the way Jongin looked at the large eyed boy, whom you learned was called Kyungsoo - and you saw the way he looked Jongin. 


“Same as every time we come here,” Tao whispers to you. “Stop staring!” he covers my eyes.

“I’m not!” you laugh, peeling his hand off your face.

“Just enjoy your cupcake,” he puts some cream on your nose.

“Tao!” you laugh, head leaning back. “What was that for?”

“You need to stop being in your head so much!”

“I’m not!” you lie, wiping the cream off your nose with a thumb.

“And just enjoy this cupcake and your life and me!” he points to his chest.

“I do enjoy you,” you smile up at him. “But are you lecturing me again?” you squint at him.

“Nope,” he takes a large bit into his second cupcake.

“Tao?” you wonder who he likes --- well you wonder if he’s ever liked anyone.

“Hmmm?” he looks over at you, frosted lips.

“Do you love someone?” you look at his shocked face.

“Umm I don’t love her but umm I – I,” he struggled for words but the few hearts that escape him answer your question. “We uhh it’s – it’s-” 

"it's what?" you raise a confused eyebrow at him. 

"It's uhh, it's like you know uh like.." his face hints at rose colored cheeks. 

“Oh!” you see Suho across the street. “Tao I gotta run!” you had a more important question for Suho.

“Can I eat your cupcake?” Tao has a just as important question.



“Hi,” you smile at Suho, pushing back a strand of hair.

“Hey,” he smiles back, eyes turning thin.

“Can I ask you something?” You catch your breath.

“Yeah anything,” dark green mug in his hand. “And did you just run here?” he hears your breathing.

“Oh yeah,” you sit down next to him at the coffee bar. “I just came from the bakery.”

“Oh cupcakes,” Suho smiles. “Do you want some coffee?”

“No thanks,” you were still eager to ask him that questions but you also wanted to kiss him again to see if anything different would happen this time.

“Oh ok soo what did you want to ask?” he smiles cutely, that smile that first caught your attention.

“Did you Suho, um see hearts around me last night?”

“Not that I know of,” his lips pucker after he sips the coffee.

“Oh ok… are you really a cupid?” you ask stupidly but….




“Yeah I am. You saw my wings and my arrows and bow right?” Suho smiles lightheartedly.

“Yeah I did,” you were hesitant to tell him about the hearts.

“And that kiss?” he raises his eyebrows.

“Oh yeah,” you felt embarrassed and stupid now. “I think you’re cute," you admit, "and I thought if I kissed you it would show me what love was.”

“And did it?”

“Nope but…” you stop yourself.

“But what?” he seemed defeated as well.

“You, umm you had hearts floating around you.”

“I did?” his eyes large suddenly and he looked like a deer in headlights---- much like Luhan.  

“Not a lot but you definitely had some,” you reassure him.  

“Really?” he seemed lost now. 

“How did you do it?” you wanted to feel those hearts too.

“I don’t know,” he face confused as he places his coffee down.  

“Who were you thinking of?”

“Chen,” a heart escapes him.



“Cool costume,” Chen smiles.

“Oh yeah,” Suho tries not to freak out, lighting his cigarette, in the alley way.


How exactly can Chen see his wings!?!


“A little overrated don’t you think?” Chen walks over to him and Suho can’t take his eyes off. He sees Chen’s thin cat like smile, causing himself to smile as well. Chen observes Suho’s wings head cocked to the side, then tugs on them lightly.  

“Just a little,” Suho chuckles, eyes twinkling and smoke blowing out of his lungs.

“You going in there?” he points behind Suho.

“I was,” Suho looks over his shoulder at the club entrance.

“Then I’ll wait with you,” Chen smiles.

“Suho,” he brings his hand out.

“Chen,” an exchange is made.


An exchange of words, of friendship, of hope, of new beginnings.



“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Suho hated speaking of this girl Chen had a crush on. It didn’t help that the hearts always floated around so heavily when Chen spoke of her. He didn’t like Chen but as a friend he was nice. Though he found the girl to be rather annoying and boring.

“I don’t think she likes me,” Chen always offered the same answer.

“Then can we move on from this situation?” Suho sighs annoyed.


He wanted to just shoot the girl with one of his arrows to shut Chen up, to be a good friend to Chen and land him the girl he really likes and lastly learn a little bit more about love from them two of them.



But things change and time makes things different. The more Chen spoke of her, the more Suho wanted Chen --- well he thought he did. He couldn’t be quite sure since he’s not allowed to fall in love.


He found himself thinking of Chen more and more and it made him happy but it didn’t go beyond that level. And the more Chen spoke of this girl, the more Suho pretended to be this girl. He wanted to see what the girl would feel like when Chen finally tells her he likes her.


“Are you sad?” you ask though you knew the answer. 

“I am sad, but I don’t think it’s as bad as if I were to really love him and he didn’t love me back.”

“How do you know what that feels like?” you remember Tao speaking of that before.

“I don’t,” Suho says. “I’m just speculating.”

“What now?” You understood Suho’s conflict.

“Continue being a friend to Chen,” he gives a small smile.

“Yeah,” you rub his arm, wondering if Suho really loved Chen but just didn’t realize he did since the two of you were instructed to not fall in love.

“I mean every time I see him, he’s got all these hearts floating around him and that sick puppy love look in his eyes but I’m still his friend. And I’m happy for him - that he gets to experience love, really I am,” Suho is just too sweet. “But you know, we can’t fall in love so…”

“Yeah I know,” you sigh, “But I’m glad for Chen too,” You smile to see Suho play such a positive part in this loveless life you were both in. 




You hate this loveless life.




i hope that wasn't confusing or anything! XD 

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JennaShin #1
Chapter 1: First of all, I wanna have cupid's ability to see hearts in the air when one's in love with me, but I dont wanna be a cupid xD
Second of all, cupid can't fall in love with another cupid?? Poor cupids :((
Third of all, next chapter please! ^^