
One Sho†
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Your pov.

I swung my legs back and forth, as my hands rested on the cold marble counter, sitting on top of the counter although Yongguk never liked my resting on the area where the mail usually resided. Joon had unravelled a huge map and placed it on the dining room table. The light fixtures in the basement had blown a fuse, and everyone made Himchan fix them being the car genius he was. Of course, he refused to let his beautiful hands get burned from anything but eventually gave in as Yongguk had discreetly locked the basement door as Himchan travelled downstairs to get a few things. “If I find you opening the garage door and coming into the front door of the house and the lights aren’t fixed, I will shoot you Himchan.” Yongguk said through the door. I could hear grunting and a whole bunch of whining before everything went quiet. I giggled at Himchan’s actions and peered over at the map that draped over the table. Yongguk walked over to me and placed his hands on my hips, looking into my eyes. His hair was barely combed, but had a nice messy look to it. I shivered and squirmed a bit. “Yah, Yongguk, you know I’m not comfortable when I’m held like this.” I said quietly. My heart began to thump faster and faster, and I felt like I was going to explode. He let go and gave me a warm smile. “Sorry, I forgot.” he said as he patted my head.


Zelo placed his hands on the counter and propped himself up, sitting next to me. He took my hand and examined my fingers like I was some sort of specimen. “Min-Hyun-ah. When did you become to be this delicate?” I drew my hand away and gave him a glare. “I’m not delicate!” I snapped giving a pout. “I can fend for myself!” He chuckled and put his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” I nodded in approval and Yongguk told everybody to be quiet because Joon was announcing new information. “The group you guys are looking for are known for their extremely good combat, and escaping skills. They have never been caught by the police once, and are one of the most wanted gangs

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Hisgurl200 #1
Chapter 28: WOW.....i am HOOOKED. Please update im am soo hooked.
_fallenangel_ #2
Chapter 28: What's happening :O mblaq :3 hehe new reader ^^
MomoSF #3
Chapter 28: I want more... This is way to good to not want more!!
MomoSF #4
Chapter 27: Please update soon 0.0
Poukova #5
Chapter 26: I miss Youngjae.. ;p
MomoSF #6
Chapter 26: Anyo!!! With Youngjae? ANYAH!!
I want her to stay with Yongguk :(
And I want to
MomoSF #7
Loving it ^^
slave_nicole #8
Chapter 25: Update soon