
One Sho†
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Your pov.

First stop was the control panel. I scoped the area smirking at how heavily guarded the area was, but it was no big deal for me. I closed my eyes and imagined the possibilities that would turn out minutes in the future. I my lips concentrating. If I tried to disguise as a troop, it would be too obvious and I’d be beat to death. No matter how good I was with close combat, there were too many guards to go through. I looked at a bunch of heavy duty cars filed in one line going down to the basement. The gate lifted open with a large wurring sound and everything seemed extra secured and bullet proof. The cars were elevated high enough to hide a person under, and that’s when I saw what I needed to do. My legs began moving as fast as I could as I hid behind one of the cars making sure no one would notice me. I walked quietly behind a troop, copying his every motion behind him, holding my breath as he took one step closer to the car, another step, and then he got into the front seat. I sighed in relief and quickly squatted, and lied down on the dusty dry grass. I crawled under, and had just enough room to roll over on my back and grab ahold of two handlebars under the car. The car started up, vibrating loudly and I was driven off down into the basement. I clutched on tightly, not a sound coming out of my mouth as I entered enemy territory.

“Clear. Aight, everything is good.” I heard someone say. Footsteps walked closer to me, and then stopped abruptly. The sound of footsteps slowly receded away and I carefully slid out from under the car, all black with soot and other various things that came from the car. I dusted myself off adjusting to the darkness of the basement and found the entrance that lead to the top floors. Next to it was an elevator. I took the elevator, easily jamming it so it would not go on any other floor but the control room. This was all too easy. I hummed softly to myself as each level I went up, I heard a short banging sound and people shouting at the ‘slow’ elevator. Ding~ I smiled happily seeing the number of surprised faces as I walked into the control panel. Only about six of them. “Ma’am what are you doing here, this is private property--” I cut him off by bringing my leg up and kicked down in a slicing m
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Hisgurl200 #1
Chapter 28: WOW.....i am HOOOKED. Please update im am soo hooked.
_fallenangel_ #2
Chapter 28: What's happening :O mblaq :3 hehe new reader ^^
MomoSF #3
Chapter 28: I want more... This is way to good to not want more!!
MomoSF #4
Chapter 27: Please update soon 0.0
Poukova #5
Chapter 26: I miss Youngjae.. ;p
MomoSF #6
Chapter 26: Anyo!!! With Youngjae? ANYAH!!
I want her to stay with Yongguk :(
And I want to
MomoSF #7
Loving it ^^
slave_nicole #8
Chapter 25: Update soon