Rain Sound

One Sho†
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I lock even myself in the memories, how about you?

This weather, this temperature, this passing wind, will I remember it?

A person to be forgotten like a passing by black and white film

I still miss you as I fall asleep

But on this a rainy night, I cannot fall asleep


Youngjae’s pov.

I took a sip of coffee as I stared out the huge window I sat next to in the cafe. The air was warm, and the aroma smelled of danishes and other baked goods. I set the ceramic cup down on its plate and tapped at the glass. It was raining today. I looked at the empty street, remembering the last moment I had with Min-Hyun. The day she was taken away from me. Her presence was still among me, but the trust in her eyes was drained like a faucet, so quickly. I knew that pursuing with the mission was hard, but I didn’t expect it to be that difficult. No one had told me Min-Hyun was going to be an obstacle. And now that she has found out about my true identity, all I have to do is forget. But tonight, I cannot fall asleep. This rain was too familiar to me. I looked at my phone. 9pm. I gave a tip to the waitress taking one more sip of coffee staring off into the darkness as the lamp posts had begun to light up. My face went sour tasting the bitterness. Min-Hyun always hated coffee. Why did I make myself remember such things? But it’s so hard to forget what you thought you had.


I carefully tucked my small gps device in the ankle of my shoe as I straightened my jeans, and dusted off my shirt. Min-Hyun’s head popped into my room as she playfully jumped onto my bed, taking a pillow and hugging it. I smiled seeing her action as I looked in the mirror brushing my hand through my hair. “What’s up?” I looked at my watch. 9pm.

Your pov.

I puckered my lips looking up at the ceiling. “Yongguk wants coffee so late at night and we don’t have any at home. He’s busy, can we go down to the cafe and buy some?” I asked crossing my legs. I froze remember what day today was. It had been a week already. I had to give those gang members what they wanted. But Yongguk told me to ignore them. Youngjae sat beside me. “Sure. Let me go tell him we’re going out.” he patted my head going out the door and telling Yongguk. Shortly after, he grabbed his shoes, calling me from across the hall to get ready. I nodded jumping off his bed and meeting him at the front door. “Oh, it’s raining.” I said with a bit of disappointment. “I thought you liked the rain sweetheart.” Youngjae teased bringing along a firetruck red umbrella. “I do, but it’s the bad type of rain. This rain is bad.” I repeated taking the umbrella from him and opening it. “You know what else is bad? Opening that umbrella indoors. It’s bad luck.” he said opening the front door. I laughed. I should’ve listened to him.

“You’re walking too slow Min-Hyun, you’ll get wet from the rain.” Youngjae complained telling me to hurry up. I splashed in the puddles and took a deep breath. What a nice crisp smell. “Don’t be such a poop.” I said running to him as he shielded me from the rain with the umbrella. He took off his jacket, covering me with it and patting my head again. I took his hand as we walked down the empty street. No one seemed to be around. He looked at me in surprise as I stuck my tongue out at him. “There, now we’ll both have to walk at the same pace now.” I confirmed. From a distance, I could spot the small french cafe that Yongguk loved to walk into. He told me he liked the smell of coffee, and t
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Hisgurl200 #1
Chapter 28: WOW.....i am HOOOKED. Please update im am soo hooked.
_fallenangel_ #2
Chapter 28: What's happening :O mblaq :3 hehe new reader ^^
MomoSF #3
Chapter 28: I want more... This is way to good to not want more!!
MomoSF #4
Chapter 27: Please update soon 0.0
Poukova #5
Chapter 26: I miss Youngjae.. ;p
MomoSF #6
Chapter 26: Anyo!!! With Youngjae? ANYAH!!
I want her to stay with Yongguk :(
And I want to
MomoSF #7
Loving it ^^
slave_nicole #8
Chapter 25: Update soon