
To All That's Left


For every breath you take, I take too.
For every time your heart beats, mine beats too.

For we are one; one in heart; one in mind; and one in soul.


Jongin glanced at his partner laying beside him, chest rising and falling slowly as he sleeps. Jongin wasn't sure when things first felt different. But he saw the signs. When Sehun wouldn't look at him with the usual, adoring and loving gaze; when Sehun started dragging that Luhan boy around to their dates; and when Jongin caught Sehun gazed at the doe-eyed, Chinese man the same way he used to look at Jongin when they first started dating.


Jongin had known right from the start, yet, he couldn't bear to let Sehun go. Oh Sehun was his saviour, his light, and the colour to his bare canvas of a life.


Maybe this was fate and maybe they were never meant to be but for now, Jongin wished to stay in all the minute seconds they were left with.


To all that's left of us,

Let's make a toast.
Before everything turns to dust,
Let's give it our most.

Author's Note:

I've never written Sekai before, I actually intended for this to be kaisoo but then I decided, why not turn it into Sekai idk. I was never good at poetry at all sorry for the bad rhymes oh my god. I hope you've enjoyed this short Drabble thing idk. 

If you love me you'll love my Tumblr: http://kaisooul.tumblr.com
Thanks for reading!  Comment so I know where to improve 8)
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Chapter 1: Nice one!!