PHANTOM: chasing the shadow of the truth!




CL and Jiyong gets out from their car and saw Seungri on the road side alone waiting for them. The night slowly emerges. The street lights were flickering and it gets windy suddenly. “Where’s Daesung?” CL asked Seungri. He just pointed to the dark alley without saying anything. His face was pale as if he saw a ghost or something. CL bothers asking for details and just rushed to find Daesung and Jiyong is right behind her.

CL found Daesung hiding behind the garbage piles, peeping on something. “What is it?” CL asked in a low tone as she squats behind him. Daesung signals her to keep quiet and move his body a bit so she can take a better look. A man was trying hard to get away from the killer. His face was blue! He was shouting but no sound comes out from his mouth. In front of him, a figure wearing black torn robes. It showed it’s back to them so they couldn’t see the face. The only thing they can see is the creature’s white, skeletony hand with sharp and pointy fingers. “What was that thing?!” she turned back to Daesung.

“Whatever it is, it has to be stop!” Jiyong stands out as he could stay hiding much longer looking by the creature ready to devour the man’s soul any time. He took out his gun and points to the creature. “HEY!!!” he shouted to gain it’s attention. Yup, it turned around and saw him. Without thinking much, he pulls the trigger and shots!

CL and Daesung too got out from their hiding place and look at what happen. The creature manages to run away to the deepest of the alley and Jiyong dashed to the man. The two on the other hand run after the creature and leave the guy to Jiyong.

“What was that?!” CL asked Daesung as they search for the creature’s sign.

“If I’m not mistaken that was a loathe. A darkness creature that devours the soul of it’s victim and leave a cruel traces like no faces behind.” He explains. “I never knew it can appear here at all! And that thing can’t be stop just by shooting it with mare bullets!” he told CL.

“Then, how should we kill IT?!” CL turned to Daesung while searching. “You probably know....aAhh!!” CL fell down as her feet stumbles to something. She rubs her but after the terrible impact and look down at her feet. To their surprise a girl was lying there lifelessly. Daesung squats next to her and checks for her vital.

“She’s alive. But barely! We need to get her to the hospital, now!” Daesung looked back at CL. CL sighed. Now, they have to postpone their search for the creature as well.




Jiyong sits on the chair provided in the hospital, trying to swallow the things that Daesung just told him. A loathe? Why would that thing even exist? The things that he just witness, he can’t just denied it since he saw it too and he couldn’t do nothing about it. He couldn’t even save the guy earlier. He didn’t die because of the Loathe but he just got severe heart attack. Irony isn’t it?

“Sir...” Dara calls him. Jiyong turned his face to her. “The girl is alive.” She told him. Jiyong take a deep breath before he starts walking to the ward where the girl that CL and Daesung found. As he enters, the other just glance at him before looking back to the doctor.

“Thank god that you brought her quickly to the hospital or else she might just die on the streets. She was having severe malnutrition and dehydration. And when we scanned her stomach, it’s empty. She probably didn’t eat for like more than 4 weeks.” The doctor told them. “And it’s a miracle how she can survive this long.” He adds.

“Thank you, doctor.” Jiyong thanked the doctor as he about to leave.

“We should let her rest and get back to finding that loathe.” CL suggested. The others agreed including Jiyong.

“Just for precaution, Dara. Stay with her.” Jiyong ordered Dara and the girl replied with a single nod.

“I need to get back to the office to find something about that thing.” Daesung said and leaves the room. The remaining four stared to each other.

“So how do we divide this time?” Seungri looked at Jiyong. “I prefer to go with her.” He points to CL but then he received a snort from both CL and Bom.

“You’re coming with me, young man!” Bom told him.

“No way!” he replied and looked at Jiyong.

“You heard the lady. Now, go!” he sarcastically shooed him away with Bom. The two keep bickering till the door closed behind them and they still can be heard from inside the room. Jiyong just shook his head. “Let’s go.” He said to CL and leaves Dara with the girl.




The car atmosphere turn awkward for both Jiyong and CL. Again, the two didn’t say a word till they arrived at their patrol site. Jiyong turn his head to CL who seems to be in thought. Wonder what she’s thinking.

“Hey!” Jiyong calls CL for a few times.

“What?!” CL looked at him irritated. “For goodness sake, I got a name too you dumb !” she growls.

“Whatever. What the heck were you thinking anyway?” he asked, curiously.

“Why the heck would I tell you since you wouldn’t trust me any way.” She replied. This time, Jiyong got annoyed.

“NOE!” he raise his voice but CL just give him a fierce glared. “Tsk!” he turned to his front deciding to soften a bit to her. “Just tell me what you were thinking.” he asked her nicely.

“Nothing. I just wondered why you’re such a douche bag.” She answered, playfully. Jiyong then grew tired playing with her attitude and just give her a stare. “Alright, stop being so serious! I was curious about the girl that we found. How did she stay alive like that and more importantly did she saw the creature or not.” She told Jiyong.

“That’s why I told Dara to stay behind.” He replied. Just then, CL’s phone rings and she quickly picks it up and put it on the loudspeaker.

“CL, I think we found the creature!” Daesung on the other line told them. “Get to the hospital quick!” he said in panic.




Jiyong tried to contact Dara as they rushed to the hospital but she didn’t picked her phone up. “Aish, what is that girl doing?!” he grunts and cuts the line. Dara was in the toilet earlier and now she’s making her way to the drink vending machine. She left her phone in the room where the girl is. After putting the coins in, she press the button choice and the drink dropped to the box. She picks it up and drinks it idly on the bench.

Jiyong tried to call her again and again but nothing. “Hope nothing happen to her!” he prayed silently. CL on the other hand keeps quiet on the passenger side. The two were shocked after Daesung called them earlier.


“I just found out that a loathe can be in two different shape. A mystical creature and a human form! The girl we found earlier, we need to make sure that she’s not the loathe in the human form.” Daesung said.

“And how on earth we’ll know that?!” CL asked him.

“The host will mark their victim before she turns to the loathe and eats their victims. Try to find the mark it’s usually something that we can see, touch and feel.” He told them.

“Ah, nice explanation. But then again, how are we going to find that damn mark?! It could be anything!!!” Jiyong flips.

===end flashback===


Both Jiyong and CL ran into the hospital building to check up on Dara. First they went to the room and found no one in it. Jiyong walk in a high pace towards the nurse counter and asked to one of the nurse. “Ah, the patient? The doctor send her for another check up downstairs.” She answered.

“And the officer that with her?” Jiyong asked.

“I didn’t see her with the patient.” She replied.

“Let’s just check the girl first then we find Dara.” CL said and the two walk away from the counter. Just nearby the counter, Dara just got out from the toilet and walk to the room to find the girl isn’t there. She took her phone on the side table and saw the missed calls from Jiyong before she asked nursing counter was told about the two.

“Thank you.” She smiled before making her way to find them. She calls back Jiyong and the guy immediately picks it up.

“Yah! Eodiya!!?” Jiyong shouted. “Get down here right now!” he ordered her.

“Y-yes, sir!” Dara replied and ran to the lift. A few minutes later, she meets up with the two at the medical check up areas. Dara was gasping for air when Jiyong turned to her.

“Dara, check in the room if you find anything suspicious.” Jiyong ordered Dara.

“Huh?! B-but, I just got here!” she said while gasping.

“And don’t touch it directly. It might be dangerous.” He ends his orders. Without a choice, Dara leaves them and sets off to the room again. As Jiyong and CL wait for the doctor to finish up the check up, a silhouette is watching over them.

“The thing that you wanted to find isn’t just a simple thing. The marker is the host herself!” the silhouette smirks and walks away. A few moments later, the doctor came out with the nurse and patient on the stretcher.

“What’s going on, detective?” the doctor asked Jiyong.

“Did anything happen?” he asked seriously at the doctor. The doctor shook his head. “Did she wake up?” he looked at the patient.

“She just open her eyes and then went back to sleep.” The nurse told him. “I guess she’s still tired.” The nurse glances at the two of them. Jiyong exhaled heavily.

“For now, just bring her to her room and don’t let her out of this building!” he said. Jiyong and CL just watch the patient being pushed back to her room and that’s when they saw Dara. “Did you find anything?”

“Nope. Nothing sir.” She replied. “What’s going on?” she asked them.

“The patient’s probably the loathe’s host body.” CL told her. Dara was shocked in hearing the information.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” Dara asked. Jiyong glared at her.

“Who was the one that didn’t pick up the phone?! Next time just threw the phone away if you didn’t answer it!” Jiyong nags her. Dara just lower her face after hearing her boss mad at her.




Two days passed, the loathe didn’t appears and the girl still didn’t seems to wake up. But other than that, nothing abnormal happens. It was Seungri’s turned to keep an eye on the girl. He was sitting on the chair outside the room and slowly falling asleep.

“Yah!!!” Jiyong kicks the chair to wakes him up. Seungri quickly stands up and bows to him. “You were sleeping?!!” Jiyong mad at him. “Seriously, have you no idea what just happen while you were sleeping?!” he looked at him, furiously. Seungri turned his face to Dara, asking what happen.

“The girl is gone and another victim is found from the hospital staff.” Dara told him.

“WHAT?!” he raise his voice but the furious Jiyong smacked his head loudly.

“What do you mean what?! That was your fault! Now get back to the station and write a report to me!” Jiyong said.

“Till now we still haven’t found what’s the marker and now, how do we find her?” Dara looked at Daesung.

“Let’s check out her house.” Bom appears from behind. Daesung, Dara, Jiyong and CL turned to the smiling lady with the tablet in her hand. “I just found who our mysterious girl is.” She said. “Goo Min Ah, aged 23, single and was reported missing the last 10 years!” she reads the new information she got.

“Then, what are we waiting for. Let’s move!” CL said.




They arrived to a district and stop the car. “Her house should be up here somewhere.” Bom looks up to the rooftop. “Let’s just asked the neighbours.” She saw a shop keeper unloading the goods in front of the store. “Ahjumma, do you know this person?” she showed the aunty Min ah photo.

“Ah, Goo Min Ah? Yes. She lives up there, but I never saw her for 10 years.” The ahjumma said.

“Ah, really? Why isn’t her family members try to find her?” she asked.

“That would be impossible. All of her family members are dead and she’s the only one left!” the ahjumma told Bom. “Omo! G-Goo Min Ah? Is that really her??!” the ahjumma got shocked as her eyes spotted the girl walking down the stairs. Jiyong and Dara were on standby.

“SHE CAN WALK??!” the ahjumma utters. Bom and CL turned to the ahjumma.

“What do you mean she can walk?” Jiyong too got distracted by the ahjumma’s words.

“Min Ah-yang, she got a central nervous system disorder since she was a kid. She can’t walk and always depends on her wheel chair! Ever since her other family member died, she moved to the rooftop and never came down. We’re the one that supplies her with everything till she completely gone 10 years ago.” She told them. Hearing this, Daesung dig through his bags to find something.

“I think I overlooked something.” He opens up the old book. After flipping a few pages he finally found what he needed. “I just found how to kill it!” he smiled at them. 









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Chapter 9: Update! :o too awesome
seraphim_leah17 #2
Chapter 9: Omo. Please update soon! I really love the story. It's a bit confusing because of the nicknames and whatnot but other than that, good job! Hope to read this soon.
Chapter 9: omo.. pls update soon,,,, this make me more curious ^^
Chapter 7: I like the team up.. skydragon team ftw! kekeke
Chapter 5: is Eolica, Dara?
1234567891 #6
Chapter 4: kinda confused right now lol is this going to be Skydragon? YAY :>
Chapter 4: Im guessing that Lompi is Minzy and Eolica is dara? I can't guess who is LLUVIA. Was thinking that it might be Hayi. Or maybe I'm wrong. Kekeke author-nim fighting!!!
Chapter 4: its getting confusing haha XD
Chapter 1: Skydragon ftw
Oh this is skydragon?? I LOVEEEE~!! Update soon!