What Am I?

Dancing with Another Man

Kai was laying on his bed, half cause it was so damn hot that afternoon. He was looking through all the pictures he had with Nara. Kai knew it was bad to do that, but out of thought he just did sometimes. Nara was so important to him.

I remember this picture. Kai chuckled.

It was a picture of Nara with icing on her nose. It was his birthday, but he managed to put some icing on Nara instead of it being the other way around. He remembered how Nara was so flustered about it at first, but later Nara was laughing along with him. 

Kai shut his eyes and threw his phone across his bed. He groaned and rubbed his face tiredly. He kept his hands at his face, like he didn't want anyone to see the tears escaping his eyes at the moment. 

It hurt. A lot. But what could he do? It was his fault kind of. All Kai could think of was Nara's happiness. He knew she'd be happier without him. He was no good for a girl like Nara. She was special and pure. He was a jerk and an idiot. No girl would ever compare to her. It'd be impossible if there was a better girl than Yoo Nara.

Now, Yoo Nara was someone else's baby. Not his.

Damn. Kai thought angrily. 

Someone suddenly entered his room. Kai looked up and spotted D.O, his best friend. Kai felt a little bit guilty whenever he saw D.O. He knew how his best friend was in love with that named Jihyun. Kai wanted so bad to punch D.O in the face and tell him to find a girl worth loving. He couldn't, cause he was a coward. Kai was afraid how that'd affect D.O and their relationship. 

If Kai told D.O, he'd probably believe Jihyun's word instead of Kai's. That's how a blind fool in love would be. If Kai was in D.O's place, he'd believe Nara. Kai was glad that never happened bewteen them. But it did, kind of. 

"Hey." D.O smiled at him. 

Ever since the beach party, Kai hardly spoke to D.O. He was just too angry to say anything to his best friend, who believed everything Jihyun said over his own words. Unbelieveable. 

Kai scowled and didn't say a word. The memory of the day at the beach was so clear to him. All his anger came back. 

D.O sighed,"Look, bro, I'm sorry."

" you." Kai whispered. 

D.O flinched,"K-Kai..."

"How could you believe her word over mine? I'm your best friend, Kyungsoo. You should know me better than her." Kai used all his strength to avoid calling Jihyun a . It'd just cause more problems. 

"You have to understand, Kai, I didn't mean to say all those things! I was drunk and-"

"I don't care! Being drunk is a lame excuse. You hurt her, Kyungsoo. You hurt Nara. If you weren't my best friend, I'd beat the out of you." Kai gave D.O a tired smiled,"But, you are. Something happened, Kyungsoo, you don't know what happened. But, I do. So, that's why I can't let anyone hurt Nara. She doesn't deserve to be hurt."

D.O stared at Kai in his miserable state. He really did feel bad about what happened. He knew Nara was hurt by it, since she didn't really speak to him either. He wanted to apologize to Kai first, then Nara. In the beginning, he was scared Kai wouldn't forgive him. He felt at ease knowing at least one of them forgave him. 

"You still love her." D.O mumbled. He sat at the opposite end of Kai's bed, facing his best friend. 

"Can you tell?"

"Stupid, of course I can. Your cheeks are wet. You cried." D.O chuckled softly. It hurt to see Kai so depressed. "Why aren't you fighting for her?" 

"How can I?" Kai croaked. He ran his hands through his hair, then back down his face again, wiping the new formed tears. "She's with someone better than me. Luhan can take care of her. He can make her happy." 

"Bull." D.O snapped. 

Kai's eyes widened at D.O's outburst. 

"You made her happy too! You won't ever want to hurt her! You love her too much to do that. You're right, I may not know what happened, especially between you, but hell, I know you had your reasons to let her go. Kim Jongin you're in love with a girl you let go for her sake at happiness? Bull. How about you?! Do you look happy? no. Now let me ask you, are you happy Kai?"

D.O narrowed his eyes at Kai who stared back at him with hurt eyes. Kai glanced down at his hands. He suddenly gripped them.

Kai shook his head,"No." he whispered. "I'm not."

D.O smiled,"There we go-"

"But, if she's happy. Then it's fine if I'm not." 

D.O's smiled faltered, then disappeared. "Kai." 

"I'll be fine. Just seeing her happy can make my day. Don't worry about me, just take care of yourself." Kai sat up and leaned against his headboard. 

"You're one crazy guy, Jongin. You're too good. Nara doesn't know what she's missing." D.O shook his head and stood up. "Wanna go out?"

Kai just waved his hand,"I'll stay here. You go." 

D.O glanced back at Kai before leaving. Time to see Nara.


Once D.O was gone, Kai banged his head on the wall. D.O was right. He wasn't happy. He was unhappy. He wanted Nara back. He wanted her all to himself. He wanted to call her baby again. He wanted to hug her. To kiss her. To love her freely. He wanted to go find a goddamn time machine and change all his wrongs into rights. He needed Nara back. 

But he couldn't do that to her. Not when she was at her happiest again. That would be too selfish. He would not do that to her. He would not hurt her again. He would not take away the only thing that was making her happy. The only thing that made her love again. 

Nara was too important. He'd protect her, even if he was in the shadows doing it. He'd just love her in the shadows. His feelings would never, ever change. No girl would sway his heart and make it go crazy like Yoo Nara did. Even if it meant he'd live alone for the rest of his damn, pathetic life. He'd do it. Just for Nara.

Kai let his tears fall. 

"What am I?"

What am I now?...The man that hurt you. The love that hurt. The love that didn't work. The forgotten dance. The forgotten kiss. The forgotten promise. The forgotten past. The forgotten love...I'm sorry, baby.


"That was a good date." Nara smiled while hugging Luhan's arm. "Saerin and Kris are amazing together."

"But we're perfect." Luhan whispered against her ear, causing Nara to giggle more. 

They walked until they reached Nara's house. Nara turned and looked up at Luhan,"Thanks for walking me, princey."

"Anytime." Luhan winked. 

Nara blushed and bit her lips,"Well...walk home safely, okay?" 

Luhan placed his forehead against hers,"Will do." Nara closed her eyes and Luhan smiled. He leaned in and kissed her lips softly. Nara wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her. Luhan held her waist. 

The kiss came to an abrupt end by a cough. 

Nara and Luhan stepped apart and gazed at the surprising visitor.

D.O waved his hand,"H-Hi." 

Luhan glanced at Nara,"I'll call you later then?"

Nara awkwardly cleard and nodded with a smile,"S-sure." Luhan kissed her head and walked passed D.O with a friendly smile. 

Once Luhan was gone, silence was hanging in the air. Nara didn't meet D.O's eyes. 

"Nara, can we talk?" D.O asked softly. 


They sat across each other at an empty cafe. Both looking at their coffee, not saying a word. D.O didn't know how to start. Knowing Nara, she'd act strong and brave. He knew better than the front she'd show him. He decided to take it slow. 

"I'm a jerk." D.O muttered. "Especially, when I'm drunk apparently." 

Nara didn't crack a smile or look at him. 

"I'm sorry, Nara. I have no excuse, like Kai said, and I'm sorry." D.O bowed his head,"I really don't know what I was thinking. Why'd I'd listen to her? She hurt me, but why do I feel like I can't but want to believe her. I was such an to you and Kai. I was wrong. I'm sorry." 

Nara felt her heart crack at D.O's apology. "So, you talked to Kai first?" 

D.O stared at her,"I did." He laughed,"He was so mean to me. Can't you be a little easier on me?" 

"You're an ...when you're drunk. You hurt me a lot, you know? At that time, I felt like everyone was blaming me. It was like I was the wrong one. Sometimes I think if I am. I tried to protect you and tell her off for hurting you. Then you defended her and called me a ...it hurt Kyungsoo." Nara wiped a tear that fell. 

D.O watched with regret. He ran to her side and hugged her,"I'm sorry! Aish, I'm an idiot for making you cry! You know I don't mean that! You're not a . You're a wonderful person, Nara! Please, don't cry!" D.O pouted and wiped her face with his sleeve. 

Nara giggled at him,"I forgive you. Just, don't do it again." 

D.O smiled at her,"I won't. I promise." 

Nara nodded her head and took a sip of her coffee. D.O moved back to his seat and played with his cup. "Are you...happy?"

"Happy? Me?" Nara tilted her head. For some reason, she had a feeling this question involved Kai. Nara had a small smile on her face,"Y-Yes." 

D.O nodded with a solemn look,"I see. That's good!" He smiled, but it only lasted a second. 

"How is he?" Nara sighed. "I know this part of the conversation is about Kai." 

D.O wasn't sure if he should tell her. He remembered Kai's words about wanting Nara to be happy. He wondered if he told her, would she have second thoughts about Luhan and Kai. 

Nara read his expression,"Just tell me."

D.O had a sad smile on his face,"You already know." 

Nara winced. Of course I know. Nara just didn't want to think about him right now. She had to focus on Luhan. "Well, it's his fault." Nara blurted. 

D.O frowned,"Nara." 

"What?! You don't know anything about that day, Kyungsoo. But he's the one who didn't run after me and chase me! He just let me go, Kyungsoo! He didn't fight for me cause he's a ing coward!" Nara panted out tiredly. She felt her eyesight go blurry and she tried to stop crying. "I know I should've listened to his side of the story. But, he didn't even bother to explain! I wanted so badly for him to run after me, hug me, and tell me he didn't do anything. I wanted him to tell me he was sorry and to forgive him. If he did, I would've. But, he didn't. And that's that. I moved on." Nara stood up and grabbed her bag. 

"Did you really?" D.O bitterly mumbled. 

Nara stood there for a second to think. Why do I have to think about this?! I can just tell him yes! I am! Don't have second thoughts about this, Yoo Nara. Kai should feel horrible! I shouldn't have to deal with his crap again! I'll just suffer for it in the end. That's how it always was before. But-no, there's no but anymore. Not for you, Kim Jongin. Luhan is the one I love. Not you, kkamjong. 

"Yes." Nara whispered before leaving. 

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[DAM]: dat poster thoo....


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Sweet ending ;)
Fluffy :)
lovingasianfanfic #3
Chapter 29: Amazing story! I really enjoyed this =)
Chapter 29: YAY!! Done!!! This story has too much fluff in it and DAMN!!! How I wish I had a boyfriend now so i could just cuddle and kiss him anytime i want... Unfortunately the time is not here yet for Mr Right... T^T... Thank you for this amazing story author-nim.. This story really made my day.. <3
Chapter 29: what an amazing story author-nim! I really like the way you write about the group of seven, esp. the jokes between them. They sound soooo fun and hilarious!
Chapter 29: When ur rereading and the feels still get to you!!!
I love this so much still! !
shinebythree #7
such an amazing story!!
nisanobel #8
Chapter 29: This story is wonderful. Glad that they end up together after all things happened.
It's so cute to make sehun as a big baby of the group and baekhyun was like event organizer for all party..lol
Chapter 29: OMG, this story is amazing, author-nim! There was so much drama but I'm glad the couple stayed together in the end ^-^ my feels were everywhere! There were such cute moments and scenes that made me angry! My Jonging feels came back after reading your story, HAHA. I really enjoyed this story, author-nim!!! Great great great job and continue to write such amazing stories! Fighting~
Chapter 29: This is one rollercoaster-like story...

And the ending gives me shivers...it's so cheesy >_< oh kai...