Part One

A Picture of You


"Yeonji! Look at them! Oh my...they are so cool! Yeonji you must see!"

As always, Soorin will always be like this. She can't shut up for even a minute. I'm getting my head dizzy. I think I could get some peace during recess, but I guess I was wrong, especially when I'm at cafe.


Here we go again. "Soorin-ah, can't you please be quiet for at least 5 minutes?" I give a look which she returns with a shocked stare. What? Is she angry at me?

"Yeonji-ah, I can't believe it," she says with gaps opened.

I only give her a glace and continue on drinking my orange juice through the straw.

"MBLAQ... Yeonji, it's MBLAQ!" she pats on my hands and points on some direction.

I follow her finger and see 5 guys walking together. Like she said, they are MBLAQ.

"Oh... They're heading here!"

Faintly, I can hear some other girls are squealing other than Soorin, some others are whispering some unclear things with fixed eyes at the MBLAQ guys. Girls are staring with wondering and sparkling eyes, boys are staring with admiration and envy.

I sigh quietly. I don't understand what they're thinking about these 5 guys. I mean, okay I admit that they are our senior, and they excel in academic even non academic subjects that the school has. All of them are good looking and they have their own characters that make them attractive like those written in comics. I know, it makes them so close to perfection. But really, they are also students like us.

"Yeonji..Yeonji-ah, they're coming toward us. Yeonji!" Soorin is squealing like a fangirl.

I sush her, but it is useless. She doesn't listen.

"Oh...Mir sunbae is so cute~ Cheondung sunbae is to~"

Ahh..I forget to tell you. Mir is their maknae, a year older than us as well as Cheondung. They are sophomore, and we are freshmen here.

"Joonie sunbae is hawt~" she says with sparkling eyes.

I roll my eyes. Anyway, Joon is two years older than us. He's junior. The other two are Seungho and Byunghee, senior year.

"Byunghee sunbae is so handsome~ and Seungho sunbae~ so cool~"

I let her drown in her own world. I guess I'm getting use with her after these past 7 months. I don't even know why I'm friend with her on the first place.

For the next five minutes I find peace. What peace? I look at Soorin and she's spacing out. I wave my hand in front of her face but she doesn't budge so I follow her gaze.

Right when I turn my body, I find the MBLAQ sitting on the seats behind us. Ah...that's why Soorin has been quiet for the past 5 minutes.

Well, they're happily chatting with each other. I can tell Joon sunbae is telling a joke that made the others laughing. But when the rest are happily chatting, I see one person of them is keeping silence. I don't know why, but he looks bored.

Suddenly, our eyes meet and I know it is Seungho sunbae, the cold one. His gaze is intense and I catch some curiousness in it. I smile a bit at him and bow my head lightly. Well, I do this not because I like him like the other fangirl or what, but since I respect him as senior. As I straightened my head back, our eyes met again.

Just for your information, I'm not that kind of honorific freak or something like that. But I do look up for attitude and politeness. And what I did just second ago doesn't match up with my expectation. To be blunt, aren't you suppose to bow back or nod or at least smile for someone who shows you her respect towards you? I'm sure your parents didn't teach you act rude by looking away pretending nothing happen when you obviously know that something's happening especially to someone who bows you, right?

And you have no idea how much I hate bossy person as much as those bosses in drama.

"So class, our next project is you to find someone in this collage to draw in the most candid picture you might get. If you manage to draw seniors, you get additional mark because I know it's harder than drawing your friends. I give you 2 weeks to finish your drawing and I believe it is a generous time I give you," he says in front of the class with a friendly smile despite his status as a lecturer. "You understand, class?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good," he nods in satisfaction. "And Yeonji!"

The call of my name makes me lift my head straight.

"I hope you will draw someone other than your best friend this time. You were an outstanding student for your pictures last semester. It’s such a waste with such talent if you always draw the same person. I hope I can see more variation in your picture."

He is right. My model is always and only Soorin, my best friend. With determination I nod my head at the challenge take. "Yes, Sir."

"Good. Then, I guess it's all for today. Guys, you know how to surprise me with your drawings right? You know I won't hesitate to give you A+ for your awesome works," he chuckles when the class cheers. "Ok. I'll take my leave. Bye!"

The class chant goodbye in unison. In second, the class is half empty and noisy. Some of the students are busy with their stuffs and some others are discussing, I guess about the new project.

In the other hand, I stay in my desk thinking about the same work. Who am I suppose to draw? I never really draw someone besides Soorin for my model. I think I'll just draw her again, but Mr. Lee expects something higher from me, and actually additional mark sounds good. Should I draw someone other? Senior? Really?

With a last sigh I packed up my things and slump my backpack on one shoulder while my hands busy carrying my A3 sketch book and a laptop bag. I bid my goodbye to my classmates beside me. Making friends is good you know.

One I'm outside, I think for where should I go. I need to keep my stuffs in the locker but I want to go to the rooftop where I usually find my ideas and clear my mind which happen to be in the opposite way to the lockers section. Then I decide just to take my stuffs to the rooftop. Who knows I get inspiration to scribble on my sketch book.

As always, the rooftop is empty. I sigh in content. The weather is nice. The sky is bright blue with fluffy clouds. The wind blows caressing my face and I let the strands of my hair fly freely. The view is pretty and the smell of the air is refreshing. I wonder why this kind of rooftop garden is always lack of visitors. I only see some lecturers, students, or couples who wish for calmness which easily granted here.

I walk along the pathway, taking a round for once before I sit under the usual big tree in the front corner near the balcony barrier. It's the quietest and prettiest place I ever find here. I put my stuffs beside me and hug my knees close. The wind is lullaby for me and soon I find myself drifting to my own land.

The next thing I know is that my eyes are snapped open when I feel some pressure on my side. Actually, it isn't that bright anymore but my eyes still need their time to adjust the light. When I manage to see clearly, I realize that it is only my backpack now leaning on my side. I let a low moan and stretch my stiff body. I rub my sleepy eyes and yawn to get as much oxygen my lungs can to wake up my still sleepy brain.

"I never thought our school has a place like this."

The deep voice is startling me and making me gasp. Suddenly all my sleepiness and tiredness are gone when I notice that there is actually someone sitting under the same big tree with me. He isn't that close to me but I can see his back clearly. His brunette short cut hair but not too short seems familiar with me, in fact, only a few people died their hair in this college.

"Did I wake you up?" he suddenly asks without looking at me.

I snap back from my thought at the voice. "Uhmm... No?" I hesitantly answer.

It's weird that he chuckles on my answer. It doesn't seem to be funny for me. Why is he laughing?

"You are not sure," he says again. His laughter is gone, but I can sense a smile on his word.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know," I answer in matter of fact. "To be honest, I didn't even realize there is someone other than me here."

I see him nodding a little. "It's good then. I don't want to wake you up either. You look so peaceful in your sleep."

With his words, I can feel my cheek warmed up. 'Peaceful in your sleep' means he's watching me sleeping. Ohh... I hope I didn't do something stupid while asleep.

"Relax... You didn't do anything stupid. You just slept...peacefully and...adorably," he says like he knows what I'm thinking about.

I gasp in combination of shock and embarrassment. I think my face is now bright red and I feel slightly grateful that he is back-facing me. But I guess it doesn't last long because he suddenly turns his head to me and my breath hitch.

"S-sunbae..." the words comes out as a whisper.

"Hey..." he says calmly, and he has that smile on his face.

I don't know how long I've been holding my breath and widen my eyes in surprised until he snaps me back.

"Hey...relax. You've been holding your breath. You need to breathe."

Like in spell, I follow his words to exhale and I realize I need much oxygen for my lungs. I'm simply panting slightly and I heard him chuckling in amusement.

Ohh...this is embarrassing.

I keep lowering my head until his laughter faded and I feel something shifted beside me. Then, I see him sitting right beside me and staring at me with a grin on his face. I quickly look away to hide my flushed face.

For a moment we keep in an awkward silent. I still can feel his stare which is burning a hole on my face. Oh god...I wish the ground to eat me down. This is too embarrassing.

"Did I scare you earlier?" he suddenly asks.

I brave myself to look up at him and find him smiling friendly at me. The scene is mesmerizing... Uhmm...with the sunshine on the background and wind playing on his hair. I suddenly feel my heart thumping in a weird way.

"Did I?" he asks again.

I clear my throat and look away to ease my mind. I hug my knee closer and play with my finger. ""

"It's good to hear," he sounds a bit relief. "Then, did I freak you out?"

I bit my lower lip at the question. I want to be honest but I don't want to hurt him with my answer.

"Be honest to me."

"Uhmm... A bit." I see in the corner of my eye he just nods.

"Well, I didn't mean to freak you out. I come here in peace and for peace."

Now I look at his face. He is closing his eyes and relaxing. He sighs when the wind blows again.

I frown in confusion and curiousness. He seems different with the person I met at the cafe this morning, yet he is the same. Not to notice he let his bangs down not to styled up like earlier.

"Do I confuse you?" he asks with close eyes.

"A bit..."

"I just want some peace from people who try to hit on me." His face suddenly becomes hard.

"You're famous."

He grunts a bit and I think I said it wrong.

"I don't ever wish to be one."

I hang my head low. "Sorry..."

He sighs, "Don't be. You did nothing wrong."

And the other surprising thing is that he pats me gently on my head. The familiar warmth on my cheeks comes back and I shove my face between my arms and knees.

His laughter comes back and it is addicting. A chill runs through my spin with the thump thump heartbeat when he pats me again on shoulder.

"Anyway, don't you have any class?"


It's like a thunder on my bright shiny day. I quickly stand up and gather my things. I take my sketch book in my arm and slid my backpack on my shoulder but embarrassingly in slid down again when I reach for the laptop bag.

"Hey, why in rush?" he asks in confusion and amazed in his voice.

Once I gather my things, I don't even bother to answer his question. I just bow my head in front of him and dash away ignoring his yell.

It is Friday. I sit alone in the cafe waiting for my best friend to come. She told via message to come here after class that I quickly agreed since I'm hungry. I bite on my sandwich and sip my orange juice. Well, I can't count this to fill my satisfaction of food, but enough to cover my hunger. And to be honest, the sandwich tastes the best here.

After some minutes I have my sandwich half eaten when I hear a familiar chirping voice. Soorin is here.

"Yeonji~!" she squeals and jumps to sit beside me. Her petite arms wrap around my shoulder and I nearly choke my food.

"Yah! Soorin! Let go off me!" I wriggle in her arms and cough a bit. Luckily she quickly removes her hands and I sip my juice in attempt to calm my cough.

"Omo! Yeonji I'm sorry," she rubs my back gently. "Are you okay?"

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. After the cough is gone, I send a glare to Soorin which makes her shrinks on her seat.

"I'm sorry..." she murmurs quietly.

I know she's being sincere but I just feel annoyed. "You know, next time make sure I'm not munching anything before you jump into me or worst tackle me down. I might choke to death you know?"

"Yeonji I'm sorry..."

I sigh. In second Soorin is in my arms as I hug her. "I hate the fact that I can't stay mad on you."

Soorin then giggles and hugs me back. I can't help but giggles along like crazy school girls. Oh... I don't know why we are friends and I love her dearly. We stay like that for a moment before we peel each other and I continue my abandoned sandwich.

"So, tell me. Why were you so excited that you even choke me?" I ask between munching my food.

I see her eyes suddenly spark in excitement. She bites her lower lip and let a squealing sound.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow on her act.

"Yeonji, you won't believe this!"

"Believe what?"

"Omo yaaa~"

I can see her face is flushing even though she covers it with her hands. I only chuckle on her.

"Yeonji, do you remember the last solo dance project I have for my class?"

I only nod my head twice.

"You remember the surprise gift my coach would give me for the best student right?"

I nod again.

"You know I got the best mark for that project, right?"

Once again I nod.

Suddenly she stops blabbering and bites her lower lip again. "Yeonji yaaaa~" she shakes my shoulder lightly with aegyo.


"I get to dance with Joon sunbae..." she whispers but it's crystal clear for me.

I widen my eyes and stare at her in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

She lowers her head still biting her lip. Her face is bright pink and she is playing with her fingers. Slowly, she lifts her head and lowers it again in gesture of a yes.

A sudden overwhelming happiness washes me and I throw myself to hug her. "Oh my god! Congratulation!!!"

We laugh freely and hug each other tight. We even rock right and left on our seat. People might think we are crazy right now but I can be careless. My best friend is going to dance with the famous best dancer in this college for her next project not to mention she's been crushing on him since she stepped her feet on this university.

After a nice 15 minutes of hugging and being crazy school girls. We finally calm down, still with the same idiotic smiles we have earlier. We have a nice chat about Soorin's new project and I get along with her fangirling over Joon sunbae. We share a bag of chips while I mostly listen to her story. It is nice until she brings out another topic about mine.

"So, how about yours? You said you're having another project on your class saying your lecturer wants you to draw someone else other than me," she says and pops a chip into .

I suddenly remember my project. Today I'll have drawing class again and Mrs. Lee will probably ask the progression of the work. "I haven't done anything yet for that."

Soorin suddenly gives me a shocked expression. "Seriously?"

I shrug and eat more chips.

"Aren't you usually the first to finish your works?"

"Well...usually, but not now. He doesn't want me to draw you as my model again. I don't know who to draw, and he expects for me to draw senior for additional score that sounds tempting for me."

"You said it's a candid picture. Just draw someone for your score."

"Yah, you know I won't do that right? I won't randomly do my work just for the sake of scores. I'm a professional."

Soorin then scoffs on my bragging. "Show off!" but then we laugh at our silliness together.

Finally it's time for our class and we separate our ways. We give a final hug and bid goodbye.

I walk to my class after taking my sketch book from locker. As I expected, Mr. Lee asks us for the progression of the project. He even comes to my desk for my detail that I simply answer honestly that I haven't done anything yet. To my luck, he doesn't push me but tells me he expect something good from me.

Well, I'm a bit excited that someone is expecting my work, but at the same time I feel burdened. What if the result of my work doesn't match with his expectation?

After class, I find myself going to the rooftop. I really need inspiration for this project or I might not able to finish it. The deadline is next week and I need to find my model soon.

Once I'm at the rooftop, I'm greeted by the familiar view and it's calming. Like always, I take a round for once before heading to my usual spot. My heart feels at ease with my steeps when the wind plays my untied hair. Yet, it doesn't last long because I feel the thump thump feeling on my chest and I simply frozen on my spot when I see the same person I saw before sitting on the same big tree which happens to be my usual seat.

~to be continued~


Hello there~ hehe~ part one is up! Tell me what you think about this one 'kay? Comment box is always opened~ :33 


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Chapter 1: kkkkkk DAEBAK OMG! UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! SOON!!!!!
Dalily #2
Chapter 1: its awesome and it!!..can't wait for your next update..
Chapter 1: Omfg ' I just simply l o v e this . I actually had a dream of this happening to me w| Seungho on the rooftop w| a garden . Cool wind blew through my hair as I was drawing the city of Seoul while listening to his song Sad Memories ~ * s p a z z *
I'm in l o v e w| this . Porfavor update soon~

Xx ♡
Tabi0411 #4
Chapter 1: Seungho keke...update soon!!!
Chapter 1: better update it soooooonnn
Can't wait a l r e a d y ' anything Seungho or Yonghwa related makes me impatient lol.