"Hi, I'm Mia :)" " MIA?! KIM MIA?!?" " Y-yeah"

YAH! Jung Daehyun! Choi Junhong!

*Mia's Pov*

We were now in Manager Oppa's office since he said he have something to tell us... I wonder what it is. I have told Yunsoo about the incident and now she's blah blah-ing about how luck I am and stuff.

" Okay... You guys know Teen Top right?" Manager Oppa said.

" Neh," B.A.P all said. What? Teen Top?! * Faints* jk xD.

" Well, you guys are going to be on a show with them and Mia, Yunsoo, you guys will be our special guest,"

"OMO! Jinja?! YAH! MIA! It's your dream come true~~!!" Yunsoo sang and B.A.P looked at us weirdly. I shush her.

" Mia is a very big fan of Teen Top," Yunsoo explained.

" Ohhhh~~" B.A.P said making the "O" shape with their mouth and grin at me. I blush and giggle.

" Okay, as I was saying, you guys are going to meet them today and the show will be next week!" Manager oppa said. We nodded.

" Okay, now let's go to their pracitice room in 1555!" 'Again?!?! Whyyy!! I've been there two times already T^T'  I whine in my head but have no chance but to follow them. When we arrive, I hid behind Yunsoo.

" Annyeonghasaeyo Teen Top! This is B.A.P, I'm sure your manager have told you about the show and that you'll be rehearsing with them," Manager oppa said and grin.

" Neh!" They bow," 1,2,3! Annyeonghasaeyo! We are Teen Top imnida!!"

" Annyeonghasaeyo! We are B.A.P! Yes sir!" B.A.P bow back.

" Well, I'll leave you guys to know each other," Manager Oppa said than left, great. Me and Yunsoo found a sit in the corner of the room and sat there since B.A.P and Teen Top are talking to each other and we have nothing to do.

"So are you going to talk to him?" Yunsoo suddenly ask out of the blue.

" Who?" I ask.

" L.Joe dummy, aren't you going to talk to him?" Yunsoo said and point at L.Joe who had been stealing glances at me since I arrived -.-" hey boy are you trying to kill me by your y glances?

" Why should I talk to him? We have nothing to talk about," I said and pouted, in the inside, I actually really want to talk to him.

" Well come up to him and thank him for earlier," Yunsoo suggested. And she than push me up.

" Yah! Don't push me, I'll go arraso?" She nodded cutely and I chuckle than went up to Himchan instead.

" Yah! Go hang out with your girlfriend, she's bored," I told him with an evil grin and he nodded and approach Yunsoo. She than look at me with the I'm-So-Gonna-Get-You-After-This look and I mouthed her ' I love you too' xD Than just as I turn around I bumb into L.Joe.

"Oops! Mianhe- Ahh!" I almost fell and he catch me.

" Your pretty clumsy," he said and chuckle. I pouted. Than we went to sit down at the side.

" So, I never got to know your name, mind telling me?" He ask, starting the conversation.

" Nope, not at all! Hi! I'm Mia :)" I said than his expression was turned to shocked, I was confused.

"Mia?! Kim Mia?!" He ask shocked. Urm.. yeah?

"Y-yeah.. Is there anything wrong?" I was confused. 'It might not be her.. But let's just give it a shot' L.Joe thought. He than reach into his pocket and pull out some kind of keychain... O.M.G!

"Lee... Lee Byunghun?!" I was totally .. SHOCKED!

( A/N: Okay guys I know it's weird that she's his friend and she doesn't know his real name but just help me out yeah? Let's just say that she's those type of fan that don't search the facts about their idols, yeah? yeah? Does that work? Just go with the flow~ Kay? lol)

He nodded, this is a mazing! I never thought I'll find him again but there he is, in front of my eyes, the guy that had been my bias. Than we hugged.

" I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! I NEVER THOUGHT I'LL FIND YOU!!" I said, almost in the verge of crying.

" Me too!" He said, and we break apart.

" But h-how? I thought you were in the states and-"

" My parents got into a car accident when I was thirteen so I moved back," I sigh.

" OMG! I'm so sorry!" he quickly hug me again.

" It's okay, don't worry about it," I smile.

" But who do you live with now?" He ask.

" My bestfriend, she's right there," I pointed to the girl woth is dancing crazily with himchan, I chukle seeing her. He did too.

And we continue talking and getting to know about each other more.


A/N: OMG!! ADKFKASJFJGLHAGLJ!! I KNOW I'M A HORRIBLE AUTHOR, JUST KILL MEH!! (but than you can't because there'll be no one to write you stories, muahahaha lol) Look I'm SOOOOOO sorrry!!!! I know that I haven't write sine like... FOREVER!! Middle school been hard, I my brain's been dead lately lol I won't give me more I deas for the stories and I've been busy, I'm so sorry!!! I'll really try and update whenever I can. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO STILL SUBSCRIBE TO ME!! I LUB YOU!!!! I those who unsubscribe, THANKS for checking out my stories!! :D


( Gif Spam!! )



   LOL xD




  Omg Himchan * facepalm* xD
Oh And I've been in love with L.Joe, I mean he's my ultimate Bias! >.< He's just so hawt!! Lol I lub him verymuch >/////<



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Chapter 8: aww i wanted chunji too >< but l.joe is alright ^^
Chapter 8: It's Ilhoon BtoB~~~ Omona omona omona~~ This is SPARTAA!!!!
you changed the pictures in the forward? :o
update soon~
and let jojoe to be her first love