



Jaejoong was walking through the flowershop looking athe various flower displays, ready-made bouquets and plants in pots.

“Hi may I help you?” Hyemin, her nametag read, said.

“Hi hyemin.” Jaejoong greeted her. “I’m Jaejoong. You must be new here.”

“Uhmm, no. Actually I have been working here for a bit now.” Hyemin looks at Jaejoong strangely. He was being too friendly for her taste.

“Really? Usually It’s Nari who takes care of the shop on weekends.” Jaejoong said as he admired the pink roses on display.

“Nari is sick. I’m taking over for her. I usually work on the weekdays. Are you and Nari friends?” Hyemin asked.

“Ah…I guess you can say that. I’m here often to buy flowers. Usually on the weekend.” Jaejoong explained.

“Is it for your girlfriend?” Hyemin asked somewhat disappointed. He was a very good looking man.

“It’s for my wife.” Jaejoong said proudly.

“She is very lucky to have you.” Hyemin said.

Jejoong simply nodded and returned to look at the roses.

“Would you like the pink roses for her?” She pointed to the roses he was admiring.

“Yes please. Please give me the freshest and the most fragrant. She loves the smell of flowers.”

“Certainly. I’ll give you a beautiful bouquet.” Hyemin smiled at him and picked some roses. She then bowed at him and returned to the counter  to arrange them for him.

Jaejoong turned away and fished his phone out of his pocket. He unlocked it and speed-dialed his wife.

“Hi! This is – You know who this is.” A woman’s voice greeted him. “And if you don’t know, you got the wrong number.” The voice laughed. Leave a message after the beep. BEE – oh! WAIT!” She cleared her  throat. “If you are my favorite husband…” She giggled.

Jaejoong shook his head and smiled. “I’m you’re only husband.”

“Baby I love you!” the voice said and soon after the BEEP was heard.

Jaejoong sighed and ended the call.

“Here is your bouquet sir.” Hyemin returned a little later with a beautiful pink bouquet.

“Thank you.” He said and handed her the pay.

“Thank you sir. Come again.” She called out to him as he left the shop.


Once he got to his car he laid the bouquet carefully on the passenger’s seat and then seated himself on the driver’s seat. He checked the mirrors, put on his seatbelt and flipped through the radio stations but found nothing interesting. He switched the audio to play the CD and he heard the first notes of “Heartbeat” fill the car.

Jaejoong shook his head and thought of turning the thing off but instead he started the engine. She’d kill me if she knew I was mentally bashing her favorite group, Jaejoong thought as he pulled out of the parking lot.

A few minutes later he got bored and a little jealous of the cd so he turned it off and tried to call her again. He speed dialed her and put the phone on speaker mode. Again he listened to her voicemail message.

Just as the message finished, he pulled over some green land. He parked on the side of the road and took the flowers. He walked his way to her though he felt his ever step get heavier and heavier. He wanted to see her, but not like this.

“Hi baby.” He greeted her. He dusted some soil away from her tombstone(the tombstone is the one that is laid on the ground, not the upright one.). “You’re brother must have been here. He left you some orchids. They’re pretty but you like my pink roses more right?” He joked as he laid the flowers besides the orchids.

“Did you miss me?” Jaejoong asked as he laid on the grass by her gravesite and looked up at the blue sky. “You better miss me cause I miss you.” He felt that lump on his throat form again.  “It’s a wonderful day. Just like the ones were we would go out for a nice picnic or something. Actually today isn’t much of a difference from what we would do, only problem is you’re not in my arms right now.” Jaejoong tried to hide his resentment for her leaving him so early in their marriage.

 “I cannot believe it’s been a months since you left me.” Jaejoong felt a breeze of wind and although he didn’t want to build up fantasies he wanted to think that it was her.  “I know…I know…You didn’t leave me. They took you away. Why did they have to take you away. We had so much to do.” Jaejoong felt a tear slide down the side of his head. “And all I have left of you is your voicemail.”

Jaejoong fished out his phone and speed dialed her number. He put the phone to his ear only to have his heart ripped out of him. He sat up all of a sudden and stared at his phone. He redialed the number hoping he was mistaken, but he wasn’t.

“The number you have dialed is not in service.” The operator’s voice said and soon after the call was ended.

Jaejoong dropped the phone in shock. He should have known this was coming. It was a miracle that the phone company kept her number in service even after several months. He turned to glare at the heavens above.

“How could you leave me! Don’t do this to me! Give her back to me!” He sobbed heartbroken over her lost, her voice was the last thing that connected her to him, that kept him in denial over her death. He had no other choice but finally accept the fact that she was really gone.

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Chonza #1
Chapter 1: This is so sad T____T
He kept dialing her number in order to listen to her voice.
But the only thing he had was gone.
Omg! Jaejoonggggg TT

Thank you for the one-shot author~
It's so touching.
Chapter 1: Oh... this made me really sad.. it's good! T.T
such a sad story and i am crying rn.. and the episode you were talking about was the one with frankie muniz? it was a good episode.. love this sad fic..
oh a sad story, and nicely written too
thank you for sharing it with us

found this in the random story
babysun576 #5
i'm crying now T__T
at least he have her voice
now it's left T__T
awwwhwhhwhw....i thought it was a really happy marriage when he's buying flowers..but then wahhhwahhhh!!:(
kkassum neomu appha..:(:(
Woah~i read this while listening to jyj's in heaven n i almost cry.
chunnie-ah #9
I feel so bad for jj... :(
MrsJaejoong #10
Hey i finally read it...so sad.. For jaejoongT.T