not an update, but please read.



hey there guys.

it's been like, i dont know, 1 hundred and something years since the last time i updated this fic.

i'm so sorry for not updating, school has taken up almost all of my time.

and for now, i have a bad and good news.

starting from the bad one is, i'll delete this whole story, sorry. :(

but the good one is, i'll rewrite it! with a different and of course, better plot. i'll fix this fic, and i'll try to update regularly.

so, please support me guys♡

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Hi, can you post the old version too if you are not updating on the new one, I really want to read the old one too :)
Chapter 18: Are you still gonna update this 🥲🥲 I have been wanting to read it 🥹
Hi, can you post the old version too if you are not updating on the new one, I really want to read the old one too :)
Chapter 18: You can also post the old version I will be fine with that too :)
You can also post the old version I will be fine with that too :)
Hi it’s 2020 already hahahaha I am still waiting for the new version and will be still waiting. Don’t give up on writing this. Hwaiting :)
Hi it’s 2019 already hahahaha I am still waiting for the new version and will be still waiting. Don’t give up on writing this. Hwaiting :)
Hi hahahaha I’m still waiting if not you can post the old version back too
Chapter 18: Hi it’s 2019 already hahahaha I am still waiting for the new version and will be still waiting. Don’t give up on writing this. Hwaiting :)
Chapter 18: Hi it’s 2019 already hahahaha I am still waiting for the new version and will be still waiting. Don’t give up on writing this. Hwaiting :)