[Shut Up.]

100 Cranes of Love

"I can't believe you! You're ridiculous! Completely impossible!" You shrieked.

The other students in the hallway sighed. 'They're at it again...'  Thought most of them.

"What did I do!?" Junhyung yelled back.

"Obviously  you know what you did!" You yelled, getting up from the floor. "Who told you to come up to me and randomly trip me!?"

"What if it was accidental!?"

"Is rushing me without a warning, accidental!?"

Some of the other students shook their heads. 'When will they ever stop fighting?'

"Come on," He grabbed  your arm. "Where are you taking me?" You demanded. "The infirmary, babo." He replied.

"To do what?" You scoffed.

"Obviously to treat your ankle, babo."

"I'm not a babo!"

"The fact that you're getting angry over a small nickname signifies that you're really immature." He retorted. "Babo."

"You know what!? Why don't you jus-"

Before you could even finish your sentence, he had turned around and kissed you smack dab on the lips.

"Shut up." Junhyung said after you both parted.

Without another word,  you both continue to make your way to the infirmary.

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How sweeeeet~~~ >< Update soon! ^^
kyaa~ so sweet.... please update soon~ can't wait!!! *cheering*
ohmyyoungbae #3
awwwwww~ these are so sweet! update soon please! :)
LOL, hey didn't you write these in class?
jungminian0403 #5
this is cute! :3
Ah they really are short...you tell no lies. LMFAO<br />
All Fluffy and cute and my heart aches from the sweetness. <br />