

This week has been a no good very bad week for Hyukjae: his best friend had woken up with a pair of cat's ears and a tail, his so-call friends think it's all hilarious, and Donghae just really wish he was a dog instead. It can't get any more worst.


title: catnip

author: kewltie

pairing: hyukjae/donghae

genre: fluff enough to rot your teeth, comedy, supernatural, romance, craaaaaaaack, unexpected angst-ville

contains: kittycat!donghae, hyukjae's eternal frustration, friends giving not so helpful advices, enough to break your screen, and as usual boys being stupid (who is surprise at that one? not me)

notes: so this was suppose to pure crack but grew a plot idek. if i haven't scare you away with the horrible premise of a catboy!donghae than i hope you enjoy it!


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Cloudnine7 #1
Chapter 2: update pleaseeeeeeee
monniefish #2
Aww please update more~~ ❤️❤️
Sidhe21 #3
Chapter 2: I really really enjoyed this one too! Will there be an update on it?
blazensaddles #4
Chapter 2: This is so cute. I really wonder how Heechul is gonna react to it. And donghae is such a cutie in the part where hearing their voices makes him feel better.
brattygurl #5
Chapter 2: I subscribe to some of your other stories which I like so I thought I'd check out some of your other stories, and came across this one. I'm curious how and why Hae is becoming a cat. He said he didn't do anything, but I'm wonder if he did but just didn't realize that whatever he did put him into this situation. I really like the part where Kyu gives the readers the perspective that others have of Hyuk and Hae. How everyone else can see their love, and Hyuk and Hae are the only ones in the dark.

If Hae can only find comfort when he's with Hyuk then they will be glued to each other even more than usual. I don't think Hyuk will mind, but Hyuk can't be with him 24/7. I would feel sick to my stomach too if my sense were overloaded with the smells and sounds attacking me. Hae will need to learn how to control it otherwise he'll never be able to leave the dorm.
Aftan6 #6
Chapter 2: Interesting storyline ... Let's c how tis goes . Will wait patiently for ur updates
Chapter 2: I love this xD Idk what the heck happen to Donghae, but so far it's great and I can't wait for more chapters <3
i generally think themes like this are creepy or weird, compounded by a tendency towards sh!t writing -- but yours is none of the above. i subbed to a lot of your stories recently but this one is just precious and ually tense as fck, which is a winning combo in my eyes. just stopping by to say that i like that you've taken me out of my comfort zone!
Chapter 2: This is so good! I want to worship you and your great writing! XD No, but really, you are amazing at bringing fourth EunHae and their personalities as well as the entire SJ. The conversations seem plausible and you've really captured their friendship well!
J-just.. Don't go break my heart with angst! D': I don't want to see Donghae hurt, or worse, I'm hoping the power of Hyukjae's love will save him from this catastrophe (MAHAH cat-puns I'm feeling so clever)! Fluff ALL THE WAY
Just kidding, write the story in your own pace and at whatever direction you want to take it!.. Just don't blame me if I spam your comment field with feels D: ♥