Chapter 2

Cause I Grant Wishes

Author POV


"ARRRGHH, I'm going to suicide!" she shouted and her fingers walked trough her hair, made it even messier than it was.

The door opened revealing a little boy, "NOONA!!! Dont......" he said, good at least my little brother cares about me, she thought.

"DONT SHOUT LIKE THAT!! If you want to suicide just suicide, no need to say it out loud just like you did. Ergg, look, now I forgot the alphabet!" he continued then left, leaving her eyes wide with mouth half open.

What happen to my brother? My innocent little brother...what happen to this world....


Noona wants to suicide...suicide...suicide...but, what does suicide mean...? He thought.



-On the other side-


He watched from above a man crying while praying, his eyes already swollen from too much crying. "human nowadays" he said, shook his head, "only wishing, hoping, praying or whatever it called without even trying to make things happen" he continued.

"dont say things like that, you and them are in the same boat, same species." he said, more like mocked him.

"" he mumbled, he got it right, he thought.

"you know I'm right. I sometimes doubt it that you are actually the best out of them all, I heard you cursed a lot, a lot" the guy said,

"it makes me wonder how would the worst one be" he continued then chuckled.

"trust me, I had no idea either why your called so "boss" said I'm the best out of them" he replied, then dissapeared.


"WAKE UP!!!! THE SUN IS ALREADY ABOVE YOUR HEAD YET YOU ARE STILL SLEEPING!!! WHAT KIND OF WOMAN ARE YOU???!!!! GO FIND A JOB YOU RASCAL!!!" Her mom shouted, yeah this is how her mom wakes her up if she is in a bad mood. You know, it's 8 in the morning and she shouted like a mad woman who just chased by a dinosaur. If she is in a good mood she wont care even if her daughter wakes up at 12 or even 1. But there she was, in a completely bad mood.

"oh my god mom, fine fine, I'll take a bath first then I'm going to go find a job" she waked up lazily with messy hair.

"you know, you are really such a pityful creature Choi Eunji, and stupid too" her mom said then shook her head with face full of dissapointment.

"for heaven's sake mom, what happen with the sudden honest confession in the morning? Like seriously mom, I'm your daughter afterall"

"Choi Eunji, I dont know if it you are so stupid because when you were kid you once fell from a bed or you are just a plain idiot. Look, you broke up with that handsome tall smart polite rich heir and look at you, you dont have any speciality, you cant play instruments, you are not that smart, you are not that beautiful to be a model or actress, you are jobless, and fatherless, and you are not that kind to deserve God's pity" she just stood there completely stunned by her mom words..

God, why You hate me this much?

"I say this because I care, look at your surname, it's freaking "Choi"! Choi is a surname that usually used for rich people! And your dad is! Look at your grandmother, she freaking baths with golds not water! But she doesnt accept you, she doesnt accept us. When you dad was still alive she did send us money and your dad worked in his own company as a manager, you should have been a heiress! But because she doesnt like me, after your dad died she acts as if you are not her granddaughter as if Youngjae is not her grandson. We cant hang our lives in her hands, and look, you are freaking 23, Youngjae is 4, and I'm 50! I'm already so old, I cant work too much which means if I stop and if you havent found a job yet we wont eat, and Youngjae will not go to school. I was so happy to know you have a boyfriend like that Kyuhyun guy, and his parents were freaking fine with your relationship, and it's a gift sent from heaven! You wont be like me, your kids wont be like you!" her mom reached her , but her mom stopped, "go take a bath and find a job" she continued then walked leaving a dumfounded Choi Eunji.

Life sure as hell hate me




Sorry this is so short and boring, and Eunji's mom talked a lot, WUAHAHAHA. But i just wanna explain hows her life and blablablaaaa..

and sorry for grammar mistakes and any typos cause english is not my first language:")

And as always 2 subs or 1 comment for next update! AND COMMENTS SUBS UPVOTES IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT YEEAHH!!

And i feel numb, all of sudden the plot of this story became blur to me, yeah lemme think.



Manni Loves Money

Kai, Luhan ft OC


What Are These Dreams

Sehun ft OC

 Much love, Peculiar

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