Post-Date Interrogation

Stupid Favor

*I got a boy meotjin! I got a boy chakhan! I got a boy, handsome boy, Naemam ga gajyeo gan!*
Akemi groaned and rolled over, falling off her bed as she tried to find her cell phone. She groaned when the ringing didn't stop, but eventually found her phone under a pile of clothes.
"Hello?" she croaked in Japanese, it being too early for her brain to understand Korean.
"Akemi!" the voice on the other end of the line squealed, "How'd it go?"
"W-what?" she groaned, "Ren, is that you? It's too early for this!"
"So then is it a bad thing that I'm, like, 3 minutes away from knocking on your front door?"
"Ren!" she cried, "Why are you always like this?"
"Oh hush, I'm here," he said before he hung up.
Just like he promised, her doorbell rang and she pulled up her hair and trudged downstairs.
"Why are you here?" she groaned.
"I was worried about you," Ren said, walking past her into the house. She sighed, closed the door and followed Ren into the kitchen, where he was helping himself to the food in the fridge. She pushed him aside and grabbed milk before making a bowl of cereal and sitting down at the island in her kitchen.
"Why?" she asked, tilting her head.
"How did your dinner with JR go?"
"," she said with a mouthful of food.
"Aww, Akemi baby," Ren cooed, with a tinge of mocking, "Is dating THE Kim JongHyun not all you dreamed it would be?"
"Fake dating," Akemi chimed in.
"Details," he said dismissivly, waving a piece of toast around, "So! How'd. It. Go?"
"So," she said angrily jabbing her cereal, "My parents found out, so I got in trouble for going behind their back. Then, apparently, JR's coming over for dinner tomorrow AND I'm going to his family's yearly party."
"How did you get out of you're parents fury?" he asked.
"'Oh, Mom, Dad, it was the first time I met his parents, and if it went well, I would have told you, but if it didn't we would've broken up a nothing would've come of it'," she recited, "'We've never even held hands.'"
"Nice," Ren laughed.
"Technically it was true," she pouted.
"Anything else?"
"Oh!" she gasped throwing her spoon into the sink, "Apparently JR is coming to Japan with me and my family! Ren! What am I going to do?"
"Woah," Ren said, sitting down across from her, "Really? That's a big step in your fake relationship...How does JR feel?"
"How am I supposed to know?" she frowned.
"Well," he said seriously, "How do *you* feel?"
"W-what do you mean?"
"Akemi. Don't play dumb," Ren groaned, "You used to really like this guy. It was kinda pathetic how much you liked him." Akemi glared at him, but he just continued, "But you started to get over him, you were so close to being completely done with that ."
"Stop..." she begged, "Please, just stop. This is just depressing me."
"But I'm curious," he whined, "Have you started liking him again?"
"I...I don't know," she sighed, "I'm starting to like him as a friend again. But...I don't know...It's not like I'm going to automatically fall into his arms or anything."
Ren laughed a little and ruffled her hair, "Poor baby."
"You know what I just realized?" Akemi laughed, "I think you are the only person I've met that calls thier best friend an as much as you do."
"I call 'em like I see 'em, Darling," Ren said with a high-pitched voice.
"Dummy," she laughed, lightly punching him on the arm.


Aha~! Yet another update ^^ I hope everyone's been good lately and not too stressed with work...DON'T WORRY~! SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER! YOU CAN DO IT! HWAITING!!!!!! >w<


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Chapter 22: JR you are dense, but what can you do u.u
-notyourself #2
Chapter 19: o.m.g. /kicking after school because of this
;u; /smacked
/dies crying
/revives and keeps reading the story
;U; i just love this sooooo much <33
LoveCuteFanFics #3
Update please!!
-notyourself #4
Chapter 6: aigoo *o* Update soon *-*
Chapter 6: UPDATE. PLEASE.
Chapter 1: Omg I love these kind of fics
Alexiz119 #8
Chapter 2: aksldjhaslkdjhflakjhf hurry up and update and give me a new chapter cuz i want it :)