
My enemy becomes my husband!!!! Help!!

Then quickly sulli turn on tv and said:"yay!! my movie is about to start! Do u know this drama krystal?"

krystal: "nope! what is the tile? and guys can u call me soojung cuz i like soojung better than krystal, krystal is just my nickname when i'm at america!!"

amber:" oh really! 0ooh ok soojung!! that a nice name!!" Krystal:" i know right!! so that why i like it!! so plz call me soojung!!" everyone nodded and smiles!

sulli:" yah!! soojung the title is I HATE MY HUSBAND!!!" sulli saw krystal make a weird expression so she said:" lol i know that the title is weird but it really good!!" krystal:" cool!!" and she walks to the kitchen and ask victoria.

Krystal:" vic unnie! wat ar u doing? so when we goona start class, i'm so nervous!!"

vic smile and replys:" it ok don worry sulli will be with u she the same class with u tomorrow we will start cuz today is student free day!! even though it free day but we cant go home until weekends and i'm cooking kimbab!!"

Krystal:" oh, it ok stay with guys is fun!! and i'm so hungry!!!

sulli:" yay!! tomorrow you gonna sit with me so i'm not alone anymore!!" krystal smile and hug her!!

vic:" ok guys dinner ready Quick i'm so hungry!!"

and then they done eating!! krystal and sulli cleaning the dishes, luna sweeping the table and amber mopping the floors!!!

15minutes laters.......

all of them done their work and walk to living room relaxed and watch tv, suddenly amber said:" guys should we discuss about ur group name now?"  everyone nodded happily!!

Vic:” what about flower girls? We all love flowers right?”

Krystal:” But it too simple!! “

Sulli:” so then short cut F something it must be cool~!!”

Luna:” cool~!!”

Amber:” then F G?”

And then krystal show her crossed sign on her hand

Vic:” ooh awesome krystal! That a good idea!!”

Krystal:” huh? I just Crossed my hand to tell amber unnie that I’m not agree!”

Luna:” then F X it soo soo cool~!!”

Everyone smile widely and nodded happily

Amber:” Waits!! Should we put s.th between X to make it look more cool?”

Sulli:” then wat about the barckets between?”

Krystal:” cool then it must be like this F(x) cool guys great job!!”

Everyone really happy!! Vic:” ok F(x) hwating!!”

Then everyone go to take a shower and went to bed krystal is the last to take a shower cuz she tell her members that she took a long time in bathroom so she the last one to go to bed!!

Vic:” good night everyone!!”

Krystal:” night night members!! OMG SO NERVOUS ABOUT 2MORROW!!”

Sulli: I’ll be with u! ok G9!”

Luna & amber :” sweet dream about hot guys, LOL!!”hope

Krystal:”awwww~~ lol”

then all of them sleep silent but not sulli!!!

hope u guys enjoy it sorry if it boring^^

plz subsricbes and comment smiley

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 25: Please update^^
amiisiltya #2
Chapter 25: it's really a good story . Please continue it ~^^ good job thor !
puputdyah #3
Chapter 25: authornim, i little bit confused. in the previous chapter you wrote their going honeymoon at Australia, but at this chapter you wrote their going honeymoon from Hawaii.

i think you must check your story before you publish, forgive me if i nag too much

overall this is nice story, i hope you can update soon. I already subscribe (okay this is not important k k k k)

update soon, i'll be waiting <3
Chapter 19: Love this chapter <3
you are using Pizap :P
Chapter 25: Update.. Update.. please
ast_yui #6
it's awesome story...........Please update soon
taylormonia #7
Chapter 25: So good. Please update
Chapter 25: I love it...please update soon...
KimJongMin #9
Chapter 25: Soooooo great!!!!! update soon please