


"Okay, it's right here. I'm sure of it."

"That's what you said the last four times," you raised an eyebrow at your childhood friend, "And every time you've been wrong."

"Well it's not my fault I'm relying on a map drawn by a six year old," Shinwoo held up the worn paper that was in his hand.

You rolled your eyes as the two of you kneeled down on the grass and started to dig using your hand held shovels.

"How far down do you think it is?" you asked after a few minutes of digging.

Shinwoo tossed a small pile of dirt to the side, "It can't be that far down, right? I mean - Oh! I hit something!"

In elementary school, when you and Shinwoo were still neighbors, the two of you had this crazy idea of making a time capsule together and burying it in your backyard. Although you totally forget what you each put in the lunchbox, you did remember that you promised each other to dig it up after at least ten years.

So there you both were, on your hands and knees, digging through the dirt for a box buried by a couple of kids years ago.

The both of you threw your shovels to the side and started to push away the dirt with your hands. You bit you lip and watched as Shinwoo reached into the small hole and pulled out a small Pororo lunchbox.

"We found it!" you beamed as you dusted off some dirt from the semi rusty tin box.

Shinwoo smiled down at the capsule before looking up at you, "Let's open it up inside."


You placed the two glasses and pitcher of lemonade on the table before sitting across of Shinwoo who was still staring down at the box.

"Nervous?" you teased.

He looked up at you and scoffed, "Of course," he answered back sarcastically, "But seriously, I have no idea what I put in this thing."

"Me neither," you laughed.

Shinwoo placed his hands on the two latches holding the lunchbox closed.

"Ready?" he looked up at you.

You nodded your head excitingly and leaned forward, propping your elbows on the table.

"1, 2, 3."

You watched him flip the cover open and reveal the contents inside.

The two of you smiled and laughed as you went through each item in your time capsule, from toys that the two of you used to play with together to a small piggy bank that was filled with a substantial amount of coins.

You picked up a piece of line paper and unfolded it.

"'Here is the time capsule of Shinwoo and _______, ages 7 and 6'," you read slowly, trying to decipher the sloppy handwriting, "'All the contents in this box belong to the future Shinwoo and ______ and if you're not them, don't take anything because that's stealing'."

 You both laughed at the childishness of the letter, but hey, you guys were less than ten years old after all.

"'If you are Shinwoo and ______,'" you continued, "'Remember to put in your own stuff and bury this box back in the ground. But take the money first. - S & __'."

"It’s funny how we would tell ourselves to take the money," Shinwoo mused as he played with the small piggy bank in his hands, "As if we would need reminding."

"Hey now, at least we left some money for ourselves," you said softly as you sifted through the other contents in the box.

"Yeah I guess. But I think there's enough money in here for us to buy something to eat," he smiled as he judge the weight of the piggy bank in his hand.

"Oh, what's this?" you asked as you pulled out a small pink envelope with your name on it.

Shinwoo's eyes widened when they landed on the familiar looking card.

"No, don't open that!" he yelled as he reached across the table to snatch the card out of your hand.

But you were faster and held it right out of his reach, "Why? It's addressed to me."

"Just don't," he whined as he slouched down in his chair.

You smirked as you tore open the flap and pulled out the small card, "Is it something embarrassing?"

"For me it is," Shinwoo muttered.

You rolled your eyes and ignored him as you read the writing on the card.

Dear ______-ah,

It's me, Shinwoo. I had my mom write this for me because I couldn't fit everything on the card and she has nicer handwriting. But, that's beside the point. I don't really know how to say this, but I like you. Like really, really, really like you. And I don't think that I'll stop anytime soon. I don't know how old we'll be when you read this, but if I still haven't asked you on a date, just punch me in my shoulder. Well I hope you feel same way. But if you don't, it's okay. You'll always be my best friend.


Your eyes widened and you looked up from the card at the boy sitting across of you who was absentmindedly tracing the edge of the ceramic pig with his finger.

Shinwoo looked up in alarm when you abruptly stood up from your chair.

"What are you doing?" he raised an eyebrow at you when you walked around the table and stood next to his chair.

You quickly drew your arm back and gave him a hard punch on his shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?!" he exclaimed as he rubbed the spot you just punched.

"You didn't ask me on a date yet so I did what you told me to and punched you in your shoulder," you replied, showing him the card.

You watched his eyes quickly sweep over the writing and realization dawn on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. I never really found the right time."

"Well why don't you ask me now?"

"Huh?" he looked up at you in confusion.

"On a date," you said bluntly, "We have a piggy bank full of coins that could probably buy us a bowl of patbingsu. Ask me out now."

"Uhhh, do you want to go out on a date with me?" Shinwoo asked, still a little confused as to what was going on.

"Sure," you smiled and grabbed his wrist with one and the piggy bank with the other.

"Wait, what about the capsule? We still have to bury it again," he asked as you pulled him towards the door.

"We'll do that later," you threw over your shoulder as the two of you stepped through the threshold of your house's front door.

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Elflower017 #1
Chapter 1: The letter was too cute. :")
Chapter 1: Hahaha, so sweet~ I can actually imagine this happening between two childhood friends!
Chapter 1: This was so adorableee~
Chapter 1: aww that was cute. lol "Ask me out now" and he does! XD very cute. :3