Nerd Boy!

Nerd Boy!


"But WHY!?" I complain, pouting out my lips.

I hate-hate-HATE-HAAATTTTEEEE partnering! It's so ...STUPID! Why can't there be THREE partners!? What's so WRONG about being partners with threeeee people!? Hmm? How is that a crime?

"Because, I'm the teacher and I said so!" Mr.Teal says sternly. "So go and move next to Yoo Youngjae.

I glance at him, moving my stuff to the stuff next to him, reluctantly and sit.

He seems unphased.

"I hate you.." I whisper.

His smile fades. 

Ha, that's what I like to see! If I can't be happy niether can HE!

Then a smirk appears on his face as his hand slowly goes up.

"Wait! What are you doing?" I hiss.

"I'm gonna tell on you!" He whispers back.

See, Ususally, this is where most people go and start pleading, and begging for mercy? Me, I ask for NO MERCY, not because I'm tough, but because I don't think. I just say whatever come out of my mouth.

"WHAT!?" I hiss louder.

He glances at me as I mouth something at him.

"OOOOHH!" He gasps.

"YOUNGJAE! What's the problem?" Mr.Teal finally directs his attention to Youngjae.



"YOU'RE A LIAR!" He snaps back.

"NO YOU ARE!" I stick out my tongue, and he mimicks me.

"ENOUGH!" The teacher yells. "Both of you apologize now before I give the both of your parents a phone call."

I frown, and in unison we both mutter "sorry."


I HATE being partners. And I HATE HER! I shouldn't even be here! I'm smart, just like the big kids! I should be in THEIR classes. Not here, with the likes of her! 

"What are you waiting on, NERD, let's get this over with." She flips her hair.

Her hair is really pretty, to bad it's wasted on an IDIOT like HER!

"Ugh." I roll my eyes and grab a worksheet. 

It's just math, I don't know WHY this isn't individual work in the first place.

"Why don't you just sit there and do it by yourself, and stay quite, and I sit here and do my work and be quite. Ok? Deal?" I stick my hand out.

She looks it at, judging it.

"I don't wanna shake that, it probably has mud all over it."

I look at it. "It CLEARLY doesn't."

"Yeah, but since you're a nerd you probably played in the dirt earlier searching for worms, didn't you?" She raises her eyebrows.

I think for awhile. "How would you know, you've been stalking me?"

"I don't even know what "STALKING" means, nerd boy!"

"Then read a dictionary! BABO!" I spit back.


I furrow my eyebrows, holding my head. All of this is giving me an headace.

"Oh my god, you're such an idiot." I mutter before reaching into my pocket.

"Here!" I rub my hands with sanitizer. "Take some." I offer.

"No, My hands are clean! And who carries sanitizer..wait, I know! NERDS LIKE YOU!"

I hear a chuckle, and I turn around to see daehyun chuckling. 

I glare at him and he shrugs.

"Sorry, it was funny."

I turn back to her.

"YOU are so irrelevent!"

"And YOU use big words that nobody understands! Cuz you're a NERD!"

I exhale and sit down. 

"FORGET IT! For the rest of the day, I'm ignoring you."



I hate math almost as much as I HATE YOUNGJAE. Almost. Why am I even doing this? There's noooo way I'm gonna finish this before the end of the day. So I might as well not even try.

Instead, I'll draw. I'll draw a kitty, I love kittens. Heh-heh, and I'll give it cute little paws with the nails painted, and a little silly headband! And a heart sweater! Heh-heh, its soo CUUTE! Almost like Youngjae. EWW! Where'd thought come from! That's repulsive...I heard youngjae say that once, I think it means....gross.

"Listen up class, once you're finished with you're partners doing the math, you get candy!"

My eyes buldge out!

"UGH!" I moan slamming my head down. 

I HATE math, but I REALLY like candy, I don't understand this work at all!!!

"URg! I'm dooooommmmeeeddddd." I mutter miserably into my sleeves.

"H-Hey. Charice? Are you almost done? I have already finished and I want to get our candy!"

I look up from my arms at youngjae, who awaits my answer.

"What does it look to you?!"

All the emotions on his face drains, causing him to give me a dull look.

"Well, hurry up. PLEASE!"

I roll my eyes and pick up one of my colorfull pins off my side of the table.

Umm, ok... seem's simple enough...

Umm, how would I do this?

"You...erm, need help?" Youngjaes voice softens, as he glnaces at my paper then at me.

I don't know why but it's in my nature to answer him roughly.

"Well, DUH!" I snap.

He rolls his eyes.

"Watch." he says before swiping some of my pens.


"Yeah, BUT YOU HAD FOUR!" He states.


"EXACTLY!" He grins.

I raise my eyebrows. "What?" Am I missing something?

He facepalms himself. "Ugh, your really a babo." He mutters.

"LOOK!" He points at my paper. "It says FOUR. MINUS. THREE." 


"And you had FOUR PENS."


"I took THREE."

"I'm aware." I use his words again.

"Now you only haveee...."

I look at my pen. DING!

"ONE! ONE! THE ANSWER IS ONE!!!" I grin, giving him a high-five.



I bite the tip of my pen. 

"You got it." Youngjae encourges me. "It's the last one."

"I know, but.. this one's complicated. It's a bigger number."

He get's up and leans over my shoulder and grabs my pen, writing on my paper.

He begins talking, but I can't really...understand what he's saying... 

All I can think is how cute his chubby cheeks are, there round and plump...and cute. He's like a puppy, or something..hmm...A HAMSTER. Heh-heh...hamster. He smells really nice too, unlike most boys, he smells like...hmm...chocolate or something sweet...hmm, cookies? Maybe. It's possible.

"Are you even listening?" He looks me in the eye.

MY cheeks heat up, maybe cuz I'm mad...

"Wha- YES! I'm listening." I scoff, taking the pen out of his hand.

He sighs, "Ok, then let's get this done."

I look at the paper, then back at him whose crossing his arms looking back at him.

Ugh, he caught me in a fib. I DON'T know how to do this at all.

I start to fill in some numbers.


I jump.

"WHAT! I did this totally right!" I whine.

I hear him giggle.

"It's not fun-" 

I chose the wrong time to look behind my shoulder, because just as I did, he leant in to help me and my lips brushed against his cheek.

"Erm." I touch my lips.

He doesn't make any eyecontact with me and continues to look at my worksheet.

His cheeks are red too, maybe he's mad...or...

"You should look this time." He finally breaks the silence.

"Mm-hmm." I nod then turn to my paper. I'll forget it ever happened...I hope.


She just...kissed me?
I'm sure it was an accident. I'm sure it was an accident. Focuse on math. Focuse on math.

Math, math, math, math, MATH!

"See, and then you carry the one." I say.

"Like thi-"  She just touched my hand. She just touched my hand. She grabbed the pen from me, and she just touched my hand.

I'm sure she didn't mean too... but she still did!


I shake my head as I see her face to face to me.

"Sorry." I clear my throat then examine her paper.

"Yup! Now we're all done!" I smile leaning back.

"YAY!" She jumps out of her seat. "Here! Take this!" she shoves my paper in my hand.

I haven't seen her this excited before...she looks really pretty when she smiles.

I take the paper.

"NOW HURRY!" She grabs my hand.



"Mr.Teal! We're all finished see!?" She realeses my hand and swipes my paper and hands it to the teacher along with her own.

"Great! See it wasn't that bad working with eachother was it?" He smiles.

It really wasn't, honestly.

I rock back and forth with my hands deep in my pocket.

"Yeah-Yeah-Yeah, it was lovely. Where's my candy!" She bounces.

I giggle covering my mouth.

She really is cute...

"Heres your's and here's yours." He says handing us candy.

She examines it. "What kinda RIP OF- HMPH!"

I cover and drag her away. "Thank you!" I smile to the man.

She grumbles.

"Why'd you do that?"

"You could've gotten in trouble!"

"So." She pouts.

She also looks cute when she pouts.

"We did all that work for NOTHING though! I hate this type of candy."

I frown.

"Here." I hand her my candy." 


"Why-why are you giving me this." I look at his hand.

He shrugs. "Because..I want to. So,take it."

I nod and grab it from him and give him mine. "Thank you. At least this way it's kind fair." 

He smiles a little.

I eat my candy and it's even sweeter than usual. I don't know why though.

Inbetween chewing, I don't know why but I keep staring at youngjae as he fiddles his wrapper.

"Why aren't you eating it?" I question.

"Um...honestly, I don't like this kind either."

"Then why'd you give me yours?"

He shrugs then keeps fiddling with his wrapper.

"Hmm." I break off a piece of my candy.

"Wha-what are you doing?" He questions.

"Here, we can share mines." I smile.

"No- that's ok, my hands will get stick and I don't really."

"Ah!" I request putting the candy up to his face.

"What are you doing?" he says suprised.

"So you're hands won't get sticky. Open!"

"I don't wan- OMF!" I shove the candy in his mouth and he chews.

His eyes widen in delight at how delicous the candy is.

"Hee-hee! You look like a little cute gerbile with your mouth all stuffed."

He swallows and before he can reply he gets cut off.

"Charice! Why are you still talking to the nerd? Come play with us." My friends call.

I glance at him.

He looks down at his foot.

I look back at my foot. "No, I think we misjuffed him. He's really cool!" I smile.

He giggles.

"What?" I questioned.

"You said "juffed"."


"It's judged, babo." He laughes.

I gasp and hit his shoulder. "Shut-up! NERD!"

"Ooh," he says laughing "I'm telling...."

"No!" I grab his arm.

He laughs harder. "I'm kidding."

"Whew!" I wipe the imagenary sweat from my forehead.

He covers his mouth again, giggling. He has a cute giggle. "You're silly." he says.


The bell rings and I wave bye to Charice who seems to be thinking of something.

I grab my coat from the cubbie and catch up to Daehyun outside.

"Hey man, how did it go with Charice?" He smirks.

Daehyun always have thought I liked her or something.

I shove my hands in my pocket.

"Well...It was...honestly. Fine." I smile a little.

"Ahh!" He points at me happily.

"You like her!"

"I do not!" I grit throgh my teeth.

"You do too, and here she comes right now."

"Yeah right, you said that last time-"

"Hey Youngjae?"

"AHH!" I jump, causing daehyun to laugh.

"Oh, Charice." I grab my chest "You really scared me!"

She giggles a little. "Sorry."

" up?"

She glances around. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the math." She stammers.

"Yeah, it was no problem."

"Yeah...." She says softly twirling her shoe on the sidewalk. "And sorry for alway being mean to're really nice."

"heh...sorry for being mean to you too, and it's ok that you-"

I freeze.

I saw her wave to me, and walk away but I couldn't understand what she said because of the amount of shock.

This time she did it on purpose! SHE TRIED to. And she sucedded....


"Close your mouth, Youngjae!" Daehyun laughs.

I shut it, and smile to myself a little, holding my cheek.

"Yeah, you TOTALLY...don't like her." He shoves me.

Maybe, aren't that bad. 




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Chapter 1: Hehehehe this must have been a wonderful childhood memory for clarice :D
Lucky little girl....
Chapter 1: URGH FEELS
thank you it was too cute yeahhhhhhh... and daehyun teasing LOL
Chapter 1: Omg so cute ;u;
I like the pictures ;D
i can't wait to read this ;A; youngjae is my new bias in bap kekeke
DJ-Mango #6
Update soon ~ ^^