Writing Songs

When No Fans Are Around (the real deal)


(different story but ofc, its about JUNSEOB <3)




Junhyung was in the studio, looking intently at the sheet music he was holding.




A knock then came on his door.




Without looking up, Junhyung already knew who entered.





"Hyungie~" Yoseob said.



"What Yoseob? I'm busy"



Yoseob pouted but he was persistent.




He sat beside Junhyung and aegyo-ed. "I have coke~ :3" He said, probably wishing that Junhyung will pay attention.




Junhyung smirked and shook his head.




He fought off a laugh and put his sheet music down. He then gestured Yoseob to sit on his lap.




To this, the visual maknae's face brightened up.




"Miss me already?" He whispered in Yoseob's ear.




Yoseob just grinned and laid his head on Junhyung's chest.


"Not really. I was just bored. ~kekeke"



Junhyung straightened his seating position and said, "So I'm just your past time?"




Yoseob faced him and said,, "Pretty much." He smiled. "Here, have some coke, I know you're tired and stressed out."





Junhyung smiled broadly after hearing this. "Thanks!"


He took the coke and opened it right away. He made numerous gulps with the coke in front of Yoseob that Yoseob his lips while watching his "hyung".





"Uhh,..." Yoseob starts.





"Hmmm?" Junhyung responds while still drinking his coke.



"I want some too please." Yoseob says with pleading eyes.




Junhyung stops and smirks.



"Hmm, Me or the can?" He smiled wildly at Yoseob.



Yoseob blushed. "Both please?"




And so they shared the coke. Junhyung drank from the can, then transferred some coke to Yoseob via their mouths.






But, what they didn't know, The room was adjacent and everyone could see them inside (lol) The JUNSEOB shippers were delighted <3 <3 <3



Someone screamed :"I knew it! They ARE REAL!!!"





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Chapter 3: Omg!! Update!! >///< hahaha seobie hiding behind the door~ I find that cute xD
luv_b2st #2
Chapter 2: kkk~ I would be scream the same too~ kkk~
this is kyeopta anyway...
Chapter 2: Bwahahah xD I wud be squealing if I saw them like dat kekeke cute~ update soon^^