Third Encounter

The First of Many Encounters


I need to stop thinking about him.
I mean, I nearly knocked a student over in the hallway by wanting to catch a glimpse of him.
Kris didn't want to though.
It was Tuesday evening, the day after Sehun and Kris had lunch with Park Chanyeol. Kris was laying on his bed after his daily shower. He hadn't completely dried as his hair was matted against his forehead, his pillow soaked with water, and his pajamas sticking to him. Even after the awkward lunch meeting, Kris coudln't simply stop thinking about him.
He didn't know way. He admitted, Kris had a certain attractioin towards the boy since they began high school. From the start of freshmen year, he remembered the energetic boy suddenly catching his hand and shaking it has hard as he could. He remembered those goofy, square glasses he always wore. His elf-like ears peeking out from under his curly hair. It was cute. But, Kris dismissed the feeling and went on with life.
It hadn't gotten bad till now. All through freshmen, sophomore, and junior year it was the same. A slight quick fluttering of the heart when he smiled and that was that. Nothing major. Now all of a sudden in the beginning of senior year, he starts to feel the fluttering grow longer, and the stares linger longer than they should. Mabye it was because I saw a different side of him at the cafe. Kris wondered. Nah...there wasn't much to see anyways.
That was the point though. He had never seen that side of him, and it intriguied Kris. He desired to see that side of Chanyeol much more than he should. He couldn't help it. Lightly groaning, he decided he should probably dry his hair before his mother scolded him of catching a cold.  As he dried his hair in front of the mirror his thoughts drifted to Chanyeol.
What's he doing right now?
Did he eat?
Is he out with friends?
I wonder if he sleeps with only boxers.
Does he have pokemon sheets?
What are some of his hobbies?
     "Aish!" He throw the towel on ground and stared at his reflection He pointed his index finger at the mirror. "You," he thought for a minute, "...need to stop thinking about him. Don't end up like Sehun and start to practically stalking him." He narrowed his eyes at himself, and slightly shook his finger at himself. "Don't..." 
     "Did I seriously just shake my finger at myself...?" Kris sighed. His arm went slack and returned to his side. "I need to go to bed." That night, as Kris laid in bed, sheets thrown over his head, he tried his best to keep Chanyeol out of his mind. But as he fell into a somber sleep, a pair of dark chocolate colored eyes seeped into his mind. 
     "I ing hate homeroom." Kris mumbled to no one in particular.
It was now Wednesday morning. Specifically, 8:00 AM. Kris' homeroom was a nightmare for him, he absolutely loathed it. He was stuck with nearly every team in the school. The a few football players were up in front flirting with the cheerlearders. Kris sneered, they are't even that good looking. A handful of the basketball players were in the middle of the class, they were debating on who had the best defense skills in the team. Kris rolled his eyes, our teams either way.
And in the back were some of the few students he could tolerate in homeroom. There was one member of the water polo team, Tao. He's really quiet, Kris noted. Seated next to him was a member of the badminton team, Jongdae. In the next seat of rows sat two members of the cross country team, Lay and Jongin. The two were joined at the hip since Kris could remember, he always doubted whether if they were just friends.
Kris sat in the last row, seated next the only student who wasn't on a team besides him, Kyungsoo. Kris liked Kyungsoo, in a friendly way of course. He was incredibly amiable to eveybody, he would do you any favors, and best of all he brings you food. Yes, Kris always favored this. When the students in his homeroom had gotten too annoying, and Kris was ready to punch anyone, Kyungsoo would put his small hand on Kri's shoulder and shove some food into his mouth. He is angry would immdiately melt as he chewed on a piece of homemade fudge.
     "I want you to try something,"
     Kris looked at Kyungsoo. "What is it?" It must be delicious.
     Kyungsoo looked down as his face was graced with a light coat of red. "I...I made some chocolates for somebody t-that I'm going to c-confess soon to, and I want y-your opinion." 
     Kris gave a small smile and plafully punched Kyungsoo in the arm. "No problem, man. I'm sure it's delicious."
Kyungsoo blushed a deeper red, and shyled nodded. He grabbed his bag and pulled a small container wrapped with a purple bow. He gently untied the bow.
     "I made 2 extra so you can try, if you like them I'll give them to the person today." He popped the lid of the container, and gingerly picked a small heart shaped chocolate. "Here..."
Kris held out his hand. Kyungsoo dropped it in this hand, and anxiously waited for Kris to taste it. Kris had no worries though, Kyungsoo's creations were the best. And this was no exception. As he slowly chewed on the piece of chocolate, his tongue was met with the sweet flavor of raspberry. The gooey substance was a perfect contrast with the crunch of the dark chocolate. The bitterness of the chocolate prevented the potential overpowering sweetenes of the raspberry. Perfection, Kris thought.
    "That was amazing, Kyungsoo." He smiled.
     Kyungsoo gave a small laugh. "Thanks. So, I take it that I can give these to...him?" 
     Kris nodded. "Totally," He pointed at the container. "you made two extra, didn't you? Can I have the remaining one?" 
     "Sure! I'm happy you like it." 
     As soon as the chocolate dropped in his hand, he threw it into his mouth and savored the flavor. "God, this is delicious. Mind telling me who the lucky fellow is?" Kris winked at him.
     Kyungsoo carefully looked around the room, and then leaned towards Kris. "Don't tell anyone though." He whispered.
     Kris nodded, leaning down to Kyungsoo's level. "I won't." Kyungsoo seemed to mumble something, but Kris couldn't here it.
     "Sorry I didn't hear you."
    "...ongin..." Kyungsoo hastily whispered.
     "I'm really sorry, I still can't hea--."
    "It's Jongin!" Kyungsoo finally screamed. Soon after he froze.
The two weren't worried about the fact that the students up in front could have heard them, they could care less. More specifically, they worried about the four boys that occupied the last row of seats. Kyungsoo was especially worried about one of the boys. Kris glanced up and found that the four boys were confusingly staring at them. Jongin looked utterly surprised.
     Kris gave a sheepish smile, and whispered through clenced teeth. "I think you were a bit too loud."
     Kyungsoo closed his eyes in embarrassment. "Only because you couldn't freaking hear!" He harshly whispered. Kyungsoo opened his eyes again, cautiously looked behind him, and quickly turned his head back. "Crap! He totally heard."
     Kris straightened up a bit and glanced at the others again. The three boys had stopped staring, one was stealing glances at them. "Straighten up," Kris lightly pushed on one of Kyungsoo's shoulders. "it looks suspicious."
Kris nonchalantly leaned back on his chair while Kyungsoo folded his hands and looked straight ahead. Kris could already imagine how red his face was, it made him chuckle a bit. Kris then glanced out the window, only to see a tall figure on the grass. Kris widened his eyes, his breath stopped. The figure casually waved at him, walked back to the hallways, and disappeared though the door.
Did ing Park Chanyeol wave at me?
After the homeroom incident, morning classes flew by quicker than expected. Normally, Sehun would have bothered him in Physics,  Pre-Cal, and English, but today he wasn't here. Weird, Kris had thought when the final bell for fourth period rang. He sighed, he's probably off with that waiter somewhere...what an idiot. 
Kris was anxious for what awaited him after fourth period. Lunch would begin and he had no idea if Park Chanyeol would show up and randomly decided to have lunch with him. Now, whenever Sehun would be absent Kris wouldn't mind sitting under the huge oak tree by myself. He liked being in a solitude state every once in awhile, just to think about some things. If Chanyeol were there, he would surely mess things up. It would feel incredibly awkward for him. 
Even when Sehun was with him, the lunch had felt awkward. The tension was so thick, you could slice it with a knife. The majority of the conversation was lead by Sehun and Chanyeol. Kris only talked when asked his opinion on something, or was asked a question. He avoided eye contact with Chanyeol at any costs. His mind would wonder back to the gaze the two had shared.
Kris expected Chanyeol to lean into him and quietly discuss their only interaction. But, nothing. No conversation of the coffee shop ever appeared, almost like it never happened in the first place. This angered Kris a little bit. Why didn't he just acknowlege this weird eye interaction thing?! Did he not mean it on purpose? Was it just a coinincdence we had stared at each other? Kris tightened his grip on his pencil. Bastard is making think of all kinds of weird things. And why hell should I even expect him to discuss it? It was just eye contact! Nothing more, nothing less...but I need to still need some clarifcation dammit.
Kris closed his eyes, and forced himself to calm down. A few seconds later he re-opened them. I need to calm down, he continued taking notes that were written on the board. I just need to speak with Chanyeol as soon as possible, if he doesn't come to the oak tree I'll go find him myself...Kris repeated this plan over and over again in his mind, hoping it can reassure his feelings of uncertainity. But, as the bell for lunch rang, his anxiety only heightned. 
Okay! You can do this Yifan! Kris gave himself a rather pitiful pep-talk on the way to the oak tree. He always called himself by his birthname in order to encouarge himself more; although, it rarely worked. He was pretty sure he squeezed all of the contents out of his sandwhich when he spotted a curly-haired figure under the oak tree.
. I can't ing do this. Nope. He wanted to quickly turn on his heel and walk away, but he stayed rooted in his place. He looked up at the blue, cloudless sky and took a deep breath through his nose. Come on, man. Just ing do what you gotta do, and everything will be fine. He nodded to himself and looked towards the figure under the tree again.
He tried to walk towards Chanyeol as confidently as he could, but he was pretty sure he looked like a robot who needed some oil to fix his rusty body. As he got closer and closer to Chanyeol, he could see had his long legs spread out in front of him. Kris' breath hitched as eyes roamed his (what seemed like a soft) chest. Today he had chosen to wear a white v-neck. The slit of shirt gave just enough exposure to leave you wondering what else is underneath his shirt.
He quickly adverted his eyes to his shoes. I'm acting like a girl! Stop it, Yifan. His small encouargement was crushed when he stopped two feet from Chanyeol and looked up at his face. Kris felt like he had been repeatedly been punched in the stomach with a sack of bricks as gaped in awe at Chanyeol. Kris didn't understand why he was such in awe, he looked completely the same as yesterday, but today is a weird day.
His face wore a small smile; although, big enough for his eyes to turn into two cresent moons. His right eye a bit more open than the other. The apple of his cheek sprinkled with one or two freckles reminded Kris of a ladybug. His small giggle made matters worse for Kris.
     Chanyeol gently tocuhed his cheek. "Is something on my face, hyung?"
     Hyung?! Kris nearly fell over. "H-Huh? Oh n-no! I was just uh...surprised to see you here. That's all." He gave a nervous laugh. Chanyeol pouted. Please don't ing pout, Kris pleaded in his mind.
    "Do you want me to leave then?"
    "No! Please stay..." Embarrassed to the core, Kris quickly sat down as far away as possible from him, ripped open his sandwhich bag, and began to eat.
It seemed that Chanyeol didn't mind the distance, and also begain to quietly eat his lunch. About five minutes had passed when Kris had finally calmed down from his erratic state. I can't ing believe he already called me hyung already...I kinda lik--
    "Hyung, we need to talk."
    He suddenly felt Chanyeol's breath very closely to his cheek. He whipped his head towards Chanyeol, they're thighs were touching again. Does he not have any respect for personal space?! Kris glanced down at him. "H-H-Hm?"
    "I saw you at the coffee shop with Sehun last friday."
    So he did remember. "Oh yeah! I saw you too." Kris smoothly said. He wanted to ask why he was there, but he couldn't bring himself to.
     As if reading Kris' mind, Chanyeol asked, "Wanna know why I was there?" He leaned in a bit too close for Kris.
    He tried to scoot back from Chanyeol, but his arms or legs weren't functioning as Chanyeol's faint smell of kiwi's filled Kris' nose. "Umm...s-sure?"
    " together!"
**A/N: Hello again! I hope the story isn't going too slow ;~~; but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and subscribe!
P.S. I hoped you enjoyed the scene with D.O. :33 be sure to expect some more kaisoo and hunhan later one!^^
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hopefully will have the next chapter up by 11! :D


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Chapter 8: Please update soon
TheShinyWobbuffet #2
Oh boy... now here comes the fiancee or the ex-girlfriend to ruin Krisyeol's relationship and break them apart for a while before she gets kicked out of their lives and Krisyeol lives happily ever after. *sighs.
Drama, drama, drama...
Big_Bang_Boi #3
Chapter 8: If only this happened in real life:p
onkeyslove #4
Chapter 8: hooooow hunhan!!! naughty lil boy lulu
umidek #5
Chapter 8: oh man this is amazing. c:
Chapter 8: holy cow. this is so good. akgjkff
; u ;
Big_Bang_Boi #7
Chapter 6: woooooaaaaa wasnt expecting that!!! nice update!
Chapter 7: omfg!! who is mei person /sobs
onkeyslove #9
Chapter 6: who the hell is meixing? his fiancee?
Chapter 6: omgomgomgg , whos that meixing omo