Ecstatic Overture

Ecstatic Overture

Chapter 1:

“Oppa!” Jun Hae called at the door.

“Looks like she’s home early…” Amber said as she opened the door.
“Hya!” Amber continued, “You look different. I mean you don’t look normal.”
Jun Hae bursts in, screaming…

“Oppa! Unni! Hal-aboeji! Ahjumma! Ahjusshi!” she exclaimed.

“What’s with the racket? “ Nickhun blurted while holding a frying pan.
He was actually cooking omelet for dinner.

“Oppa!” she yelled as she ran towards him.

Wooyoung and Taecyeon rushed to the kitchen as if something bad had happened. They were playing a video game and heard Jun’s loud voice.

Apparently, they thought something bad had happened and rushed away to the kitchen.

(What really happened in the kitchen)
“This is it!” Jun yelled. The noise almost made the entire house shake.
“I-I was accepted in D-daegu, Oppa!” wide eyes, she paused for a while.

“Hya, Oppa? Where’s hal-abeoji? Ahjumma? Jokwon-shi?” Jun blurted.

Victoria pushed Taecyeon and Wooyoung aside, rushed to Jun and hugged her.
“Jun! Congratulations!” Victoria said.
“U-unni?” Jun jolted.
“Hihi. Convincing Daegu’s President was not that hard. Hihi!” Victoria whispered.
“Uhmm…Hal-abeoji and ahjumma went back to Thailand and your Jokwon-oppa went home already.” she exclaimed.

Everyone left the kitchen. Amber went to the rack to pick some DVDs. Taecyeon and Wooyoung went back to the living room.

“Jun is really, somewhat, energetic tonight.” Wooyoung uttered.

“I guess. After being accepted in a high-standard university makes you high.” Taecyeon exclaimed.

“High?” Wooyoung continued “Is it like in drugs?”
The both of them laughed.

“Well, I thought something happened.” Wooyoung scratched his head.
“Me too. Oh well. back to the game!” Taecyeon rushed to the tv.

Not a moment later someone threw a pillow towards the Taecyeon. Then another one headed Wooyoung.

“I’m going to use the tv.” Amber eyed them “Can you two be more considerate for a while?” Amber shown them a cute puppy dog pouch and then smiled.

But her smile didn’t last…

“Or else…I’ll let you eat Nickhun’s omelet!” she grinned.

The both of them shrieked and flew away. They went to Jokwon’s apartment, just next door.

At the kitchen:

“Jun, umma and hal-abeoji went back to Thailand because of the company.” Nickhun blurted.

“If you gave up on auditioning you could have helped them in Thailand.” Victoria nagged.

“Then why did Jokwon-oppa went home? He lives here right?” Jun Hae said as she took a good glimpse of the omelet on the frying pan. She was traumatized.

“Jokwon lives next door.” Nickhun sighed and sat at the chair.

Victoria noticed Jun spaced out in front of the frying pan. She rushed towards her and looked at the frying pan.

“Wow! Nickhun-a, it’s all black. All black!” Victoria blurted.

Nickhun just sighed.

“Oppa, are we going to eat this for dinner?” Jun walks to the telephone
“I’ll just order for tonight.”

“I was planning to make breakfast for dinner.” Nickhun released a big sigh.
He then looked at Victoria who was all red. She was laughing to death.

“You were planning to poison us, Nickhun-a?” Victoria laughed.

“Stop laughing already. And why aren’t you calling me oppa?” Nickhun uttered.

“Waeyo?” she thought. Surprised, her eyebrows twitched.

“I’m older than you, right?” he blurted.

‘N-nickhun…O-o-oppa.” she continued “Wow. That was awkward.”
“Oh! You have a very ugly name. It matches your personality well.” Victoria laughed.

“Jun says it fine. Call me oppa!”
“Call me oppa or else…” he leaned towards her.

“Mwo? Mwo? Mworagoyo? Or else what?” she asked.
“Remember the time when we were at the Sky Tower? I think I still have the picture in my camera…”

“Mwo?!” Victoria exclaimed.

“ kiss.”

“B-b- k-kiss?” Victoria uttered.

“Taecyeon took a picture of us while we were sleeping at the bench. He said that it looks like our butts kissed.” he even leaned closer to her, about an inch or so.

Her eyes widened then her face turned red like a tomato. Then she panicked.

“A-alright!” she continued “O-o-o…”

“Mwo?” He leaned closer again.

“O-oppa.” she said of defeat.

Nickhun kissed her cheek and smiled.
She blushed and went to the living room where Amber was watching a horror film.

“What happened to you?” Amber blurted.

Fx and 2pm share the same dorm house. And apparently Nickhun owns it.

Jun Hae’s POV
--a night before classes start--

I am very lucky. Keke. At the last minute, I got in the to the school where Appa studied. Daegu, me and Daegu U! Keke.
It’s the best school ever!


Aaaah! Good morning! Good morning Daegu!
School is not that far from home and thanks to Oppa and Ahjumma who allowed me to stay in free. So, I could save to buy tons of clothes! \(^o^)/

Omo! The school gate is populated with students.
Omo! I’m the only one not wearing a uniform.
T,T This is the effect of being accepted in the last minute.

Where could be the School Director’s Office?

Eotteokhae! Eotteokhae! I can’t speak Banmal well. And my Korean, hate to say this but, it . T,T

“Watch it!” a guy yelled as he went down from his bike.

“Uhmm. Mianhae.” I replied.

Wait, did this guy just spoke in English?

“Uhmm. Excuse me. Do you know where the School Director’s office?”

“You’re a new student? You don’t look like one.” he continued, “I guess I could help you.” he locked his bike along the pole and walked with me

Im sorry if I don’t have a uniform yet, mister! And? You guess?
T,T It’s fine if you’re not going to help me. T,T

“So you’re headed to the School Director’s office? Follow me.” he blurted.

What a relief. I think my burdens just lessen.

“You don’t need to use formal words towards me.” he exclaimed.

Huh? I’m surprised. Oh, right. He can speak English.

“You can use gomapta or thank you.” he continued, “By the way, I’m Kim Kibum, I was once a foreign exchange student just like you.” he blurted.

I’m speechless. I was just looking at him with amazement. He had a nice posture and his hair is neatly cut. And he has a somewhat rusty voice with a mixture of a squeaky tone.

Then it hit me.

“Mwo? Foreign exchange student?” I blurted.

“Oh. here’s the Director’s office. Well, nice meeting you, uhmm?”

“Jun, I mean Jun Hae. Lee Jun Hae.” I smiled at him.
“But you can call me Jun.”

“Okay. Nice meeting you and welcome to Daegu U.” he smiled

Well, I guess he didn’t hear me ask.
Oh? He left already?

Key’s POV

Is this a silent type of girl? She has not been saying anything.
Oh well.

“You don’t need to use formal words towards me.” I exclaimed.
Uh? I think she didn’t hear me. T,T My friends say I have a naggy voice and this girl cant even hear me.

“You can use gomapta or thank you.”
“By the way, I’m Kim Kibum, I was once a foreign exchange student just like you.” I said.

Okay. I give up.

“Mwo? Foreign exchange student?” Jun exclaimed.

Hmm? Oh, here it is.

“Oh. here’s the Director’s office. Well, nice meeting you, uhmm?”

“Jun, I mean Jun Hae. Lee Jun Hae.” she continued “But you can call me Jun.”

She smiled at me. Keke. I’m a good schoolmate. 

“Okay. Nice meeting you and welcome to Daegu U.” I blurted.

Ah! I’m going to get detention if I don’t hurry up.


“Hya!” Seohyun-a yelled through the corridors.

“The sonsaengnim is already here. Dongsaeng! Move fast!”

“Chakkaman, noona!” I ran to get to the door.

I’m not late, it’s just that sonsaengnim is early. T,T Noona, please don’t get me into detention.

Jun Hae’s POV

“Everybody stand and address.” Seohyun recited.

Wow! And they have a girl class monitor. I wonder how she manage the boys?

Seohyun-a is the class monitor and so is the student body president.

“Annyeong hasaeyo, sonsaengnim!” Everyone recited.
Wow. She’s a bit strict. T,T I’m starting to get nervous. What if I? No! Don’t think of anything else Jun!

“All of you, take your seat. It’s a good morning, right?” Nickhun blurted.

Nickhun is their class adviser.

“Neh, sonsaengnim.” Seohyun and the others took their seats.

“Today we have a new transferee. Actually, she is a foreign exchange student.” Nickhun giggled “She is an exchange student from Thailand.”

Oppa? Why are you chuckling? Do you have to giggle?

“Please come inside and introduce yourself.” he instructed.

Omo! I’m going in now! I can do it!
O-okay!? KADA!

Hmm? Wow. Oppa is more mature now. He’s different when at home. Oh. Oh, right. He’s a teacher.

I walked through the door, I was smiling yet was feeling a bit nervous.
I faced my new classmates and smiled.

Huh? Is that the guy who helped me out? Ooooh. He’s my classmate.

“Introduce yourself.” Nickhun exclaimed.

“Oh? Oh! Neh.”
“Annyeong hasaeyo, Jun Hae imnida.” I blurted.
waah! That was horrifying. T,T

“Class this is Lee Jun Hae. She came from Thailand as I said earlier.” Nickhun continued, “She knows little of Korean language so please be cooperative enough.”

Did just oppa blurted my low Korean skills in front of the whole class?!
Oooh! He just did!

“Jun Hae sit next to Yoseob, there’s a free seat next to him.” Nickhun exclaimed.

Yoseob? Who’s Yoseob?
Oh. I’ll just look for a guy with an extra seat.
There’s an extra seat. And is this Yoseob?! He’s a bit in a daze at the window.

Is this guy sleeping while looking at the window? Wow. How a strange way to sleep.
Omo. Is he snoring? W-what the? He’s really asleep.
How can I wake him? Uhmm.

I took my notebook from my bag and purposely tapped it on the desk so he would wake up.
“Mmm?” he mumbled.
This is not good. Let me try poking him.

poke. poke. poke.
Wake up! *continues poking Yoseob*
End of POV

Nickhun’s POV

What’s this? What happened last night?
Why is everyone quiet? I guess they had a change of heart.

Hm? Lee Sung Jong don’t sleep at my class!
‘Seohyun-a, please wake Sung Jong up.” I blurted as I took a piece of chalk from my drawer.
“Neh, sonsaengnim.” Seohyun took her book for the first class and struck the sleeping Sung Jong with it.

Despite this very courteous girl is a man hater esp on boys her age and is not so kind-hearted to them either. Heh. Good thing I’m a teacher.
“Good. Sung Jong, now you’re awake, answer numbers 1-99 on the board.” I said.
Keke. That’s for sleeping every time I have a lecture!
Jun Hae’s POV
*still poking Yoseob*
W-what? Did that girl just…
Omo. Im not doing that. Poor person I think he grew a bump.

W-wait. Chakkaman! If this Yoseob won’t wake up yet he’ll end up like that too!
Jun! Don’t.

Aha! I have an idea.
I scooted near him. What if I bump on him? That always work with Taecyeon-oppa.

Hm? O-okay. Here goes.

“Ah?” Yoseob blurted.
Yes! It did work!

Yoseob then leans on the desk and…
*snores* Aigoo!

Tsk. Great, I have a seatmate but still don’t have a friend.
End of POV

“Okay, now everybody’s ready. Let’s start class.” Nickhun wrote something on the board while Sung jong was writing on the other side.
“Blah. Blah. Blah.”

-6th Period is Over-
Nickhun’s POV ---------------------Teacher’s Lounge
“Sonsaengnim…” Jun mumbled.
“Sonsaengnim!” Jun yelled.

I jumped over my seat. Mwo!? What the?!
“What the?!” I didn’t she was there.
“Oh, Jun.” I fixed my tie. “Is everything okay?”

“Neh. Sonsaengnim.” Jun continued, “I don’t know how to interact with others. And that Yoseob person he was sleeping all day long that’s why eventhough he’s my seatmate I wasn’t able to talk to him.”

Oh? Yoseob. Well, I expect that after seeing him work hard helping the crew last night.
“Oh.” I blurted.
“You know that he was sleeping. weren’t you?” Jun asked.
“Of course. I’m the teacher. So I know if someone’s sleeping in my class.”

“So why? I mean how about the guy who answered 1-99, sonsaengnim?” Jun uttered.
“Oh. He’s a regular sleeper in my class.”

By the way, students here are not so outgoing with newbies. Omo.
I’m not used to Jun calling me sonsaengnim.

“Jun. Join some clubs maybe you might meet some friends there.” I said just raise her hopes up.
Jun just sighed.

“Well, you just need a head start.” I blurted.
“NEH! Oppa.” “I mean sonsaengnim.” Jun laughed.

I guess she is not used to calling me sonsaengnim either. Keke.

Key’s POV
Secret training. Sigh. Waeyo? Waeyo?
Bad timing. I’m too tired for practice. Last night everyone has to come back to for field practice and this involves running 50 laps around the football field.
Mwo? And what’s this? Secret training? After we were chosen from the audition this secret training doesn’t stop!
This boyband is really tiring me. Then tomorrow morning is the audition for the water-ski club. Man. I so need a personal manager.

Another matter that is bothering me.
Seohyun-noona should ease out with boys. This punishment. Tsk.
Just for being lazy is no good for my skinny body.

Before anything else had happened, Seohyun found Key sleeping during his work at the library. She instructed him to bring 10 literature books to Nickhun-sonsaengnim as a punishment.

“Sonsaengnim!” I blurted.
“Noona made me bring these books to you.”

“Hm? Kibum.” Nickhun continued, “Just place them at the table.”

Wow. That was a relief.
My back hurts!
“Key, you are fluent in English, right?” sonsaengnim blurted.

Of course. Sonsaengnim forgot that I was an exchange student from CA but it was a year ago anyway.
“Can you help Jun with things?” Sonsaengnim continued, “Well, especially here at school.”

Jun? Who’s Jun?
“Neh. Sonsaengnim"
Why did I?

Did I?

Aigoo! I just did.

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Azmaria_Rizz #1
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You dont need to's my dream's too mixed up
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Oh no! Ang habaaaa! :P
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