First Snow Fall

First Snow Fall

I am walking in the snow alone on a lit up street, taking in the chilly yet magically first snow fall of the year. Bundled up in my trench coat hat and scarf. Suddenly SeungHyun comes out of nowhere, grabs me by the waist pulling me into him, leaving me no choice but to inhale his aroma of a cinnamon and a hint of smoke. He looks deep into my eyes, which in turn makes my breath hitch. He leans forward ever so slowly. I close my eyes knowingly and he gives me the most passionate kiss ever, Taking my breath away in the process, it feels like it lasts for a million years. He slowly pulls away almost taking me and my lips with him. My eyes flutter open and he looks at me intensively. Then he slowly gives me a little smirk and swiftly walks away almost like he vanished into thin air. I wake up from my trans state to the sudden feeling of coldness due to his missing warmth and his lack of presence. I look around and there is no one in the street but me.


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