Happy Valentines Day One Shot

Happy Valentines Day


Taemin looked up at the blue sky, white clouds wandering about, covering the sun. A pink orange hue ran over the horizon, an end to a perfect winter day. He stopped at the fence looking across the green fields as students in white uniforms kicked a soccer ball around. From a distances a tall dark haired boy made a goal and shot a kiss towards the sky.
Choi Minho. Taemin’s unrequited love. 
He sighed and gripped the fence watching closer as Minho strode toward the bleachers to get some water. From his bag, Taemin pulled out a small heart shaped box. Homemade chocolates, sealed with love. It was Valentines Day, a day for confession. 
Taemin looked up to see Minho wiping the sweat from his forehead. He smiled and started to walk toward the gate entrance.
But something got in the way. 
From the corner of his eye strode a blonde headed boy with a blue beenie hanging from his head and fake glasses perched on his nose. Kim Kibum. Minho’s best friend.
Taemin thought they were an odd pair. Kibum was a drama queen, completely obnoxious, but the two were practically inseparable. Taemin was envious. 
He watched as Kibum took the towel from Minho and wiped his sweat for him, like a mother. In return, Minho smiled and patted Kibum’s head. A sign of affection. They exchanged words which Taemin could hear, but he pressed his ear against the fence to try. 
“What are you doing?” Taemin jumped, almost dropping the chocolates. Kai stood by his side, his bag draped over his shoulder. 
“Don’t scare me like that.” 
“Spying on him again?”
“N-n-n-o..” Kai was Taemin’s child hood friend. They were to close. Way to close. Kai knew everything Taemin was thinking inside his empty little head, and it got pretty annoying. “I was just watching the soccer game.”
“Yeah sure… These for me? Thanks buddy.” Kai said as he snatched the chocolate box from his hand. 
“No.. they were… ah.. never mind. You can have them.” They began to walk away from the field, Taemin taking one last look at Minho as he an Kibum began to walk off the field together. 
He sighed again, and followed Kai down the sidewalk. Unrequited love . 
“Happy Valentines day to me…” he mumbled. 
A breeze hit Minho’s face as he ran to grab his towel to wipe his forehead. The air was nice today, and he loved this kind of weather when he played soccer. He looked up at the pink sky for a second, only to be startled by a hand snatching the towel from his hand.
“Daydreaming?” Kibum said as he patted the sweat dripping from Minho’s forehead. 
“Something like that. What are you doing here? I thought you went home?
“I thought we could go somewhere after your practice. I’m hungry.” He continued wiping his forehead.
Minho caught his arm, and Kibum looked up, starring at each other for a while. He was so beautiful, thought Minho. He had been in love with Kibum from the moment they meet.
It as weird.
They were complete opposites, totally incompatible. But Minho didn’t care, he loved him, and wished they could stay like this moment forever. Minho broke the silence. “I’ll get my stuff.” 
He told the coach he was leaving and the both walked off the fields. 
“Where do you wanna go eat?” asked Minho.
“Actually,” Kibum began to pull something from his bag. “I made food.”
They decided to travel through to the park and watch the sun go down as they ate. On the way they crossed through a small cemetery they had never seen before. A boy was standing at a grave, his hands shoved in his pockets. “He goes to our school.” Minho said as he spotted the blue uniform jacket in his hand. 
When they reached the park Kibum pulled out a blanket from his bag, and they ate. When they were done they saw the fountain across the park light up in neon pink. They spotted several couples taking pictures in front of it. Minho could see the look of envy cross Kibum’s face as he watched.
So he grabbed his hand, and brought him over. “Smile.” He said as he pulled out his phone. Kibum smiled, as Minho gently kissed his forehead causing the other to blush. 
“Wha-what a-are you doing?”He pulled Kibum into a hug as he sputtered the words. 
“Happy Valentines Day.” Minho wished they could stay like this forever. 
“Wanna go to my place and play video games?” Taemin asked Kai as they crossed the street.
“Actually I think I’m gonna go this way…” Kai answered as he stared off into the distance to his left. 
“Okay…” Taemin paused. “Tell him I said hi.”
By the time Kai snapped out of his daze, Taemin was already around the corner. 
He proceed down the small sidewalk, passing small eclectic shop on the way. He stopped to buy a single potted flower, and carried it with him carefully as he walked. When he reached the cemetery he panicked for a moment, still a bit shaken by past events. But a cool breeze eventually calmed him down.
He placed the flower on the small marble grave, and smiled. Kai grew silent for a moment, cherishing the atmosphere around him. From a distance he could here two people rustling by the cemetery, whispering something, but he chose to ignore it.
He stood, and stood, and stood, till the sky was almost dark. The moon peeped through just enough so the white engraving on the marble shinned.
It read, “ In Loving Memory of Do Kyungsoo 1993-2011.”
Tears fell from Kai’s eyes, but he still held a smile. “I miss you hyung.” He choked on his words. 
“Happy Valentines Day.” 
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Chapter 1: ah, so sudden. kaisoo :'(