Hana's Storybook Ending



A woman crying on the curb of the street, a confused young boy, and the corpse of a girl splattered on the sidewalk. What happened on that day a was a common tragedy nothing special but it still hurt many people. Who was she? What happened? All good questions that to answer we must go to a seemingly normal and happy past.


Hana her name was Hana and she grew up in Ulsan she was of average or maybe above average intelligence. I say was because if you couldn't already guess she killed herself. But the real question is why? No one saw this coming they never do, it shocked neighbors friends teachers and classmates. But if they took a deeper harder look they could've been able to answer all their questions.

Because I don't want to waste my time talking about her past life I'll sum it up quickly. Hana had everything she could ever want except understanding parents. Her parents treated her like a princess a princess puppet they planned her life like a storybook and her life was just a puppet show. So here you have a storybook family of two puppet masters and their marionette. Hana was going to become a doctor, a surgeon she was going to have money and a wonderful life or at least that's what her parents thought. Hana didn't actually know what she wanted to be she just knew that surgeon wasn't on her list. Sure she rebelled against the puppet masters and tried to cut the strings but they were made out if steel or something because her attempts were useless. She saw no way out although if she looked a little harder I'm sure she would've found one.

Anyways one day she decided that life wasn't worth it. Poor girl had been stowed away in her castle for so long that she didn't know what was out there for her. So she decided to jump from her tower on the tenth floor and died instantly. Leaving a passing woman and her boy as witnesses. The woman broke down and sat on the curb while her son was left asking the same question everyone eventually asked why? The woman couldn't answer between the tears instead she did what she could first she prayed then she thought.

This can't be happening


But it did happen.

She saw the stories in the news all the time but now it wasn't just happening on her television screen it was happening in front of her on the sidewalk. Once she got a grip on reality and she stopped crying she called the police and prayed again.

As she waited the boy consoled her even though he didn't know why. Then he asked again why? The moths with blood red eyes answered in a whisper ' I don't know'. When the police finally arrived they took the girl's lifeless body and carried it away. After that they began question the woman about what had just happened she described the horrible event that had unfolded before her the the police dismissed her.

Soon after the parents got notified and the news that Hana was no longer alive spread like wildfire. Everyone asked the same questions and got no answers. Her funeral was held on a Sunday her coffin remained closed because here corpse was unbearable to see. If you would have gone to that funeral you would have known who the parents were. Her mother cried hysterically asking why? Did she honestly not know that she was the cause? Maybe she did but she like anyone she did not want to be seen as the hand that destroyed her daughter. Her father cried too only he cried less but thought more he asked something other fathers wouldn't dare was I the reason Hana jumped? The question made him want to do the same. The family was of the few Catholics in Korea the priest read from the bible and everyone prayed and then everyone went home.

Hana's death caused many people pain and it caused many others to rethink their lives. But Hana's death wasn't unique her death was a number. Her death was now just another statistic in the report if how many decided to take their lives that year. When the authorities took her from the sidewalk that day they simply thought third one this week and took her as if nothing had happened. It's frightening to think that some people numb to the sight of dead teens but it's a job that someone has to do so why not numb to the sight? It makes the job a whole lot easier. Another thing that's frightening to think is that Hana thought about this and then had the guts to carry out this horrible plan. I wonder if Hana ever thought of other ways to kill herself. It's a devilish thought I know but did she? I think she should have just slit her left wrist because it's close to the heart and this way she wouldn't have scared the boy and his mother. I also thought why jump? is it because there is no turning back or because she hoped somebody would see. Whatever the reason she still ended up with what she wanted nothing and nobody. Hana didn't get the storybook ending her parents wrote her but I gues it wasn't what she wanted right? 

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