Love makes people stupid

Weather Forecast: Showers, Sunny, Cloudy, Stormy

Weather forecast: Showers

Pairing: Myungzy (or any pairing you like actually, since no names were mentioned ._. heh.)


“Stop waiting,” people said, “Even if the sea waters dried up, she won’t come to you.”

“She will,” I’d say, “I’m positive she will.”

They’d sigh and shake their heads, but I never stopped waiting for you.

I thought, if I stood by you long enough, you’d come.

I thought, every time you smiled at me, I thought.


I’d been waiting for you all this time, and finally, you came.

But your heart was too crowded, so you just went away and left me behind,

With a cloud of gray ash mocking me about how stupid I am.


But what’s more ridiculous is that even after this, I think, “Then I won’t wait anymore – I’ll chase after you.”


“Love makes people stupid,” I muse, while placing the last few rolls of kimbap into the lunch box.

“But because it’s you, I don’t mind being stupid.”



*(I think most of you know but) kimbap is korean sushi rice rolls

A/N: Hi ^^ This is actually inspired by multiple experiences of having my bus leave right in front of me (yes, because it's too crowded) OTL ><

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littlejinx #1
Chapter 3: LOL! heyy, since you're writing these really short excerpts, why not make them into poems? that would be really cool... something free-form~
littlejinx #2
Chapter 1: To the girl who wrote such a d'awww fluffy myungzy short story - thank you :)
Chapter 4: I hate how you could write so perfectly as if the story really did happened.

Haha, just kidding~~~ ;'D
I love this chapter. Tired between studies so here I am reading your update and I so love it <3
The description with simple sentence structures told a story, so beautiful and heartbreaking in such a short chapter T~T
Feeling sad for her especially when the phrase 'hold another woman in your embrace' and 'ps.' Note came about )':
Hope to read for updates from you kekeke ~^^
Enjoy your holidays :p !
Chapter 3: Love indeed make people stupid and it's always a game whereby the first to fall in love loses. Because the more you love, the more likely you would be the 'stupid one'...
Chapter 3 has really good description :')
If only one can 'un-love' someone as they wish. Only then it will hurt less, I guess.
I really like chapter 2 too, it's impactful. The last line. :') I see a double whammy on Dongwoo. First you fall in love with your best friend and next, you see her get married w another. TT
Chapter 1 is fluffy and cute too. Short but tells a story on its own^^.
Pardon my insubstantial comment on the series. I am on my phone now XD
Chapter 2: So sad for dongwoo >; i am a homi shipper actually so i am happy for them ^_^

but since dongwoo needs happiness too, i'll give namjoo /throws namjoo

Chapter 1: Aweeee that's so sweet :3 MyungZy <3 and I like that story you mentioned too :D Keep writing author-nim! :) Fighting! :)
sekaibaekarelife #7
Chapter 2: Plz update soon!
Myungzy plz.
Chapter 2: Dongmi story so sadddd
N im hoji shipper
chocopretzels #9
Chapter 1: I love your title, your writing style (short yet concise), your plot, everything!
I really can't wait to read more rest of the chapters :)