Prompt: Parody



OnTae prompt - Parody

This “fic" will contain different prompts for OnTae parody fics in the “chapters”


Rule: 1. Copy the prompt in your forward with our logo and link it back to the chapter of the prompt you used.

Rule 2. Leave the link to your story in the comment section below. After it’s written and posted, you will officially be a part of OnTaeism. Your name will be put on our main page as a faithful OnTae shipper. We will link your name to your fic.(or aff wall if you have used more than one of our prompts.)



If this prompt inspires you to make a poster/fanart, rules 1&2 still apply and it will be posted here as well. You will also be a part of OnTaeism that way~





Title: (Base it off your parody)

Pairing: OnTae

Summary: Find a movie/TV show/book and add the OnTae twist. Change the characters names and make a shinee parody of it.

Bonus: Include a scene with the things you think OnTae fics need more of.



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